Adventurer plates: they’re all the craze these days in Final Fantasy 14. Whether one’s from Limsa Lominsa, Gridania, or the city of Ul’dah, they’ll find themselves surrounded by Final Fantasy 14 players sporting their own adventurer plates – each one just as unique as the last. Those who are interested in creating an adventurer plate may find this guide useful, as it will shepherd them through the entire process.

Creating a Portrait For Adventurer Plates

The first thing that players need to do is open up their Portraits menu in the Character tab on the lower-right portion of their screen. This menu allows them to set up freeze frames of their Final Fantasy 14 characters in various poses and expressions. Portraits are independent – and by default – unlinked to an outfit, meaning that players can cycle through their saved frames in different gear until they find that perfect shot.

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The options in creating a Portrait consist of choosing from a plethora of backgrounds and borders to posing one’s character. Posing can cycle through a player’s unlocked emotes. Like the game’s /gpose photo mode, it allows combining facial expressions with poses seamlessly and supports dynamic head-turning and eye-tracking.

portrait adventurer plates final fantasy 14 ffxiv guide

While the number of Portraits a player can save is 20 (with plans to expand the number to a hundred by 6/15), only two can be displayed at once: a player’s Adventurer Plate portrait, and their Instant Portrait used before the start of PvP content in Final Fantasy 14. More often than not, players elect to keep those Portraits the same.

To apply their chosen Portrait to the Adventurer Plate, players need to right-click and select Apply to Adventurer Plate. Now that the Portrait has been applied, they can exit the menu and enter the Adventurer Plate menu from the Character tab.

Designing An Adventurer Plate

They will be greeted by a default Adventurer Plate design that can now be modified to their heart’s content through the option “Edit Plate Design.” Basic customization comes with a few presets made by the developers at Square Enix, but by clicking on the advanced options, Final Fantasy 14 players can pick and choose every single layer of their Adventurer Plate separately – and even flip the layout into a mirrored mode, if they so desire.

adventurer plate final fantasy 14 ffxiv guide

After creating the design of their Adventurer Plate, players can also set their playtime availability, main Final Fantasy 14 job, favorite title, game mode, and other information that they wish to share or showcase. Depending on their privacy setting, Adventurer Plates can be restricted to public, private, or friends only, with more options coming in the future.

Final Fantasy 14 is available now on PC, PS4, and PS5.

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