
  • Far Cry 7 should shake things up by letting the protagonist slowly descend into madness like FC3's Jason Brody, but instead of their story wrapping up in one game, the character should return as the villain of FC8.
  • Watching the protagonist become the antagonist of a future Far Cry game would add a thrilling and fresh twist to the series.
  • The franchise needs to explore new storytelling approaches to keep fans excited for the next installment, and watching a character evolve across multiple games could be a fun way to do that.

The Far Cry franchise has had its fair share of great villains. From Joseph Seed to Vaas Montenegro, the series has a knack for bringing some fascinating antagonists to life. However, the next installment in the Far Cry series should look further ahead and play the long game with its villain.

Although the Far Cry games have featured some interesting stories filled with heart-pounding action, the franchise wouldn't be complete without its many villains. Each villain in the Far Cry games has brought their own unique personalities to the story, and one antagonist origin story approach that the series has briefly dabbled with needs to be explored further.

Far Cry 7's Rumored Time Limit Would Be a Better Fit for Another Blood Dragon

Far Cry 7 is rumored to feature a time limit as its core gimmick, but that mechanic might be a better fit for a different kind of Far Cry game.

Building Up The Next Big Far Cry Villain

The previous games in the Far Cry franchise have introduced villains through the playable character's eyes, but the series should subvert expectations by having players start out as the villain prior to their descent into crime and madness. There are already plenty of rumors surrounding the next Far Cry game, and it would be a great time for the series to explore more into a villain's background.

Watching The Protagonist Descend Into Madness

Whatever Far Cry 7 has in store for players, it would be interesting to offer a game that puts players in the shoes of a protagonist who is destined for demise. No matter what direction the next chapter takes, Far Cry 7 should mess with tradition in a new and exciting way, and featuring a protagonist who is doomed to descend into the life of a villain would be thrilling to watch unfold. Every installment in Far Cry has presented fresh locations and characters, but the series has roughly followed the same formula for years now. If the franchise wants to offer something truly exciting as far as its antagonist is concerned, then starting with its protagonist would be an interesting approach.

Doomed From The Start

Not only would it be great for the franchise to mess with the established formula, but it would be a compelling narrative to watch the protagonist try to do everything right and still ultimately fail in a way that makes them fall into madness. Far Cry 7's antagonist will have a lot to live up to compared to previous entries, but this could be just what the franchise needs. The best way to take this concept a step further would be to make Far Cry 7's protagonist fall so deep into immorality that they ultimately become the main villain in Far Cry 8. Although this is planning far ahead into the franchise's future, this level of backstory and buildup could craft one of the best antagonists in the series.

Rook, Far Cry 5 's silent protagonist, becomes a villain known as The Judge in the follow-up New Dawn . After becoming overwhelmed with guilt due to the events of Far Cry 5 , The Judge becomes a follower of Joseph Seed. This gives a glimpse into how this approach to a villain could play out, though with Rook being silent, a voiced protagonist becoming villainous would still feel new.

The Franchise Needs A Shake Up

Since Far Cry 3, interest in new franchise entries has arguably dwindled more and more, but Far Cry 7 embracing a new approach could turn that all around. Getting the chance to actually walk in the steps of a future villain before becoming an antagonist would be incredible to watch infold. Far Cry 3's protagonist Jason turns evil if players choose the bad ending, but he dies at the end of the game if players pick this option. Seeing this concept taken even further could make the next Far Cry villain one of the most special characters in the franchise.