Farlight 84 features a large cast of colorful characters, known as Capsulers that the player is free to experiment with and choose from, but to make things easier, each of them have been sorted into a specific class. When it comes to the Support class, all of the Capsulers are designed to buff and heal their allies, while also boosting their own stats to ensure they don't end up being a liability to the rest of their team.

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With that being said, each of the four Support Capsules is very different in the way they play, so it's a lot of fun trying each one of them out to see which feels the easiest to use, and who fits the best into a well-coordinated team. This variation has also led to some Support Capsulers being sidelined to make way for the others though, who tend to be a lot more reliable when on the field, and that's what we're going to take a closer look at in this list.

4 Sunil

Sunil From Farlight 84


  • Passive: Movement speed increases while firing a weapon.
  • Springboard: Throw down a springboard that shoots players into the sky.
  • Hologram Guide: Removes all de-buffs from allies while also making them immune to de-buffs for a short period. Also increases movement speed and damage for all allies for a few seconds.

The stylish, charming, and endlessly charismatic Sunil is a Capsuler whose Skills are primarily focused on moving his team around the map as fast as possible, making him ideal for run-and-gun tactics. He works especially well with a full team of players who can coordinate a plan of attack on enemy groups thanks to his Springboard skill, which is potentially the best Skill in the entire game for initiating flanks, but it can also be used to make for a quick escape too.

His Ultimate Skill, Hologram Guide, can also be extremely useful for specific situations where enemy teams are throwing out de-buffs, but since this only really occurs later in a match, it makes it somewhat useless earlier on. He also has a severe lack of healing options, which makes him a lot less reliable than his peers, and very difficult to get the hang of for beginners.

3 Syfer

Syfer From Farlight 84


  • Passive: Syfer reloads SMG weapons much faster.
  • Area Recon: Syfer is able to spot nearby enemies by expanding the recon network.
  • EMP Shock: Throws down an EMP device that damages all nearby enemy shields and deactivates jetpacks for a short period.

While she may not have many healing options, Syfer is among one of the best Capsulers when it comes to gaining vital information for her team, and her passiveness makes her surprisingly dangerous when using an SMG. This is especially true when using the Uzi, which has made a huge impact on the game since its release, but since Syfer will be able to shorten the reload, it more than makes up for the weapon's incredibly high fire rate.

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The main gameplan for any Syfer player should be sporadically using the Area Recon throughout a game to snuff out enemy teams, before then making use of her EMP Shock to catch them off guard. As long as she and her allies initiate an attack directly after the EMP has been activated, the enemy team will have no time to react, and with their shields gone and jetpacks deactivated, it essentially sets up a free batch of kills.

2 Ceanna

Ceanna From Farlight 84


  • Passive: Ceanna can rescue teammates a lot faster than any other character.
  • Restoration Field: Throws down a device that provides healing and repairs shields of any allies within range.
  • Medi-Ex: Deploys a drone next to each ally which heals them, and can also rescue them.

Ceanna is a medic through and through, with each one of her abilities being dedicated to buffing her team and ensuring they always have a getaway option if things get a little too hairy in the midst of combat. Her lack of offensive buffs does limit her somewhat and means she will have to rely on her team if she's being aimed at, but when it comes to survivability, there really is nobody better in the entire game.

What makes her especially valuable as an ally is how versatile she is. For example, if a team is laying low in a building to try and avoid some enemy fire, or just to seek out any loot, she can quickly throw down her Restoration Field to get everyone back up to speed. However, if it's later on in a match and everyone's a little more spaced out, her Medi-Ex ensures that everyone remains fully healed and suited up for the fight ahead. She might not be one of the most exciting Capsulers to play as since her kit is only focused on keeping her team alive, but she's still an essential component to helping secure that sweet victory, making her one of the best Support Capsulers in the game.

1 Momoi

Momoi Farlight 84


  • Passive: Momoi and her team can use Med Kits and restore their shields much faster.
  • Smoke Bombs: Momoi throws out a smoke bomb projectile to protect her team.
  • Hoarder Drop: Momoi deploys an airdrop that drops valuable resources for her team.

Momoi is the most well-rounded Support Capsuler in the sense that, while she doesn't excel in any one area, her Skills still allow her to protect her team while also keeping them geared up for the fight ahead. While her passive is quite easy to forget about when in combat, this is what makes it so great since there's no need to spend a few seconds activating it; just make sure to remind the rest of the team to take full advantage of their Med Kits every now and again.

Her Smoke Bomb can make running between buildings for loot so much easier when other teams are lurking around every corner, but it also comes in useful when sprinting across wide-open landscapes where it's all too easy to be picked off by snipers. Where she really shines, though is when throwing down her Hoarder Drop, which is packed full of essential goodies for the team to use, including Med Kits and weapons. While it's not specifically stated in the Skill description, Hoarder Drop will drop more valuable loot later in the game that it's used, so holding it back for when only a few teams are left standing is an easy way to keep Momoi and her allies alive until the very end.

Farlight 84 is available to play now on PC, Android, and iOS.

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