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During the previous main scenario quest of Final Fantasy 16, Clive was forced to make a detour to a tower where Barnabas awaited. With the barrier blocking the way to the last Mother Crystal, the only way forward was by overcoming Odin's Dominant. While Barnabas was certainly a formiddable foe, Clive ultimately managed to emerge victorious and inadvetently leave with some new powers unlocked.

Now that Barnabas is out of the picture, Clive and his allies can turn their attention back toward the final Mothercrystal. But there is still a good amount of distance between them and their goal. While Gav leaves to get a survivor to safety, Clive and Joshua continue their journey. Here is what Final Fantasy 16 players can expect as they begin the main scenario quest "Brotherhood".

This walkthrough contains spoilers, so players should proceed with caution.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 16 Review

Onward to Stonhyrr


With the barrier now gone, players can continue the journey to Stonhyrr. Go north toward the Mothers' Mines. To leave town, approach the gate and press "R2" to remove the board. Along the way, players will come across a side quest called "Laid to Rest". This quest rewards 1,200 Gil and 30 Renown. While it is entirely optional, it is in an area players will be going anyway.

If players are low on supplies, they can fast travel back to the Hideaway if needed.


Continue following the path north and go through the gate. In the next area, Final Fantasy 16 players will have to deal with several large groups of enemies that spawn one after the other. Eventually, players will have to deal with a large group of orcs. Once all the enemies are dead, players can heal up if needed and go through the gate to continue the journey to Stonhyrr. Inside the gate, there is a chest to the right.


Upon emerging from the other side of the gate, a brief cutscene will play and the final Mothercrystal will be visible from afar. Go down the stairs and approach the obelisk to open this area for fast travel. If players chose to start the "Laid to Rest" side quest, it can be reached by going left toward a spot between Kritten Hollow and Vidargraes.

To advance the story, follow the road northeast toward Stonhyrr. There are lots of enemies in this area, so players should prepare accordingly. Approach the obelisk to unlock fast travel and trigger a cutscene. After the cutscene is over, the map will open and players will be able to travel to Drake's Spine.


Alternatively, players can go back to other areas first and complete some side quests if they wish. Blackthorne can craft Everdark, which is a decent sword if players do not have Ragnarok or Gotterdammerung yet. Charon offers a new consumable called Last Elixir. This powerful consumable may cost 20,000 Gil, but it automatically restores players to full health if they happen to fall in battle. Not only that, but it provides a boost to attack power and defense for one minute.

There are also several new Notorious Marks in Ash that players can hunt now that Barnabas is dead. As Final Fantasy 16 is slowly drawing to its conclusion, players will want to start thinking about what they want to finish before continuing the story. Upon traveling to Drake's Spine, the next main scenario quest will begin.

Final Fantasy 16 is available now on PlayStation 5.