Ubisoft hasn’t said much about Far Cry 6’s season pass content quite yet, but as long as it sticks to the roadmap, players will be getting to check out Vaas’ insanity DLC sometime this month. Since the trailer confirmed its existence alongside Pagan Min’s Control DLC and Joseph Seed’s Collapse DLC, not much has been shown. Hopefully, it gets a strong marketing push—perhaps in the form of its own trailer—before its release, and that may be what Ubisoft is waiting on.

There’s plenty of time before the end of the month, but it’s an understatement how important Vaas’ DLC is to Far Cry 6. Vaas is the most iconic character/villain in the franchise, and getting his character down-pat nearly 9 years after the initial release is important. It’s a good sign Michael Mando is back as Vaas and there’s the Far Cry 6 post-credit scene to consider too, but while little is known, it seems much better than what was initially rumored.

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Far Cry 6: Vaas Rumors Laid to Rest

Far Cry 6 Vaas

Prior to the release of Far Cry 6, there was a rumor that circulated for a couple of weeks that Vaas would play some role. This largely began because of teases and rumors related to Michael Mando and evolved into a rumor that Far Cry 6 was some sort of direct, not implied, prequel to Far Cry 3. Because of a simple cut in Diego's eyebrow, many thought that Diego would become Vaas, which was basically impossible from the get-go.

The cut and rumors of Michael Mando’s return were all there was to go on, leaving many to blatantly ignore Vaas’ raising among the Rakyat, his relationship with his sister, and far more. It was out there. Now, fans do know that Far Cry 6 takes place before the events of Far Cry 3, or at least, shortly before or around the age Vaas begins smuggling and trafficking.

Making Diego Vaas would have hurt so much of the initial game, but with this new confirmation and the teases for the DLC, Vaas does seem set for a big comeback. Far Cry 6 does need to tread carefully with Vaas in a protagonist role, but if any character can pull it off well, it’s the criminally insane mind of Vaas.

Far Cry 6 Vaas Insanity DLC – What Has Been Teased So Far

far cry 6 villains left to right Joseph, Vaas and Pagan Min

Based on the Far Cry 6 season pass trailer, players will be taking on the role of Vaas (and other villains later) for the first time. It seems they’re in some sort of odd, dream-state afterlife-esque world where it’s a bit more exotic than normal, even by Far Cry 6 standards. Where isn’t necessarily important, but for Vaas specifically, it seems like he’ll relive Far Cry 3 moments from the other side.

Assuming it builds on his tease, it may be some sort of teaser from Vaas’ perspective on Far Cry 3’s events and his encounter with Jason Brody, but that may be too much work. Playing from Vaas’ perspective, nonetheless, and seeing Jason Brody reiterate the iconic “have I ever told you the definition of insanity?” is an interesting scenario all on its own. Perhaps it’s some sort of walkthrough his mind, more insane but akin to Borderlands 3’s Krieg DLC, but right now, fans have to wait for more.

At the very least, they know Vaas’ story is growing, not changing. And Diego isn’t and never was Vaas.

Far Cry 6 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Far Cry 6's Vaas DLC Can Finally Answer One Questions Fans Have Been Dying to Know