Farthest Frontier isn't the first video game to use gold as the primary currency, but it remains one of the most unique. Players don't start off with gold as necessary or even desired as they build up their village. Yet by the mid-game, it will be the one thing they need in order to progress.

RELATED: Farthest Frontier: Beginner Tips

There are three ways of getting some gold ingots in the village's inventory, all of which are going to be close to mandatory for a successful game. Players who aren't able to do one or the other will be significantly behind their competition which is why veterans of Farthest Frontier are ready to make lots of gold before the game ever demands it.

Getting Gold From The Market

Farthest Frontier Market Square Upgrade Completed

The Market does yield gold at the start, but it is a paltry amount. Players who rely on this income will find they are always at a net negative. Still, Markets do give players something at the start and having them increases the desirability of nearby homes.

Down the road, these Markets can be upgraded into Market Squares. At this point, they will begin to generate much more meaningful gold, so don't give up on their tiny gains early on.

Getting Gold From The Trader

Farthest Frontier Items To Sell To The Trader

The first way players will meaningfully get gold is from the traders that intermittently visit the village. Although gold mines will be around, players can't make gold ingots until reaching tier three and gold ingots are required to reach tier three. That means this method is essentially required to progress in the game.

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When a trader comes by, visit the Trading Post and look at the items that have a green arrow pointing to the right. This means that the trader would like these items. Players who grow an abundance of the best crops will find that they can quickly turn these items into gold without starving the village. Keep an eye out for the green arrows up by the gold ingot icon, indicating that the product is selling for higher than usual.

Crafting Gold Ingots

Farthest Frontier Foundry In Use Making Gold And Iron

Eventually, players will be able to craft gold ingots themselves. Build a Foundry after reaching tier three and have at least one Gold Mine in operation. When staffed, players can direct the workers to make iron bars as well as the coveted gold ingots.

Players can control the ratio of ingots made. Those with enough gold will want to back off and make more iron and vice versa. At this stage, players will be making so many gold ingots that the other methods will become supplementary at best and possible even obsolete on a gold-dense map.

Farthest Frontier is available in Early Access for PC.

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