The Far Cry series has certainly gone through its fair share of ups and downs, but no one can deny that these games aren't fun despite the complaints that players may have when it comes to the inane repetition present in the series. The sheer bombastic spectacle on display here is truly amazing, allowing players to really get into these games and try to kill enemies and clear out areas using the best strategies they can employ.

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The Far Cry games all boast great gameplay loops that will keep players hooked for hours on end. However, there's no denying that the combat system in some of these games is simply better than others, for a variety of reasons.

8 Far Cry

Player Blowing Up A Bunker On Far Cry 1

As the first game in the series, it's obvious that Far Cry's combat system has aged the worst of the bunch. Stealth is downright unfair and players have to really struggle to take out outposts without being spotted in the process.

While there's nothing inherently wrong with Far Cry's combat if players view it as a product of its time, it's not anything remarkable either. This first step just opened the doors for later titles in the series to experiment with the gameplay, with the foundations set here.

7 Far Cry 2

Player Taking Down An Enemy Outpost With An LMG

It's a shame that most people don't talk about Far Cry 2 all that much, since this title was quite innovative when it came out. The physics system was fun to mess around with, and the world was so reactive that later Far Cry titles are somewhat of a downgrade in this regard!

However, as one would expect, the combat hasn't really aged like a fine wine. While the realism of this world and its unexpected moments can be memorable, many players familiar with the modern state of Far Cry will find the second game to be dated in a number of ways.

6 Far Cry 3

Player Aims A Bow At A Group Of Enemies

Far Cry 3 is the game that brought this series the ton of popularity and love that it enjoys right now. The tropical island setting was pretty fascinating, with the dark and brooding story being a huge highlight that was augmented by an amazing cast of characters, including the notorious villain Vaas Montenegro.

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The series has this title to thank for setting the template that future titles would adopt. The action-packed mix of stealth and combat along with charismatic villains is a winning formula that has only been perfected since.

5 Far Cry 4

Player Gliding To An Enemy Tower In Far Cry 4

Most people found Far Cry 4 to be pretty similar to its predecessor in many ways, which was a source of grievance for many. After all, Ubisoft has a reputation for copy-pasting their titles and this game is no exception.

However, in terms of the combat system, Far Cry 4 was definitely an improvement...albeit a minor one. Combat was snappier and the moves that players could pull off were a blast in every way, even if they were derivative of the previous entry.

4 Far Cry: New Dawn

far cry new dawn

Many people were pretty disappointed with Far Cry: New Dawn when it came out. Despite using the same engine as the critically acclaimed Far Cry 5, New Dawn didn't really bring anything new to the table and felt like a step back in many ways.

The gameplay was enjoyable in its own way, but it's hard to praise it when there are barely any improvements made on this front. Players are better off playing Far Cry 5 instead of trying this vapid standalone expansion, which features some of the blandest villains in the new era of Far Cry.

3 Far Cry: Primal

Player Taking Down An Enemy Using A Bow And Arrow

Far Cry: Primal was a bold experiment that showed Ubisoft trying something new with the formula. However, the fact that the map felt like a glorified palette swap of Far Cry 4 didn't help things, and the game's story was a snoozefest at best.

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However, if there's one thing Primal can be lauded for, it's the changes this game brings to the Far Cry formula. Instead of the firearms and explosives that most fans are used to, players had to adhere to the restrictions of the prehistoric era and rely on spears, tamed animals, and everything else along the same lines.

2 Far Cry 6

Dani On The Cover Of Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 had the chance to be something really special, especially since it was hot on the heels of what many people felt is one of the greatest Far Cry games ever made. However, even Giancarlo Esposito's presence couldn't save a game with a boring story, forgettable characters, and gameplay that feels like a step down from its predecessor...albeit only just.

The idea of forsaking a skill tree and tying perks to equipment is a change that many fans weren't too fond of, and it didn't help that Far Cry 6's gameplay was simply too ridiculous to be enjoyable, even when compared to the shenanigans that players could pull off in previous entries! That being said, there's no denying that Far Cry 6's gameplay is as refined as can be, making it one of the best action games to mess around in. Unleashing a volley of rockets and incapacitating enemies never gets old...even if the story does.

1 Far Cry 5

Companion Attacking An Enemy With A Flamethrower

No one expected Far Cry 5 to be as good as it was. Ubisoft got rid of towers, making exploration more natural, allowing players to dictate progression instead of being forced down a path, and letting players interact with four charismatic antagonists who were all pretty demented yet entertaining in their own way.

The gameplay of Far Cry 5 was refined to a T, with the action gameplay feeling as great as ever. Players certainly had a ton of opportunities to interact with this new combat system...especially since Far Cry 5 had a penchant to go berserk with its enemy spawns at times.

MORE: Far Cry 5: The Best Vehicles, Ranked