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After a brief delay in the previous main scenario quest of Final Fantasy 16, Clive, Jill, and Goetz managed to make their way through the barricade that stood between them and their objective. The Mothercrystal in the Crystalline Dominion is the last Mothercrystal in all of Storm, and destroying it would be a major victory for Clive and his allies.

Of course, the Crystalline Dominion is held by the Empire, and they will not allow anyone near the Mothercrystal without a fight. Luckily for Clive and Jill, some unexpected chaos creates a perfect window of opportunity for them. Here is what Final Fantasy 16 players can expect as they begin the main scenario quest "Fire in the Sky".

This walkthrough contains significant spoilers, so players should proceed with caution.

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Go to the Belltower


As this main scenario quest begins, players will find themselves on top of the roof of a building. Walk across the roof and then take a left across the nearby scaffolding. Climb up the wall to reach another roof and then climb the ladder to reach the top of a tower. Upon reaching the top of the ladder, a cutscene will trigger. Once it is done, players will be down on the streets.

Not long after, players will be spotted and attacked by a group of dragoons. Proceed a little further and fight another group. Once all enemies have been defeated, make sure to loot the nearby chest and then crawl under the ruined archway. Eventually the road breaks and becomes a slope that leads players directly into the sewer below the city.


The passages through the sewer are narrow, so it is difficult to avoid battles here. Luckily, none of the enemies are strong, so players should have little difficulty clearing them out. Before long, players will be back out on the streets. There is a Potion on the nearby dock. Pull the lever to go higher up and reach an enemy checkpoint. Kill the guards and go through the checkpoint. Further ahead, players will encounter a larger group of enemies.

Deal with this group and then go through the small iron gate and climb up the ladder on the other side. Keep following this path and deal with any group of enemies that get in the way. Eventually players will come across a large set of double doors. Make sure to be fully healed up before going through, as a boss fight waits on the other side.

How to Beat the White Dragon


In this large courtyard, players will find themselves facing off against a non-corrupted dragon. The battle opens up with the White Dragon unleashing a barrage of ice attacks. Dodge these projectiles and wait until the attack ends before going on the offensive. The White Dragon will also periodically spin and charge toward players. This attack happens with little warning, making it more difficult to dodge than other attacks.


Once in a while, the boss will stomp down on the ground with its front feet, unleashing a burst of energy under it. When the boss falls below 70% health, it will cast Emanation. This attack conjures several ice crystals that float around the boss and shoot out beams of blue energy. These beams do a lot of damage, so players should focus on just dodging until the attack ends.


Another attack that players will want to watch out for is when the White Dragon unleashes a breath attack onto the ground underneath it. This creates a large blue circle on the ground that players will want to get out of as fast as possible. At 25% health, the boss will cast Dragon Dance. This attack is similar to Emanation, but it also unleashes a group of blue spheres that gradually move toward the player. Keep dodging the attacks and go back on the offensive once it is over. Keep attacking the boss and it will eventually fall.

Speak With Jill


After a series of cutscenes, players will be in a new area. Before speaking with Jill, it is recommended to resupply by purchasing items from Goetz. Goetz can also craft armor and weapons as well, so make sure to use this service if needed. When ready, approach Jill and speak to her.

Go to the Heart


Follow what is left of the path to go through some ruined buildings to reach an open area with enemies. Kill them and approach a small iron gate. Go through the gate and drop down to reach another area filled with enemies. A lich is among this group, so keep an eye out for it. Once this group has been defeated, climb up the nearby wall and move forward to trigger a cutscene.

Once the cutscene is over, continue onward toward the heart of the Mothercrystal. Kill a small group of enemies and keep following the path up toward the heart. Keep moving and eventually players will encounter a boss they fought earlier in the game, the Undertaker. Defeat Undertaker and continue along the path to eventually trigger another cutscene followed by a boss battle.

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How to Beat Necrophobe


Players will encounter an entity that looks similar to Ultima. Necrophobe is a large foe that relies on four small devices to unleash devastating ranged attacks at players. Dodge the various projectile attacks and move in to attack Necrophobe. This boss is very mobile and will constantly try to get away from players. The boss will also periodically charge toward players, so be ready to dodge that.


At 75% health, the boss will cast Elemental Disonance. Move away from the boss to avoid the attack. At this point, the boss will begin to cast high level magic spells like Firaga and Blizzaga. As the boss reaches 40% health, it will begin to charge an attack. Deplete the purple bar to prevent the attack from going off. The boss will begin to infuse its weapon with Firaga and Blizzaga, so keep an eye out for those attacks.

As Necrophobe's health depletes, it will begin to use Dual Cast for its spells. Players will have to be ready to dodge the same spell twice when this happens. Keep up with the boss and damage it until it dies. After the boss is dead, continue following the path forward. Enter the building and go up the stairs. Upon entering the next room, a cutscene will play. Following that, it is time for another Eikon battle.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 16: Best Bahamut Eikonic Abilities

How to Beat Bahamut


This boss battle starts out as a series of Cinematic Strikes and Evasions. Once those are finished, an arena forms and players will be able to fight Bahamut for real. Dodge Bahamuts attacks and pummel him. At roughly 80%, the Phoenix enters the fight as part of a cutscene and players learn the Spitflare ability. This is essentially a breath attack where Ifrit shoots out a beam of fire.

When Bahamut reaches 60% health, he will cast Gigaflare. This ability cannot be avoided as it is part of a cutscene. At this point, players will assume control over Phoenix and continue the fight against Bahamut. Focus on shooting Bahamut while also dodging his attacks. When Bahamut conjures a ring of spheres, destroy them with the projectile attack. Bahamut will also cast Megaflare, which can be difficult to completely dodge.


As Bahamut reaches 50%, look for glowing projectiles with health bars. Destroy these as quickly as possible and then resume attacking Bahamut. As the fight progresses, Bahamut will begin to cast Gigaflare again. This ability has a long countdown. During this time, players must destroy all five of the spheres around Bahamut to prevent the attack from going off.

Eventually the fight goes back down to the arena and players regain control over Ifrit. Watch out for Bahamut's attacks and go on the offensive between his abilities. When the Phoenix conjures a semi-sphere shield, get inside it to avoid taking massive amounts of damage from Teraflare. This triggers a Cinematic Clash and the fight continues after this. Once Bahamut falls below 10% health, two Cinematic Clashes will occur and players will emerge victorious.


Or so players may think. After a brief cutscene, a new fight against Bahamut occurs up in space as players control a fusion of Ifrit and Phoenix. Bahamut will cast some of his abilities from earlier, but the biggest thing to watch out for is the beam attack that he unleashes from his mouth as there is little warning when it happens. As Bahamut falls below 50% health, a Cinematic Evasion will occur.

When Bahamut begins to cast Teraflare, deplete the purple gauge to stop the attack. Keep up on the offensive and once Bahamut falls below 10% again, a Cinematic Clash will occur and players will emerge victorious for real this time. Following the battle, a series of cutscenes will bring the current main scenario quest to a close.

Final Fantasy 16 is available now on PlayStation 5.