No team in Farlight 84 is complete without a Defense Capsuler leading their allies into battle and defending them from any incoming damage that might be headed their way. While they may not be your typical healer who provides health for their allies when they most need it, Defense Capsulers instead are all about protecting their team by deploying shields and slowing enemy attackers down to a crawl.

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Because they can tank a lot of damage, it makes these characters a ton of fun to play, especially because most of them also come with a few handy personal buffs that can make them a real threat to other teams. While they are definitely useful during the beginning of a match where they can soak up the damage for their teammates, Defense Capsulers become absolutely crucial by the late stages where they will be needed to ensure their allies remain on their feet during the final few grueling encounters.

4 Ember



  • Passive: Ember can see enemies through smoke bombs.
  • Smoke Bombs: Ember throws down a smoke bomb to obscure enemy vision.
  • Vision Erosion: Ember releases a thick fog which reduces enemy vision in the area.

Admittedly, Ember can be a very tricky character to get the hang of since he doesn't actually have any shields or fortifications like most people would expect from a support Capsuler. Instead, he's all about covering the battlefield in smoke to shield his allies from enemy eyes, but the truth is, this makes him very situational and rather bland as a character. It does need to be said though that smoke can be incredibly useful in a match for moving between areas, especially the wide open fields and landscapes which are the regular hunting grounds for snipers.

The fact that Ember can actually see through his own smoke does allow him to give call-outs to his team about where the enemies are coming from, but considering this ability isn't actually shared with his team, the smoke can simply end up blinding his allies too. Additionally, enemies can actually get rid of the Vision Erosion effect if they simply find the source and shoot at it, so he's quite underwhelming as a character overall.

3 Captain

Captain From Farlight84


  • Passive: Captain takes reduced damage from AOE attacks.
  • Barrier Deployment: Captain throws down a spherical energy barrier to protect his team from incoming fire.
  • Aqua Blast: Fires out a water gun to slow down enemies while also dealing damage to them.

Captain's strengths lie in keeping enemies away from his team, both through his Energy Barrier, which defends against all incoming projectiles, and his Aqua Blast which is an absolute nightmare for melee-focused characters on the opposing team. His passive may not seem very exciting initially, but considering the number of explosive weapons and abilities that are featured in the game, it really goes a long way in making sure he stays alive for the entire match.

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The biggest drawback to his character is the fact that his most important ability, the Barrier Deployment, forces him and his team to remain stationary since it won't move around with them. The enormous range of the barrier does make up for this slightly, and it can still be useful when surrounded by enemy teams, but in a game as fast-paced as Farlight 84, it can often slow down the pace of the match a little too much.

2 Ducksyde



  • Passive: Ducksyde has a chance to use the Shield Recharger with double the effect.
  • Wrecking Duckball: Ducksyde inflates into a ball and knocks over any enemies he makes contact with.
  • Travel Barrier: Ducksyde throws down a defensive drone that creates a large barrier that moves with him.

While the weird and whacky Ducksyde may not seem like the most fearsome Capsulers just by looking at him, he's actually an incredible asset to any team due to his ability to keep enemies as far away from his own allies as possible thanks to his Wrecking Duckball. Ducksyde will take considerably less damage whilst in this form, and since it knocks over anyone it makes contact with, it's great for both disrupting gunfights, and just striking fear into enemy teams who might be lurking nearby.

His Travel Barrier is arguably just as important though, especially since the mini-shield is actually able to move around with Ducksyde and the team, allowing them to stay mobile, which is always crucially important at the end of a match. It's clear that Ducksyde is extremely reliable at keeping his team on their feet, but it also needs to be said just how downright fun he is to play thanks to his unique abilities, making him very worthwhile to stick with in the long term. While his passive ability is fairly random in the way it works, it's still nonetheless a welcome addition to his kit, which makes it incredibly hard to keep him down for good.

1 Watchman



  • Passive: Watchman deploys an energy barrier whenever he is damaged to protect himself. This ability has a static cooldown.
  • Bunkers Away: Watchman throws down a defensive bunker at his location.
  • Freeze Defense Turret: Watchman sets up a turret that slows and damages enemies.

Watchman really is everything you could ask for in a Defense Capsuler, someone who is not only able to soak up damage for his team when they're on their last legs but who can also slow down enemy teams to make them easy targets to pick off from a distance. While his Bunkers Away energy barrier might not be the biggest shield in the game, it's still a great way to negate enemy projectiles, giving him an excellent long-range option for defending his team.

He's also no slouch when it comes to close-range, though, thanks to his Freeze Defense Turret, which is similar to the way Captain's Aqua Blast works in how it will slow down enemies until they're more or less immobile. The major difference though is that Watchman can simply throw the turret down without having to control it himself, making it an extremely easy-to-use but also immensely powerful ability that can save an entire team from an early death in some cases. This isn't even mentioning his passive, which is an absolute nightmare for snipers and marksmen trying to secure a quick kill on Watchman. In some cases, an enemy will even start shooting Wathcman, only to retreat upon seeing the energy barrier pop up, which ends up giving him info on the enemy team's whereabouts.

Farlight 84 is available now on PC, Android, and iOS.

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