
  • Far Cry 7 may see a significant change with the introduction of an in-game timer affecting the villain's characterization.
  • The next game's villain could be inspired by FC3's protagonist, Jason Brody, adding a new twist to the traditional villain archetype.
  • Bringing back Jason Brody as a villain in FC7 could connect back to previous elements, providing an interesting development in the series.

Far Cry has been unusually quiet since the most recent entry in the long-running open-world FPS series. After 2021's sixth main installment, Far Cry news and updates have been sparse and sporadic, and very little official information has been made known about the assumed next game's progress and direction. Previously, the franchise had a steady release schedule, and fans had come to expect a new title every few years, starting with Far Cry 3 in 2012.

Although developer Ubisoft has been largely silent since Far Cry 6, various leaks and secondary insider information have come to light, pointing to possible changes and shakeups to its established formula. One of Far Cry's traditions that has consistently been integral, though, is its villain, and this is very likely to be true for FC7, regardless of other aspects. And while FC3's Vaas is the most popular and obvious candidate to inform the next entry's big bad, there is another character who could be primed for the same treatment— previous protagonist Jason Brody.

A more persistent rumor is that Far Cry 7 will feature an in-game timer in some form, which could inform how its villain/s may be presented or characterized.

The Far Cry Franchise Still Has a Lot of Untapped Villain Archetypes It Could Use

With the Far Cry franchise introducing some of gaming’s greatest villains, Far Cry 7’s antagonist will have to work to stand out from the crowd.

Far Cry 3 spoilers below.

Far Cry 3's Jason Brody Could Be the Source of the Next Game's Villain Inspiration

Far Cry 3's Vaas Montenegro May Be its Most Famous Antagonist, but Ubisoft Has Another Option

Vaas has long been a Far Cry fan favorite, often regarded as the best and most memorable villain the series has introduced, and yet to be topped. His mark on the franchise and gaming overall has left a creative issue that Ubisoft has been attempting to solve ever since Vaas arrived on the scene and instantly captivated players with his disturbing outlook and actions. However, protagonist Jason Brody was also an incredibly arresting character, and given his actions and experiences in the events of FC3's plot as well as depending on some other factors, could be fit into a villain role in the future.

How Far Cry 3's Jason Brody Might Appear as the Next Great FC Villain

Jason Brody's journey in Far Cry 3 from a privileged and carefree twenty-something to a hardened guerrilla fighter and touted champion of Rook Island's Rakyat tribe is one of the most fascinating and, at times, uncomfortable character arcs in gaming. Unlike many FPS, Jason does not start out with any combat skills or training, and is forced to adapt to violent ways in order to survive and save his friends and family from Vaas and his co-conspirators. By the end, Jason has a lot of blood on his hands, and he struggles with reconciling this and the choices he made throughout. FC3's ending also gave players the choice to have Jason embrace his newfound identity by sacrificing his friends and ultimately himself, or return from the brink, though still scarred and changed greatly from the experience.

There is another interesting parallel in the original Far Cry protagonist Jack Carver, who fans had theorized and suspected was the insidious Jackal in FC2. This was later confirmed as intended to be the case by Far Cry 2 director, Clint Hocking. As rumors also suggest Far Cry 7 could be drawing heavily from earlier titles, there is thus already precedent for a prior protagonist making a face-heel turn. Something similar along these lines would hypothetically set up Jason to return in such a capacity, coming full circle in Far Cry 7.

Other unconfirmed information points to the next Far Cry featuring a cult as a collective antagonist, bringing to mind Joseph Seed and his "family" from Far Cry 5. It would likely be a big surprise and shock to players if Jason Brody returns in FC7, having fully turned into a villainous figure, perhaps as the leader or in a powerful position within this cult. Seeing him return in this fashion would be an interesting and compelling way of connecting back to previous elements, while evolving the character in a manner befitting Far Cry's tone and themes.