Far Cry 6 doesn't change much for the franchise in most departments, but it does in areas where it counts. One of those areas is combat. In previous games, the player would assume the role of a non-fighter or someone who has limited experience in combat, meaning there was a learning curve for the player.

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One of the reasons why Far Cry 6 is more popular than previous iterations is that everything is unlocked at the start. The game's protagonist, Dani, is an ex-soldier, meaning they understand combat right from the start. But still, the game can get challenging in many parts. To that end, here are some tips that should help players become a menace on the island of Yara.

7 Choose The Right Weapon

far cry 6 player getting ready to fire a bow

Players are able to have a lot of start of Far Cry 6 in terms of weapons, which is one of the best parts of the game. Having a diverse armory is the way to go in a lot of cases. Choose a rifle that can fire single shots at long range, and equip it with a silencer to help stealth. To add a little more quietness to attacks, equip the bow.

Most guns can be found all over Yara, making them fairly easy to find easier. Weapon caches can also be found all over the island. These weapons don't get upgraded, but they have helpful buffs like fire damage, and usually deal heavy attacks. Players should have at least one equipped for the main campaign.

6 Scout Locations

far cry 6 player scouting over the area

Pre-planning an attack is probably the best way to clean up an outpost fast and without raising alarms. Before attacking, players should know what they're getting into and exactly how many enemies there are. Plus, this is a good way to get more experience points, thus allowing Dani to level up.

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During missions, scouting can give the player a good idea of the paths the guards are taking, allowing players to avoid conflict. Additionally, knowing these paths allows the player to plan if anything goes south, and helps them figure out the next step faster. It's always best to know the ins and outs of the area before jumping in. Players can spot any nearby treasures this way too.

5 Choose Armor

player wearing an armor set

Having the right weapon is one thing, but backing it up with the right protection is another. To get the best armor the game has to offer, look for the cache crates around Yara, or unlock the barracks network in the hideouts. This new mechanic can be intimidating — it connects all the hideouts together, allowing players to access one hideout's options at another including the barracks.

Having the barracks network unlocked early is important. Not only does it give the player more weapons, but more armor as well. Unlike the other Far Cry games, armor does matter here in protecting the player from attacks.

4 Pay Attention To Bullet Type

far cry 6 weapons on a table

Weapon crafting in Far Cry 6 is deeper than most Far Cry games, as can customize many weapons. The new customizable option in this game, however, is bullet type. Players can first scout enemies determine their weaknesses — most of the time, it's a certain type of bullet. Players can craft these at the workbench and equip them in the pause menu.

There are different types of bullets, each of which will impact playstyle. The game can change depending on what type of bullet is being used, and those attacks can be enhanced by the armor or the gun type. It all connected, making players really strategize and think about how they approach missions.

3 Supremos

far cry 6 players using their supermos

These backpack-like gadgets are new to the series and add a fun element to the game. Some are assault based, while others are more stealth-based or elemental-based. The best part is that players don't have to pick, because once bought, Supremos can be accessed in the pause menu and switched whenever the player feels like it. It gives the player an edge quite early on.

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They can also be upgraded to offer benefits like more health or reduced cooldown time, plus players can add more ordinances like grenades or throwing knives. It gives Dani a better fighting chance to fight back even when they are underpowered.

2 Looking Out for Vehicles

far cry 6 player looking at a car with buildings in the background

Yara is littered with cars, ATVs, boats, planes, helicopters, and tanks, some of which are attacking the player. During missions, these vehicles can be a nuisance. Players will often have a weapon like a rocket launcher or grenade launcher to counter that, so being a threat to these vehicles will come easy.

However, they are other ways to take these down, such as Supremos that can take care of vehicles easily. Equipping one with an EMP can render the vehicles useless, or if the player wants a more destructive path, heat-seeking missiles can make quick work of any plane or helicopter. Alternatively, if players want an easier, more subtle route, they can find the Pistola Sportiva, which is ideal for taking down vehicles with ease.

1 Amigos

far cry 6 chorizo

This mechanic was introduced in Far Cry 5, giving an animal friend to help retrieve ammo and other items. In Far Cry 6 the mechanic has been enhanced. More animals offer help and each has a different benefit which, again, impacts gameplay. Luckily getting these amigos are quite easy, for example, Boom Boom is attached to a mission.

These animals make Dani's one-person army a little bigger. They allow players to focus on the important things, whilc the amigos act as backup. It helps the player take on many enemies at once, because the amigo can take them on first. Even when they get taken down, the player thankfully has the option to revive them. Who could bear to let these little guys go?

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