
  • Investing in additional characters in Farlight 84 is worth it due to their unique playstyles and the fun and rewarding gameplay they offer.
  • Beginners should consider unlocking MK.R, Ceanna, Yong, Ducksyde, or Beau as their first Capsulers due to their ease of use, effectiveness, and enjoyable gameplay.
  • Each of these Capsulers has distinct abilities that make them valuable in different ways, such as MK.R's scanning ability, Ceanna's healing skills, Yong's tracking and reconnaissance abilities, Ducksyde's support and defensive capabilities, and Beau's offensive prowess with assault rifles.

When players boot up Farlight 84 for the very first time, the game will give them a handful of Capsulers that they can play around with to get them started, but after acquiring enough gold, it's very worth investing in another character as soon as possible. Since each Capsuler in Farlight 84 has an incredibly unique playstyle, it never hurts to try out the other characters that the game has to offer since many of them are extremely fun to play and are very rewarding to learn in the long run.

RELATED: Farlight 84: Every Support Capsuler, Ranked

However, considering each Capsuler will cost a total of 30000 gold, players will still need to be very careful when choosing who they unlock first since it's going to be a little while until they have enough to acquire anyone else after that first purchase. To make this crucial decision a little easier, here are all the Capsulers who players should think about adding to their roster first due to their ease of use, effectiveness on the field, and how enjoyable they are to play.

5 MK.R



  • Passive: MK.R can scan enemies while skydiving to mark them for identification.
  • Fatal Volley: MK.R fires a volley of rockets at a targeted area.
  • Sky Roaming: MK.R deploys a skydiving device that propels players up into the air and allows them to enter a skydiving state again.

Aside from his robotic design which undoubtedly makes him one of the coolest-looking characters in the game, MK.R is also an extremely easy Capsuler to get the hang of after using him for a few matches. The moment the game starts, and the teams start diving into the map, MK.R can already prove himself useful by scanning for any nearby targets, ensuring his allies remain safe while seeking out any loot. His Sky Roaming ability also allows him to set up a quick getaway for his team if things start looking a little bleak, or if his team simply thinks they've landed in the wrong area, he can essentially restart the match by propelling them back into the air.

What makes him so ideal for beginners is how versatile MK.R is in the way he plays thanks to his Fatal Volley ability. While it's best to use him as a support character, his ability to seek out enemies from up high before dropping a volley of missiles on them also makes him viable as an aggressive character who can pressure his enemies to no end.

4 Ceanna

Ceanna From Farlight 84


  • Passive: Ceanna is able to rescue teammates a lot faster than any other character.
  • Restoration Field: Ceanna throws down a device that heals nearby allies and repairs their shields.
  • Medi-Ex: Ceanna drops a drone next to each teammate which can heal and rescue them.

No team is ever going to complain about having a Ceanna in their crew since she's, by far, the best Capsuler in the game when it comes to providing health for her allies. While playing the standard medic role in a hero shooter might not be everyone's cup of tea, Ceanna actually takes quite a bit of strategy and careful planning to use correctly since she needs to pay close attention to her team's health to know exactly when to throw out one of her drones without wasting them.

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With that being said, she's very easy to get familiar with as a character, but because of how reliable she is, it makes her a great starter character who can prove to be effective in every single game she's featured in. Anyone playing Ceanna just needs to make sure that they always stay around their team since she can't dish out too much damage by herself, so running around solo usually isn't the best option when playing her.

3 Yong



  • Passive: Yong has the ability to see enemy footprints.
  • Blinding Mark: Yong marks all enemies in a short distance in front of him. Spotted enemies will have reduced movement speed and their vision will be blurred when attacked by Yong or his allies.
  • Divulge: Yong uses his reconnaissance eyepiece to provide info on all targets in the area.

Yong is unique in the way he plays, and at many points in a match, he can feel more like a detective trying to solve a crime scene as opposed to a soldier kitted out for battle. He's all about tracking down enemies with his passive and Blinding Mark abilities to get the jump on unsuspecting teams, making him the perfect character for set-ups who can corner small groups very easily.

Where Yong shines though is during the last few moments of a game when only a few enemies remain. At this point, everyone's going to be scrambling around small pockets of the map to snuff out their competition, but by using his Divulge ability, Yong will be able to see everyone with the click of a button, making him absolutely devastating and almost game-breaking. It takes a little bit of practice to know when and how to use each of his abilities, but once players are comfortable with the way he plays, they will have an outstanding character on their hands.

2 Ducksyde



  • Passive: When Ducksyde uses Shield Recharger, there's a chance it will have double the effect.
  • Wrecking Duckball: Ducksyde turns into a wrecking ball, gaining defense and knocking over any enemies he makes contact with.
  • Travel Barrier: Ducksyde throws down a defensive drone that forms a large protective barrier which moves with Ducksyde and his team.

Ducksyde is an absolutely ridiculous character in terms of his design, but this deceiving look is hiding the fact that he is one of the best support Capsulers in the entire game, and of course, is also a ton of fun to play. His primary ability, and one that is a nightmare for enemy teams to deal with, is his Wrecking Duckball, which is mostly used for creating space and keeping opponents away from his allies, especially those with deadly close-range weapons like the Uzi.

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His Travel Barrier is also extremely useful because it can protect Ducksyde and his team while also allowing them to remain mobile since it will follow them around the map. The Duckball might just be the most enjoyable ability in the entire game to use, and it makes Ducksyde a character who is simply never boring to play and a great Capsuler to pick up in those first few hours.

1 Beau



  • Passive: When Beau has an assault rife equipped, the magazine capacity is increased.
  • Frenzy Blast: Beau throws down a portable grenade that deals AOE damage.
  • Cluster Grenade: Beau deploys a custom grenade which splits off into multiple smaller grenades, causing extra damage after the initial explosion.

Beau is one of the most aggressive, frantic, and high-adrenaline characters in the entire game, but this is exactly why so many players have taken a liking to him. Beau's abilities may not seem that unique or flashy on the surface, but considering that most characters in the game will only have one ability dedicated to damage, the fact that he has two offensive skills, alongside a buff to assault rifles, makes him a true force to be reckoned with.

Any players who love causing carnage on the battlefield with explosions need to unlock Beau as soon as possible, especially if they also prefer mid-range gunfights with assault rifles as opposed to getting up close and personal. It also needs to be said that the AOE distance of all his skills, especially the Cluster Grenades, is extremely wide so they won't require any practice to use, simply throw them out and watch the bodies fly.

Farlight 84 is available now on PC, iOS and Android.

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