The Far Cry games are known for their compelling villains. However, as masterfully crafted their villains are, there are also some supporting characters that have quite the personalities. Supporting characters give the main story some complexity as they act upon their own goals.

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Their lives show the effects of the plot, and their goals may or may not be complementary to that of the players'. Other supporting characters live separate lives outside of the plot and give the players some nice side content to indulge in. Supporting characters in the Far Cry franchise range from kind and caring, to stupid and foolhardy, to assertively firm. With that being said, here are 10 of the best supporting characters in Far Cry.

10 Hurk


Hurk is the craziest dude anyone can encounter in the Far Cry games. He made an appearance in Far Cry 3 and all the following Far Cry games after that. Up until the franchise's latest game-- New Dawn. Yes, that means that his character was in Far Cry Primal as well. This dude does little to help move the story forward. However, his head-on collision personality serves as the ultimate comic relief in the Far Cry games. The guy is a stupidly philosophical daredevil who eats reason for breakfast. This danger-loving son-of-a-gun brings the heat to the heat of battle, delivering the stupidest of lines and the best interactions. He is available as a gun-for-hire companion in Far Cry 5 and Far Cry: New Dawn.

9 Sheriff


The Sheriff leads the task force in Far Cry 5. He is a gentle soul who stabilizes the chaotic team and keeps everyone in check. He's non-violent, and even advises the players that it's "better to leave well enough alone," a statement on cutting losses and knowing when to concede. When refusing to handcuff the Father at the start of the game, it triggers an alternate ending where the sheriff leads the task force out of the chapel and tells his team that they will call the national guard to deal with the problem.

8 Sabal


Sabal is one of the leaders of The Golden Path, the revolutionary movement against Pagan Min's rule. His idea of moving the people of Kyrat forward is to preserve the culture, along with all the cultural structures and artifacts. Throughout the game, he is brotherly yet assertive towards the players and his own men.

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He upholds the religion of Kyrat, and upon freeing the people from Pagan Min, he seeks to reorient their ways to cement a lost tradition and heritage. What makes Sabal great is that towards the end of the game, he snaps and becomes a religious tyrant. His goals are contrary to the next person on this list.

7 Amita


Amita is a cold-hearted ruthless Golden Path leader under nice looks. Her idea of a forward vision is to let go of heritage as it will only drag the people down from true development. Because Kyrat has no natural resources, she sees opium and drug production as pavements to community growth. Though her ways are questionable, there's no denying that she has the future of Kyrat in mind. She and Sabal represent two extreme opposites of the spectrum. Players are given a choice whether to kill Amita or Sabal. Towards the end of the game, when Amita gets her way, she forces every household to offer their children as soldiers for Kyrat.

6 Nick Rye


Nick is the coolest guy and the ideal drinking buddy from Far Cry 5. He's the neighbor who will help fix the clogged drain and do some other handyman repairs 'round the neighborhood. He's a spirited friend, and a mean tag-team partner. He and his plane Carmina are also available as guns-for-hire in the game. When taking out outposts and killing baddies, Nick will swoop down and rain down some mean air support. He makes missions much easier with his bomb and minigun arsenal. There's even a mission where the player has to help Nick and his wife deliver a baby. That baby is the next person on this list.

5 Carmina Rye

carmina rye

Named after Nick's plane of all things, Carmina Rye is Nick's beautiful daughter. She's sweet, kind, and helpful to those around her. This hopeful soul always sees the bright side of everything. Her presence is solace to the players of Far Cry: New Dawn, with her bright smile always a delightful greeting.

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Like Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender, Carmina narrates trailers for the game and opening scenes. She's the first helping hand the players encounter in the game, and she's always available 'til the last missions of the game as a gun-for-hire. Carmina is the silver lining whenever something hits the fan in New Dawn.

4 The Jackal


After being tasked to take down notorious arms dealer 'The Jackal' in Far Cry 2, it was thought that he would be the main antagonist. Upon meeting the Jackal, the players are sick in bed with malaria as he reads their assignment contract to terminate him. The Jackal insists that he is unkillable and untouchable. The guy then swings a machete just above the players' head, possibly cutting off some hairs as the sharp end sinks into the wall behind the players. It doesn't take long for the players to join the Jackal's cause.

3 Harland Doyle


While The Jackal is a "main antagonist" who turns out to be a side character, Harland Doyle is the exact opposite. He is a side character who turns out to be the bad guy all along. After Jack, the main protagonist, washes up on a remote island, Doyle serves as Jack's main contact, revealing to him the evil Dr. Krieger's plans. He asks the players to stop the evil doctor. Throughout the first Far Cry, Doyle would speak to the players through comms giving them crucial information on their mission. When it was time to kill Dr. Krieger, Doyle reveals to the players' that he used them all along so he can steal Dr. Krieger's research for his own profit.

2 Ethan


Ethan is the hard-headed son of Far Cry 5 antagonist Joseph Seed. Ethan's enraged jealousy to New Dawn players is what makes him such a hatable character. After Joseph shows an admiration towards the players for being 'The Chosen One,' Ethan bursts out and insults the player on being an outsider.

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He watches the player get all the divine attention that he, Joseph's son, yearned and sought for. His hatred has peaked after he bites off 'The Gift Of Eden,' the forbidden fruit. Upon taking a bite, he is consumed by his corrupt soul, transforming into a beast filled with anger; the game's final boss. Who knew this whiny brat could be a danger to his own people?

1 Citra


Citra is the alluring tribe leader of the Rakyat, and the sister of the vicious Vaas Montenegro. She admires strength and power, and is very turned on by it. She desires power for the Rakyat, and sees to it that the later generations do not falter. She's drawn to Jason, the main protagonist, seeing the potential of a mighty warrior in him.

She watches in awe as the players turn Jason into a killing machine. She facilitates Jason's hunger for power, and eventually is turned on by what he's become. There are a couple of "scenes" with Citra and Jason as players progress through the game. When Jason reaches the height of his power, Citra becomes attached and prevents Jason from doing what he's supposed to do in the first place-- leave the island.

NEXT: Every Far Cry Game, Ranked