Table of contents

Final Fantasy 16's The Rising Tide DLC centers around Leviathan, and players will eventually do battle with this powerful Eikon. While much of the fight with Leviathan is quite straightforward, there is a fairly tricky DPS check in its third phase. This guide explains how to get past that check, and it will help players beat Leviathan in Final Fantasy 16: The Rising Tide.

This guide was written while playing on Final Fantasy 16 's Action Focused difficulty setting.

Final Fantasy 16: The Rising Tide - Best Leviathan Eikonic Abilities

Leviathan is the new Eikon in FF16 The Rising Tide, giving Clive new Eikonic abilities to work with; here're the best of them.

Final Fantasy 16: The Rising Tide - How to Beat Leviathan

Phase 1

Players should approach the first phase of Final Fantasy 16's Leviathan fight with a defensive mindset, looking to use precision dodges to avoid the Eikon's various lunges, dives, projectiles, beams, and tail whips. Indeed, fans who focus primarily on dodging Leviathan's assault will find that the beast provides numerous opportunities for counterattacks, with the moments immediately following a lunge acting as the biggest windows. Players can make the most of those opportunities by using Spitflare or the following combo (which ends with an Aerial Backdraft Finish): square, triangle, square, triangle, square, triangle, triangle.

While players should feel free to use Brimstone as an offensive tool during Phase 1, it is recommended that the skill be used to block a couple of attacks. Specifically, Brimstone is a great way to deal with Riptide and the projectiles from Grand Fall , and Final Fantasy 16 fans should simply hold R2 + square to absorb the damage from those attacks.

Phase 2

A strong defense is once again the key to completing Phase 2 of the fight with Leviathan, and players should use precision dodges against the Eikon's basic lunges, tail whips, beams, and projectiles. Indeed, dodging those straightforward attacks frequently puts Ifrit in a good spot for a counter, and Spitflares and square, triangle, square, triangle, square, triangle, square, triangle, triangle combos are great ways to take advantage of those opportunities.

Unlike Phase 1, Leviathan's head will not always be perfectly positioned for a counterattack after dodging a lunge, tail whip, or beam. If a player does find themselves out of position following a dodge, they should use Ifrit 's Wildfire to quickly close the gap.

With respect to addressing the more elaborate attacks that Leviathan performs during Phase 2, here are defensive strategies for all of them:

  • Breach: Use Wildfire to quickly get outside the ring in the water.
  • Riptide: Hold R2 + square to absorb the attack with Brimstone.
  • Waterjet: Watch the path of the jet, and avoid it with a dodge or Wildfire.
  • Salt Spray: Use Wildfire and dodges to get to the right side of the arena and avoid the projectiles.

Phase 3 (DPS Check)

As has previously been indicated, this is perhaps the most difficult phase of the fight, as the window for dealing the requisite amount of damage is quite small. For those players who are struggling with this DPS check in FF16's The Rising Tide DLC, here are details on how to break through Leviathan's shield:

  1. Use Spitflare immediately. This will make it possible to use the skill three times during Phase 3.
  2. Use Wildfire to quickly approach Leviathan, making sure to avoid any eruptions on the ground. If the Eikon sends out projectiles during the approach, players should attempt to continue moving forward while precision dodging them.
  3. Use Brimstone as soon as Leviathan is reached.
  4. Use square, triangle, square, triangle, square, triangle, square, triangle, triangle combos on Leviathan, only stopping to precision dodge the projectiles and eruptions that appear.
  5. Use the strategy detailed in Step 2 to quickly close the gap after the first knockback.
  6. Use Brimstone and Spitflare as soon as they are available. Players should be able to perform two Brimstones during this second engagement.
  7. Use the combo from Step 4, and dodge projectiles/eruptions until the second knockback occurs.
  8. After reengaging Leviathan following the second knockback, resume the aforementioned combo.
  9. Use Brimstone and Spitflare as soon as they are available. Players should be able to finish Phase 3 with a third Spitflare during the final countdown.

Phase 4

The fourth phase is quite similar to the second, and FF16 players should once again be looking to counter after precision dodging a basic lunge, tail whip, beam, or projectile. Leviathan does have some nasty new attacks at its disposal during this phase, though, and here are details on how to address them:

  • Maelstrom: Hold R2 + square to absorb the initial explosion with Brimstone, and then precision dodge to avoid the projectiles. It is recommended that players always save Brimstone for this attack.
  • Waterspout: Leviathan will summon a huge water cyclone near Phase 4's midpoint, and players can avoid it by using Wildfires and dodges to reach the left side of the arena.
  • Angry Seas: Players should begin by holding their position. As the circles of water close on FF16's Clive, fans should jump and dodge to avoid them. Players should then hold R2 + square to absorb the large explosion and precision dodge the projectiles that follow.
final fantasy 16
Final Fantasy 16

June 22, 2023
Square Enix