
  • Far Cry games offer secret endings by abandoning action and joining forces with enemies, hinting at a dark narrative for Far Cry 7.
  • Previous Far Cry games have showcased alternate endings requiring inaction or unexpected decisions to reach a quick conclusion.
  • Far Cry 7's rumored secret ending may involve betraying the protagonist's family to cultists, potentially leading to the series' darkest conclusion yet.

One of the most unique features of Ubisoft’s Far Cry games in recent years has been how players can often unlock secret endings simply by kicking back and doing nothing. Ranging from surprisingly uneventful to darkly comedic, these alternate endings sometimes let gamers roll credits in a matter of minutes by running away rather than going in with guns blazing. But if rumors about the plot of Far Cry 7 prove to be true, this sort of inaction on the part of players could lead to the series’ most cold-blooded conclusion yet.

While Ubisoft hasn’t yet officially confirmed its development, recent Far Cry 7 leaks suggest the sequel may be treading some well-worn narrative ground. Just as Far Cry 5 focused on the fanatical followers of Eden’s Gate leader Joseph Seed, it appears cults may once more take center stage in the series’ seventh outing. With rumors suggesting that Far Cry 7 sees players racing against the clock to rescue their family from the clutches of cultists, unlocking the game’s secret ending may mean ditching the rescue effort and joining forces with their captors.

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The Past Could Provide a Template for Far Cry 7’s Secret Ending

If Ubisoft decides to go down this bleak path for Far Cry 7, the secret endings of past Far Cry games provide plenty of examples of how to pull it off. Although the way that players unlock these alternate endings varies from game to game, it often requires them to abandon the fight altogether. In what’s become one of the most iconic examples of this, the secret ending for Far Cry 4 required players to do nothing more than wait patiently for antagonist Pagan Min to return with their mother’s ashes at the start of the game.

Although players could roll credits in a matter of minutes in both Far Cry 4 and Far Cry 5, other entries required players to put in a bit more work before throwing in the towel. The alternate ending for Far Cry 6, for instance, didn’t become available until a few hours into the game when players got their hands on a rickety boat. At this point, rather than returning to Yara as a freedom fighter, gamers can slip past a naval blockade and spend their remaining days sipping drinks by the beach in Miami.

Far Cry 7’s Secret Ending Could Be the Series’ Darkest Yet

Depending on when players are given the chance to skip straight to the game’s final moments, the secret ending for Far Cry 7 could play out in different ways. If the rumors about its story are true, players may be able to simply hand their family over to Far Cry 7’s cultists at the start of the game and, in a twisted way, avoid the task of rescuing them altogether.

While this would be a nod to some of the series’ previous entries, following the lead of Far Cry 3 ’s alternate ending could take things in a decidedly darker direction.

Unlike many other games in the franchise, unlocking the alternate ending of Far Cry 3 only became possible in the game’s closing moments when players were given the option of sacrificing their friends and joining the seductive Citra. Following this formula for Far Cry 7 could result in what would arguably be the series’ most shocking ending yet, with the protagonist condemning their family to a similar fate even after having spent the bulk of the game trying to save them.

While it’s hard to find anything that could be called a happy ending among the many alternative outcomes found in recent entries, Far Cry 7 secret ending could be the series’ darkest one yet. But even if rumors of a cult-centric storyline prove to be false, it’s a safe bet that Ubisoft has some surprises in store for players who don’t want to play by Far Cry 7’s intended rules.