
  • Assault rifles are the most reliable and effective weapons in Farlight 84, making them essential for securing victory.
  • Many of the guns in the game, including assault rifles, are not perfectly balanced and vary in terms of effectiveness.
  • Some standout assault rifles include the Porcupine, Mad Rat, VSS, AK 77, Invader, Jupiter-6, M4, and Generator, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

As soon as most players land into one of the maps featured in Farlight 84, they are most likely going to pick up any weapons they set their eyes on so that they have a way to defend themselves, but as the game goes on, stronger guns become absolutely essential for securing victory. While submachine guns and snipers are always the go-to for many players, assault rifles are by far the most reliable weapons in the game, and they prove to be effective at most ranges.

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Anyone who's played Farlight 84 before, though, will know very well that many of the guns in the game aren't exactly perfectly balanced, with many clearly outshining others in the class in terms of damage, accuracy, range, and rate of fire. This most certainly applies to the assault rifles, too, which vary massively in terms of their effectiveness.

8 Porcupine

Prcupine Assault Rifle Farlight 84

The Porcupine definitely has its uses and can still melt enemy health bars in the first few minutes of a match, but it will still struggle to keep up with most high-leveled weapons that players will get a hold of later in the game. The gun really needs some modifications attached to it in order for it to be effective, especially an under barrel, which can help balance out the unreliable accuracy of the weapon.

The decent rate of fire does mean that it can still work pretty well at taking down enemy shields, especially in the early game when everyone is still collecting their loot. Overall, though, the Porcupine is a fine assault rifle but not one that players should hold onto for very long.

7 Mad Rat

Mad Rat Assault Rifle Farlight 84

Similar to its SMG variant, the Mad Rat is a weapon that can work well in certain situations but ultimately falls short of ever being truly reliable or powerful, especially since it's also a burst-fire weapon with a fairly sloppy rate of fire. The high accuracy does make it easy to land shots, and the fair range does make the Mad Rabbit very handy for picking off enemies from afar, but it's during close encounters where it really suffers.

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The slow speed of the weapon paired with the lack of accuracy makes it incredibly impractical in small areas, so staying outside or among the rooftops is always advised when carrying the Mad Rat around. A 2x or even 4x scope will work wonders on the Mad Rat, but it's fairly lackluster when used with no modifications.


VSS Assault Rifle Farlight 84

Another assault rifle that is primarily designed for mid to long-range encounters, the VSS often feels more like a marksman rifle than anything that should be fully automatic. What really helps the gun stand out from its competition, though, is the fact that it comes with an integrated 4x scope, and while this does make it quite hard to control, especially since equipping an under barrel isn't an option, it can still be downright devastating when hitting headshots.

This assault rifle really comes alive when in the hands of a skilled player who has pinpoint accuracy or someone who's simply had plenty of practice using it before, but this learning curve is a little limiting since it means it won't be effective for everyone.

5 AK 77

AK 77 Assault Rifle Farlight 84

In terms of raw damage, the AK77 is actually one of the strongest assault rifles in the entire game, and it even has a fairly generous rate of fire that can decimate anyone who gets close. The only area that lets the AK77 down is the fairly unreliable accuracy, which can be very hard to control, making it all too easy for the gun to be aimed at the sky after spraying off a few shots.

Aside from that, though, the AK77 is very much an all-rounder that's considered a pretty decent pickup if players can manage to find it not long after leaving their capsule. So long as the user is able to keep a hold of the recoil and can put up with the relatively low ammo count, they'll have a weapon that will loyally serve them until they can seek out something a little more effective later on.

4 Invader

Invader Assault Rifle Farlight 84

The Invader is a deadly accurate futuristic energy weapon that can down enemies with just a handful of shots. While it may have the slowest rate of fire in its class, the immense amount of damage it deals with each shot more than makes up for it. It's a shame that the range isn't just a little bit longer, otherwise, it would allow the gun to double up as a sniper thanks to how incredibly strong it is.

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Because it's a single-shot weapon, it can feel a little clunky to use when trying to hold off an aggressive team, but when it comes to flanks and backdoor tactics, it's among one of the greatest weapons in the entire game. Therefore, this gun is at its best when paired with characters like Yong and MK.R, whose kit is dedicated to catching their enemies by surprise before finishing them off.

3 Jupiter-6

Jupiter-6 Assault Rifle Farlight 84

The Jupiter-6 is a gun that really encourages players to place their shots carefully rather than simply spraying and praying, and that's all thanks to the range and stability. The gun has little to no recoil, and while it may be a little cumbersome to carry around, it's incredibly lethal when the shots manage to land.

Additionally, the gun can also be fully customized, which will not only enhance it in every department but also make it a ton of fun to experiment with while out on the field. The Jupiter-6 is an incredible assault rifle that stands out for its astonishing range and ease of use when taking time between shots.

2 M4

M4 Assault Rifle Farlight 84

The classic M4 rifle may not look too flashy in terms of appearance, but it's still one of the most reliable weapons in the game that is capable of taking down enemies in a matter of seconds, even by the end of a match. The damage, range, and rate of fire are all staggeringly high, to the point where it's surprising the gun is as stable as it is in terms of accuracy, especially since it's full-auto.

Because of all this, the weapon will prove useful at pretty much any range, meaning that anyone finding it early on should hold onto it for dear life since it's one of the few weapons that can definitely see them through to the end. It's also one of the greatest weapons for combating enemy snipers who might be trying to pick up a few sneaky kills from afar.

1 Generator

Generator Assault Rifle Farlight 84

No matter if an enemy tram is completely stacked up on health and shields, the Generator is still a weapon that will strike fear into anyone it shoots at due to just how powerful it is in pretty much every aspect. This futuristic gun, which looks like something straight out of Cyberpunk, has exceptional stats all around and somehow also possesses an extremely high rate of fire alongside incredible accuracy.

While an under barrel cannot be attached to the weapon since it would literally turn it into a laser beam, attaching a magazine or stock will still help make it even stronger, to the point where it almost feels a little unfair to even use. Many people see the Generator as an upgraded version of the Invader, and thanks to how strong that weapon already is, it just proves how game-breaking the Generator can be if someone manages to find it.

Farlight 84

Android , iOS , PC
April 23, 2023
Battle Royale