
  • Willis Huntley, a side character turned secondary antagonist in the Far Cry franchise, could make a fascinating return in a future entry.
  • Pagan Min's ambiguous fate leaves the possibility of his return, with potential connections between Far Cry 4 and Far Cry 5.
  • Despite never physically appearing in Far Cry 6, Longinus being mentioned hints at a potential future appearance, leaving fans curious.

The Far Cry franchise is known for coming up with inspired villains that can define their individual entries throughout the series by their mere presence. While the heroes are intriguing, well-built characters, there is something about the very best Far Cry villains that is totally defining.

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Fans frequently argue about the best Far Cry villains and about various ones who could return down the line, with several of their fates being left ambiguous or with them escaping in a previous entry, some of them may just be able to return to trouble players once more down the road in another Far Cry entry, especially since the franchise may be shifting focus back to the villains.

6 Willis Huntley


It would be fascinating to see Willis Huntley return once more, and it could even be called likely, given the way he manages to keep turning up throughout the Far Cry franchise. First appearing as a helpful side character in Far Cry 3, Willis has since then showcased himself to be entirely capable of a more villainous persona under the guise of patriotism.

A CIA agent, Huntley doesn’t fit the bill for a main antagonist in a Far Cry game, but his deranged manner and absolute disregard of almost anything resembling morality could make him a fascinating secondary antagonist, a role he has taken on in the past. After appearing in the third, fourth, and fifth entries in the franchise, in addition to being referenced in Far Cry 6, Far Cry 7 could very easily feature Huntley in some fashion.

5 Pagan Min

Far Cry 4 Pagan Min promotional image

After becoming possibly the most beloved character in the Far Cry franchise’s history, Pagan Min either went on a “vacation” or died depending on which ending the player goes for. However, there has since been an update, albeit an ambiguous one, which shows Pagan Min could still be alive and kicking in the franchise after his seeming demise.

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Pagan Min’s DLC for Far Cry 6 is a fascinating view of the old villain and his life, and while it mainly focuses on the family which Pagan never really had, there is an interesting ending that involves Pagan mentioning in a voice note that he is on holiday or dead, still not specifying either way. It also mentions a nuke beneath his palace, which makes for some interesting potential linking between the fourth and fifth entries in the franchise. Could Pagan Min return or is this a final note for the villain in the franchise’s history?

4 Longinus

Far Cry Longinus

Longinus has an interesting story that could easily be told in another Far Cry entry, having admitted to being a former warlord in an unnamed African country. After nearly dying in a civil war, he was baptized and began traveling with different religious mercenaries, last seen in Far Cry 4 moving out to follow a trail of blood diamonds.

However, Longinus was interestingly brought up in Far Cry 6, despite never making a physical appearance in the game. Instead, Longinus was called by Sean McKay during the events of “The Deported", if the player leaves Sean alive, and Longinus is talked about as being out of the "things that kill people" business. While this could mean Longinus has found peace in another profession, it could also be a tease of a future appearance.

3 Vaas Montenegro

Far Cry Vaas Montenegro peeking inside a cage

Another character who was recently explored expertly, Vaas Montenegro was one of the primary villains throughout Far Cry 3. His appearances showed off his mental state, and the final fight that seemingly ended in his death was later teased by developers to maybe not have been as accurate as it seemed. It was teased that instead, Jason may have blacked out and only thought he had killed Vaas in his dreamlike state.

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The franchise left his fate as another ambiguous one, and then recently Vaas was characterized much further in the first DLC for Far Cry 6, where he was the leading character and players got to explore through his mind, a truly fascinating experience. While this could be merely meant to conclude Vaas’ story and the love players have for him, it could also easily mean much more than that. As one of the best Far Cryand Ubisoft, villains in history, Vaas returning would be tremendous for fans.

2 Joseph Seed

Far Cry 5's villain Joseph Sedd

The Eden’s Gate group leader, Joseph Seed was the primary antagonist of Far Cry 5. While there are various endings to the game, and some of them involve Seed dying alongside the world that he correctly predicted would come to an end. However, it seems that the canon ending is one where Seed survived, given his later appearance in Far Cry: New Dawn.

While Joseph is a much-changed man in New Dawn and begs the Security Captain to kill him, players can again choose whether to grant his wish. If spared, Joseph is later gone if players return to his compound, showing that he may have left to redeem himself or create a different sort of mischief elsewhere. His reappearance could make for a fascinating next entry in the franchise.

1 The Jackal


It is difficult to call the Jackal an outright antagonist in Far Cry 2, though he initially does seem like one. An arms dealer who has played many sides in various African conflicts over the years, the Jackal gets involved with the player at various times throughout the story, nearly choosing to kill the player character on multiple occasions.

After surviving him, the player and the Jackal come to an ending where they each must complete a task, ending in neither of them surviving. However, during the final cutscene, it is mentioned that the body of the Jackal was never found, prompting the belief that he could yet reappear as a much different character in a later entry. There are many theories about The Jackal, but this one may never be confirmed.

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