
  • Far Cry 7 will feature an in-game timer, adding a new challenge to the series and requiring players to complete the non-linear campaign within a limited amount of time.
  • The timer is a game-changer for the Far Cry franchise, providing a more meaningful and tense gameplay experience for longtime fans.
  • While the rumors about Far Cry 7 should be taken with a grain of salt, the addition of the timer shows that Ubisoft has exciting plans for the series' future.

Far Cry 7 appears to be in active development, with the last month playing host to a series of leaks and rumors. While light Far Cry 7 rumors have been circulating for quite some time, the recent string began with a detailed leak from Insider Gaming, in which the previous information was debunked and a more comprehensive overview of both story and gameplay was revealed. Among the leak's most interesting details was the reveal that Far Cry 7 will feature an in-game timer, tasking players with completing its non-linear campaign in a limited amount of time. With the leak also revealing that Far Cry 7's gameplay will flip the series' formula on its head, the title's in-game timer could be a refreshing game-changer.

The Far Cry series is well-known for its open-world gameplay, which allows fans to tackle missions and side objectives at their own pace. This freedom allows fans to take advantage of the Far Cry series' unique world-building and penchant for chaos, giving them ample time to set up zany and unique strategies for completing a title's missions. Far Cry 7's timer will put that process on the clock, tasking fans with crafting time-efficient and effective strategies, as they make their way through the campaign. According to leaks, this campaign is unlike any the series has seen thus far, with the in-game timer being a direct result of the narrative's core concept.

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Far Cry 7's Gameplay Flips the Series' On Its Head

Far Cry Wallpaper

Far Cry 7's rumored in-game timer is an integral part of the title's approach to storytelling. Unlike previous entries in the Far Cry series, in which the player character is captured and forced to escape or overthrow its primary setting, Far Cry 7 sees the player's family captured by the Sons of Truth and held in various facilities belonging to the group. The title's narrative and gameplay in non-linear, allowing fans to rescue each member of their family in whichever order they choose. However, Far Cry 7's story tasks the player-character with rescuing all members within 72 in-game hours, after which it is currently believed that members will be killed, resulting in different endings.

Far Cry 7's rumored 72-hour limit translates to 24 hours of actual playtime, which will constantly tick in the background as players attempt to rescue their family. However, it is rumored that the title will feature certain major elements from prior entries, such as safehouses, which will pause the timer as players craft, heal, and manage equipment. It is currently unknown how death will affect the timer. However, some fans believe that the timer will keep ticking, based on difficulty options or optional modes.

Far Cry 7's Rumored Timer is a Complete Game Changer

Far Cry 7 Shift Focus Villians

Far Cry 7's in-game timer paves the way for developer Ubisoft's revitalization of the Far Cry franchise. Each previous entry built upon its predecessor's open-world ideas, number of distractions, and trial-and-error combat options. This resulted in Far Cry 6 feeling overwhelmingly stuffed with filler, only occasionally disrupted by strict linear set pieces. By removing the linear approach, and putting players on a timer, Far Cry 7 can provide a more meaningful, tense, and rewarding gameplay experience to longtime fans.

Fans of the Far Cry series should take Far Cry 7's current leaks and rumors with a grain of salt, as Ubisoft has yet to release any official details surrounding the title. However, were they confirmed, Far Cry 7 would be set to become one of the series' most unique and difficult experiences. The title's rumored in-game timer promises to completely change how players approach Far Cry 7's non-linear exploration and combat. While the rumored decision to move in a new direction will likely prove divisive with some fans, Ubisoft's effort to evolve the series provides a clear sign that the developer has exciting plans for Far Cry's future.

Far Cry 7 is rumored to be in development.

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