
  • Far Cry 7 may combine elements from the highly regarded Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 5, according to recent rumors, potentially creating a mix of successful aspects from both games.
  • The return of narrative designer and lead writer Drew Holmes suggests that Far Cry 7 may carry over and expand upon his previous vision and ideas from Far Cry 5.
  • Speculation about the setting and antagonist in Far Cry 7, with a fictitious tropical island and a cult called the Sons of Truth, indicates a possible continuation and evolution of classic Far Cry themes.

The gaming world is no stranger to leaks and rumors, and eager fans will always be hungry for more information about the next title being worked on in their favorite series, no matter how far out or early in development it may or may not be. Even if there are only scraps and whispers of the barest details, anything that might shed light on the next major release will always attract intense attention. This goes doubly so for massive high-profile properties, like the hugely anticipated Grand Theft Auto 6, and likewise now for Ubisoft's Far Cry franchise.

There are already a number of interesting details circulating about what the next Far Cry might look like, and while all rumors should be tempered by a healthy measure of skepticism, a couple intriguing things can be learned from what's been uncovered so far. If some of the latest information swirling around the next game is at least somewhat reliable, then it could be that Far Cry 7 is shaping up to be a mix of two of the series' more highly regarded entries.

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Far Cry 7 May Be A Combination of FC3 and FC5 According to Rumors So Far

Far Cry 7 Influence

Far Cry 3 is most often cited by both fans and critics as the best of the Far Cry titles, and Ubisoft has been trying to replicate its success ever since it released. While subsequent titles generally did well, they also became a case of diminishing returns as the series went on. Many were accused of obviously and lazily repeating design and story elements, without trying to evolve or shake up the formula in any significant ways, and could even be said to have regressed in some areas with certain releases.

Far Cry 5 meanwhile, while not quite as favorably ranked as FC3, was still very well-received compared to Far Cry 4, Far Cry 6, and especially New Dawn.FC5 had enough going for it that it came close to balancing the line of recreating the feel of FC3 while introducing a few notable changes to the formula. Thus, there are a few reasons that a hypothetical Far Cry 7 could seriously be looking to both for inspiration. One of the more substantial pieces of news about Far Cry 7 is the return of Drew Holmes, narrative designer and lead writer on FC5. Holmes' return for another game naturally implies it will carry over and contain elements of his previous vision and ideas.

Some other significant details suggest that Far Cry 7's setting will be a fictitious tropical island called Kimsan, located in the “Yellow Sea next to Korea," and that players will be facing off against a cult called the Sons of Truth. These are suspiciously similar to FC3's Rook Island and Joseph Seed's Project at Eden's Gate religious sect from FC5. Creepy cults and exotic islands are classic FC inclusions, and if updated and expanded upon, could serve as excellent foundations for Far Cry 7.

Further Far Cry 7 leaks are all but guaranteed to keep coming out, and all of the above is of course subject to change depending on additional revelations. But based on everything fans have learned so far, if the next mainline Far Cry title is truly set to combine FC3 and FC5's best and most recognizable parts into a sort of greatest hits remix, while simultaneously adding new and unique features to the template, it just might be the recipe that Ubisoft needs to rekindle the Far Cry fire in the modern era.

​Far Cry 7 is rumored to be in development.

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