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The previous main scenario quest of Final Fantasy 16 concluded with the last Mothercrystal in Storm being destroyed by Clive. While this would seem like a victory at first, Ultima soon showed up and used his power to cover the sky in ominous clouds. Ultima's goals appear to be proceeding exactly as he planned.

In spite of the situation getting worse, Clive is finally reunited with his brother, Joshua. The next main scenario quest depicts the state of the realm and the chaos that is rapidly destroying it. Here is what Final Fantasy 16 players can expect as they begin the main scenario quest "Things Fall Apart".

This walkthrough contains spoilers, so players should proceed with caution.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 16 Review

Take a Break


Having completed a major story point in Final Fantasy 16, players will unlock all sorts of new content. First off, players will now have access to Bahamut related abilities. Like with Titan, these abilities are significantly more powerful than anything players have had access to up to this point. So it is a good idea to consider unlocking and improving these new abilities with any ability points that players may have.

Before speaking with Otto, players will also want to visit Charon and Blackthorne as they both have new items and recipes respectively. With Blackthorne players will unlock the recipe for Brightburn. While it is only a minor upgrade over a weapon like Excalibur, it is still worth it. Charon's new stock is mostly unremarkable, but she does begin to sell the Night Terrors Orchestrion Roll for 20,000 Gil.

At the reading table, players will have several new missives they can read. Depending on what side quests players have done up to this point, reading the new missives can potentially unlock a trophy as players will be contacted by those they assisted. Several new Notorious Marks become available for players to hunt as well. Most will be higher rank enemies, so players will need to be prepared for difficult battles if they choose to go after them.

Talk to Otto, Vivian, and Harpocrates


Once ready to advance the story, find Otto in the Mess and talk to him to trigger a cutscene where Otto talks about the lack of good news. Following that conversation, speak with Vivian and Harpocrates. The order doesn't matter, so players can speak to whomever they want to first. Vivian gives her usual state of the realm lecture. Harpocrates speculates on the actions of Ultima and the darkening skies.

From there, speak to Otto again. There have been developments and they are all bad news. Monsters and Akashic are attacking their allies. At this point, players will have three objectives. The first is to aid Mratha's Rest, the second is to aid Northreach, and the third is to help Dalimil. There is no specific order that players need to do these objectives in. Open up the world map and fast travel to one of the locations to begin progressing the story.

Aid Martha's Rest


Go into the inn at Martha's Rest and speak to Martha. From there, head southeast toward the Fallen Gate. Defeat the group of enemies that approach and then talk to the wounded men. After a brief cutscene, go southwest and use the lift to fight another group of enemies. After a cutscene, go north toward Rhiannon's Ride to fight another large group of enemies. Once the following cutscene is finished, the request will be completed and players can continue aiding the other areas.

Aid Dalimil


Speak to L'ubor near the fast travel point for Dalimil. Supplies were stolen, and Dalimil is falling into chaos. Go to the inn afterward to trigger a cutscene and then speak to Viktor. Next, talk to L'ubor and then talk to both Konrad and Natalie. Once that is done, go back to Viktor and talk to him again. From there, go north to intercept the incoming group of bandits. Defeat them all to trigger a cutscene and the request will be finished.

Aid Northreach


Enter Northreach and speak to the Veil Courtesan outside the Veil. After that, head to the Imperial Training Grounds and speak to Isabelle. Next, talk to the two survivors in the training grounds to learn more about the monsters that attacked. With the information gathered, head to Moore. Upon arriving, eliminate Ultima's minions. Once all the enemies are dead, a brief cutscene will play and the request will be completed.

Return to the Hideaway


Once all three areas have been helped, return to the Hideaway and speak to Otto. This triggers several cutscenes. Once they are done, travel to the Krozjit Echoes to advance the story and begin the next main scenario quest.

Final Fantasy 16 is available now on PlayStation 5.