The Far Cry games are known for their abundance of weaponry. There are a bunch of different guns in Far Cry, which are adored and enjoyed for their many different advantages. However, when the Far Cry series decided to go back more than a few centuries, they realized that they couldn’t exactly take guns through to the past.Far CryPrimal features a range of weaponry.

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The weapons in Far CryPrimal are more primitive and basic than one would expect from a Far Cry game, but that does not make the arsenal useless. There are some great weapons in Far CryPrimal, and Far CryPrimal best weapons are essential to reaching victory.

8 Fire Bomb

player using a bee bomb in far cry primal

There are many different types of bombs and traps in Far CryPrimal, but by far the best of them, and most self-destructive is the fire bomb. This bomb can be thrown and shattered upon impact. It will ignite whatever is in its radius, committing itself to the chaos of spreading fire. Whether that’s the ground, enemies, or beasts.

The fire bomb is a great weapon for controlling overwhelming enemies or just simply barbequing them. The problem with the fire bomb lies in its destructive wake, as the weapon can be used to harm the player due to fire spreading around the area.

7 Spear

an enemy attacking the player in far cry primal

After the Deep Wounds mission, players will have access to the spear. This revolutionary weapon in the early centuries of mankind helped turn the tide of war. It’s a great weapon for offensive play, but even better in defense. The spear has a long reach, meaning players can keep their distance and still jab forward.

If players find that the spear is too slow in the damage department, then they can always throw it for higher damage. The spear also has the base stats of 1 damage, 2 durability, and 2 agility. It’s a decent weapon but is outshined by others.

6 Bow

player with a sabretooth tiger in far cry primal

In the opening sequences of the game, the player will find themselves with one of the most balanced weapons from the get-go. The bow is a staple of warfare, and in Far CryPrimal, it’s the closest weapon that players will have to obtain a gun. The fact that it’s a silent weapon adds to its stealth ability, and the fact that it can kill enemies at a distance gives it a strategic advantage.

The bow has the base stats of 3 damage, 6 accuracy, and 5ratese of fire. It’s definitely worth the investment, as the bow can be upgraded, and some best Far CryPrimal perks can further benefit the bow to lethality.

5 Club

player with a club in far cry primal

Considering that the player will not be able to wield RPGs and miniguns, close-range battles are inevitable in Far CryPrimal. With the club, players will be able to commit themselves to a melee weapon that acts rather fast with each attack, and with decent durability.

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If the club is about to break, or the player does not need the club anymore, they can throw it toward an enemy to stun them. Whilst stunned, enemies can be rushed for a follow-up attack. The base stats of a club is 3 damage, 4 durability, and 4 agility.

4 Long Bow

long bow in far cry primal

With the long bow, players will feel as if a sniper is in their hands once again. The long bow may benefit from an intense and great range, which is unmatched by the other bows, but the slow draw means that it shouldn’t be used in dangerous situations where the player is under attack. The long bow is great for stealth because of the patience needed.

With a damage of 5, an accuracy of 9, and a rate of fire of 4, the long bow continues to fill out the arsenal of the player with useful weaponry. The long bow will make players dominate the battlefield, but only from a distance.

3 Sling

sling in the menu of far cry primal

Upon first inspection, the sling might seem like a pretty useless tool in the player’s inventory. It’s primarily used for stealth and may seem like a fancy version of throwing rocks. However, the sling has a secret, and that’s unfolded with its power. Slings can one-shot headshot enemies, as well as shatter helmets.

The ammo for the sling is unlimited, meaning players can continue their stealthy path against their enemies, headshots away. The sling allows rocks to be thrown further and faster, meaning players can distract their enemies to a greater effect.

2 Double Bow

player firing a double bow

If anything is better than firing one arrow, it’s firing two. The double bow grants players the weapon and the skill to fire two arrows at once, ensuring total death to those that oppose the player and their newfound allegiance with weapons and nature. The double bow has the stats of 6 damage, 8accuraciesy, and 6 fire rate.

The performance of the double bow is faster than the regular, and if players can hit both arrows into their target, death is assured. It’s a great weapon for those skilled enough to use it effectively.

1 Two-Handed Club

player and mammoths attacking enemies

A two-handed club wields a lot more power than a regular club. However, this comes at a price. The two-handed club is much slower and thus requires more tactical use. Players shouldn’t just swing wildly, as although the two-handed club hits like a truck, it needs time to swing.

The great damage that comes from the two-handed club is rewarded to those that know just when to use it. The club can also be thrown, causing great damage to those in its path. With the damage of 5, the durability of,5, and agility of 1, it’s no wonder why this weapon is so hard-hitting.

Far Cry Primal is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One

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