In the effort to free the Caribbean island of Yara from El Presidente’s dictatorship, Far Cry 6 gives players control of guerilla fighter Dani Rojas as well as the opportunity to equip themselves with a wide range of military-grade hardware to contend with the local militia. As fans of other Far Cry games know, Far Cry 6 gives players enough freedom to customize their loadouts to transform Dani into a force to reckon with.

6 Things Far Cry 6 Does Better Than Any Of The Other Games In Ubisoft's Series

Far Cry 6 may divide opinions, but there's no question about these following features it gets right over the other Ubisoft games in the series.

Given the various degrees of difficulty that can be encountered in each of the Yara’s regions, Dani needs to tailor-fit their arsenal to accommodate enemy threats. This means Dani can’t simply rely on a single loadout of weapons to get the job done. For players to maximize their Far Cry 6 experience, certain sets of weapons just work in particular situations.

Updated on March 12, 2024, by Rhenn Taguiam: With the Far Cry series apparently teasing a multiplayer game called Project Maverick before the next main entry under the codename Project Blackbird, fans of the Ubisoft series may be itching for another wild open-world experience that the franchise usually offers in its gameplay offerings. Moreover, with rumors teasing a time limit for Far Cry 7 as a protagonist saves each of his kidnapped family members, fans may be worried about the integrity of the series' beloved open-world mechanic. Thankfully, players can still help Dani Rojas save Yara from its brutal dictatorship in Far Cry 6, with loadouts that focus on extremes, silent takedowns, heavy-hitting attacks, and more versatile attack strategies.

20 Quick-Fire Ambush

Fast And Loose Attack Option

Quick-Fire Ambush

Primary 1

(Rifle) Libertad Custom AKM

Primary 2

(SMG) Eldritch Truth

Primary 3

(Launcher) MGL-6


Desert Eagle

With the vast biomes of Yara up for players of Far Cry 6 to explore, it makes sense for some of their loadouts to accommodate fast and loose incursions so they can traverse locations more efficiently. This is what Quick-Fire Ambush offers, especially with the MGL-6 which can offer much-needed firepower if players want to rush guns blazing into the battlefield. With this destruction at the ready, players can quickly swoop in for easy kills with the Eldritch Truth and quick-taps with the Desert Eagle.

Alternatively, players can also start with an MGL-6 shot and then pick off the panicking enemy teams with the Libertad Custom AKM, only going for a short-ranged offensive once they zero in on the player's location.

19 Fire Is The Cleanser

Choose Between High RPM, High Burst DPS

Fire is the Cleanser

Primary 1

(LMG) Impact Driver

Primary 2

(Shotgun) SPAS-12

Primary 3

(Resolver) Pyrotechno


Big Dog

The unpredictability of AI in Far Cry 6 can spell certain doom for overconfident players, especially when a simple encounter can get complicated quickly when vehicles and reinforcements arrive. This is where Fire is the Cleanser comes in, as the loadout offers a multitude of ways for players to demolish enemy forces quickly without letting their numbers and weapons overwhelm them. Key to this build is the Pyrotechno Resolver, as its literal usage of fire can help players manipulate the environment to their advantage.

From afar, players can deal with enemies with the sheer firepower of Impact Driver, as the LMG can shred opponents who dare come in the player's general direction. In the case of short-range incursions, the SPAS-12 should be a dependable-enough Shotgun, while the Big Dog could be reserved for quick up-close kills.

18 Too Near, Too Far

Take The Fight To Extreme Encounters

Too Near Too Far

Primary 1

(Sniper) MBP .50

Primary 2


Primary 3

(Resolver) Pyrotechno

Considering the risk of facing Far Cry's toughest villains in Far Cry 6, players know better than to carry less than their most adequate weaponry for the job. In the case of Dani, her guerilla fighting against the game's tougher opponents could use the potential of Too Near, Too Far - a loadout capable of taking the fight to enemies regardless of their position. This particular loadout emphasizes giving Dani the opportunity to fight from afar with her MBP .50 Sniper or up close with the MP7, arguably two of the best weapons in their respective range classes.

This way, players can get more flexible with the rest of the kit they're bringing to accommodate different threats. The Pyrotechno Resolver is there for good measure, especially if Dani needs a way to get opponents off their tail during pursuits.

17 Multi-Range Punishment

Secure Kills By Delaying The Enemy

Multi-Range Punishment

Primary 1

(Sniper) Libertad Custom SVD

Primary 2


Primary 3

(Rifle) SSGP-58

Primary 4

(Resolver) Zeusito


Heaven & Hell

Players who want to maximize the sandbox environment of Far Cry 6 can enjoy eliminating foes from most setups with Multi-Range Punishment. Aside from this loadout giving players access to different weapons for all ranges, the kit especially excels in eliminating opponents efficiently regardless of the distance. The Zeusito is especially a worthwhile mention, as the EMP Resolver disables the changes of vehicles making a difference in combat. This can pave the way for heavy-hitting mayhem with the MP5 and close ranged attacks via Heaven & Hell.

It's with long-range incursions that players can get creative. Traditional long-distance skirmishes could begin with the added firepower of the Libertad Custom SVD, although the SSGP-58 could compensate with mid-to-long-range attacks. It's this versatility that can transform Dani's assaults into more enjoyable experiences.

16 Overkill Shots

Secure Kills Through Heavy-Hitting Blows

Overkill Shots

Primary 1

(Rifle) Libertad Custom MS16L

Primary 2

(Sniper) White Lotus

Primary 3

(Launcher) MGL-6


Heaven & Hell

On top of acquiring the best gear in Far Cry 6, one of the surefire ways players can secure survival in the game would be through the usage of extreme firepower. This is made possible with Overkill Shots, a loadout that emphasizes the usage of as much firepower as possible to overwhelm opponents in almost any situation. From afar, the White Lotus should take care of dangerous threats with precision aiming. In mid-to-long-range, the Libertad Custom MS16L should be able to take care of approaching foes.

Even if enemies manage to detect the player's presence, securing a single pathway to the player's direction can make it easier to blow enemies away with a shot from the MGL-6. In emergencies, Heaven & Hell should pack enough of a punch to get enemies away from players up close.

15 One-Two Punch Combo

Focus On Wreaking Havoc

One-Two Punch Combo

Primary 1

(Shotgun) KSG

Primary 2

(Rifle) AK-47 (with Armor Piercing Rounds)

Primary 3

(Launcher) RPG-7


M9 (with Silencer)



Players who want to wreak havoc in the setting of this Far Cry game should consider the One-Two Punch Combo for its reliance on sheer firepower to overwhelm enemies. The Exterminador’s homing rockets could make for a mean combat starter at a distance. Messier short-to-mid-range incursions could be accomplished by the AK-47, which can be made deadlier to elite foes with Armor Piercing Rounds.

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Meanwhile, dispatching enemies up close is done easily with the KSG and its more stable and average shot-by-shot firepower. Should enemies try bringing in the big guns, the RPG-7 could deal with tanks and other vehicles with relative ease. In case of emergencies, a silenced M9 could finish opponents or give players enough room to run and reload their kit.

14 Classic Guerilla Warfare

Ambushes Can Kill Multiple Foes

Classic Guerilla Warfare

Primary 1

(AR) M-16 A1

Primary 2

(SMG) MP40

Primary 3

(LMG) MG42


Desert Eagle

Dani’s fight against the Far Cry villain Castillo’s regime doesn’t always have to go all out with Supremo superweapons, especially when good old Classic Guerilla Warfare is enough to take enemies by surprise and eliminate them quickly. “Fast” is the name of the game here, beginning with the M-16 A1 boasting an incredible firing rate and decent accuracy to compensate for its middling damage numbers.

Players who want to get messy could transition to short-to-mid-range spraying with the MP40 which boasts decent handling, as well as long-ranged bullet rains with the MG42. Using this toolkit means coping with varying recoil and reload speeds of these Primaries, which is where the slow-firing Desert Eagle comes in for punchier close-range emergencies.

13 Vehicular Mayhem

Focus On Destroying Vehicles

Vehicular Mayhem

Primary 1

(AR) SSGP-58 (with Canted Reflex Sight)

Primary 2

(LMG) MG42 (with Blast Rounds)

Primary 3

(Resolver) Pyrotechno


Desert Eagle (with Sniper Scope)



Considering how vehicles in Far Cry 6 remain rather deadly to face in combat encounters, Vehicular Mayhem is created precisely to deal with these situations. The only gun built for anti-personnel support would be the SSGP-58 which, when equipped with the player’s favored zoom and Canted Reflex Sight can become quite the mid-to-long-ranged companion. The Desert Eagle with Sniper Scope should also be an apt Sidearm for emergencies and distance shots.

The rest of this loadout is designed to deal with vehicles in a number of ways. The Volta Supremo launches an EMP to disable and hijack tanks, leaving them wide open for anti-vehicle Blast Rounds from the fast-firing MG42 as well as the debilitating anti-tank capabilities of the Pyrotechno Resolver.

12 Precision Kills

Quiet But Accurate Kills

Precision Kills

Primary 1

(AR) SSGP-58 (with Suppressor)

Primary 2

(SMG) MP7 (with Suppressor)

Primary 3

(Shotgun) KSG (with Blast Rounds)

Primary 4

(Resolver) Pyrotechno


Desert Eagle (with Sniper Scope)



Sometimes, players may want to maximize the capabilities of protagonist Dani as a guerilla fighter by relying on stealth - something Precision Kills can help gamers achieve. The idea here is to attack swiftly and quietly, relying on as much suppression as possible to keep volume low when engaging foes. Players can do this from afar with the Desert Eagle with a Sniper Scope, or slowly pick off enemies in isolated packs via Suppressed SSGP-58 or the MP7. The Volta could also become a firestarter, disengaging vehicles with a vicious EMP blast before rushing in for the kill.

In case of emergencies, players can still enjoy their Far Cry 6 gameplay with a bit of wanton violence. Using a KSG with Blast Rounds could make quick work of enemies and vehicles up close, while the Pyrotechno should take care of tanks and reinforcements before they even pose a threat at closer proximities.

11 Straightforward Shooting

All-Around Loadout

Straightforward Shooting

Primary 1

(Resolver) La Varita

Primary 2

(SMG) MP7 (with Armor Piercing Rounds)

Primary 3

(AR) SSGP-58

Players who want to enjoy their Far Cry 6 playthroughs with more straightforward approaches to gunfights can rely on Straightforward Shooting for a more direct approach to combat. Iterations of Dani using this kit can opt for any Sidearm and Supremo that accommodates special circumstances, as the rest of the loadout should be able to deal with most situations.

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This is especially the case with La Varita, as this Resolver packing some of the highest damage numbers in the game transforms the weapon into the centerpiece of the kit. Meanwhile, the rest of the loadout can have players switch to fast-paced aggressive plays at any range. The MP7 with Armor Piercing Rounds can make quick work of elite foes up close, whereas the SSGP-58 can eliminate most standard mobs with relative ease.

10 Supremo Supremacy

Follow The Lead Of The Supremo

Supremo Supremacy Loadout

Primary 1

(AR) SSGP-58

Primary 2

(Shotgun) SPAS-12

Primary 3

(Resolver) La Varita



Considered the equivalent of an Ultimate in Far Cry 6 gameplay, fans may want to consider capitalizing on the Triador Supremo in this Supremo Supremacy build. Compared to its other Supremo counterparts, the combat-heavy Triador will mark every enemy in a wide area when activated. This synergizes well specifically with the La Varita, as its ranged damage capacity of one-shotting enemies is enhanced further with the perk of passing through walls.

Meanwhile, full-auto courtesy of the SSGP-58 would be efficient when facing multiple enemies at a time. Likewise, falling back on SPAS-12 for punchier close-range finishers can save players who end up stuck on melee.

9 SSGP-58 Marksman Stealth

Prioritizes Accuracy Across All Ranges

SSGP-58 Marksman Stealth Loadout

Primary 1

(AR) SSGP-58

Primary 2

(SMG) MP40

Primary 3

(Shotgun) SPAS-12



Gear Set

Marksman, Dark Tech

As SSGP-58 Marksman Stealth implies, players who want to stay on the down low can still pull off a decent build without relying too much on their Supremo. Instead, knowing which Far Cry 6 Gears work best with their intended build could be enough to dispatch enemies quickly. This build heavily relies on the SSGP-58 and its near-perfect accuracy to take care of most enemies across all range types.

The SPAS-12 and the MP40 serve as backups for crucial close-to-mid-range incursions, with the Medico Supremo only there for the emergency revive. Key to the build is the right combination of Marksman and Dark Tech Gear which should reduce overall recoil and reduce movement noise on top of an increase in crouch speed.

8 Guerilla Flexibility

Hit Enemies Across All Ranges

Guerilla Flexibility Loadout

Primary 1


Primary 2

(Shotgun) SPAS-12


Desert Eagle (with Sniper Scope)



Players enjoying their Far Cry 6 gameplay can owe much of it to their first Supremo, the Exterminador. Activating its ability releases quite a ton of homing rockets that try to bombard enemies with a cluster of beautifully chaotic explosions. This is part of what makes the Guerilla Flexibility loadout enjoyable, as this lets players rain hell on opponents.

With the Exterminador as a finisher, the rest of the player’s kit is geared toward hitting enemies hard from any angle. The Desert Eagle with a Sniper Scope can make for a great portable sniper, whereas the SPAS-12 gets the job done when enemies get too close. Capping the build is AS VAL, an Assault Rifle with a built-in silencer and three-shot modes (single, burst, full-auto) that can accommodate most combat situations.

7 Balanced Firepower

Tackle Any Combat Situation

Balanced Firepower

Primary 1


Primary 2

(Bow) Compound Bow

Primary 3

(Sniper) Eastern Front


Heaven & Hell



Gear Set


However, players with the Balanced Firepower loadout may realize it’s not about how fast Dani can kill foes but rather how well-equipped she is to deal with any scenario anywhere. Thanks to the Parkour Gear Set, Dani gets more movement speed across almost all actions on top of decent Max Stamina and recovery.

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An optimal all-rounder Supremo for an exploration-heavy loadout would be Exterminador, which can rain hell on opponents that surround Dani. Heaven & Hell make for decent Sidearms with their remarkable handling, allowing Dani to protect themselves up close. Lastly, her Primaries try to accommodate distant ranges, with both the Compound Bow and Eastern Front giving them multiple stealth kill options from afar before blasting through the rest of her foes with the AS VAL.

6 Careful Rebellion

Sniping Focus For Precision Kills

Careful Rebellion

Primary 1

(Sniper) Digital Love

Primary 2

(SMG) Eldritch Truth

Primary 3

(Resolver) Pyrotechno


Heaven & Hell



With Careful Rebellion, players rely on weapons that give them an edge in terms of handling and recoil, especially in Far Cry 6, where Dani goes against the full brunt of the El Presidente's forces. Crucial to the build is the Digital Love Sniper, which lets players take out crucial enemies from a distance in order to secure a safer assault in an enemy base.

This is where Eldritch Truth and Pyrotechno come in, as their added firepower can make quick work of enemies. Such is this build’s focus on safety that players should trade an offensive-leaning Supremo with the Medico to ensure Dani’s survival in tougher firefights.

5 A Tool For Any Situation

Adapt To Any Combat Scenario

A Tool For Any Situation

Primary 1

(AR) SSGP-58

Primary 2

(Shotgun) SPAS-12

Primary 3

(Resolver) Zeusito


Desert Eagle (with Sniper Scope)



Sometimes, the best way to approach Far Cry 6 gameplay is to have a weapon prepared for any type of enemy. This is what A Tool For Any Situation does, as it’s a loadout that gives Dani a suitable option to use when facing specific opponents. Theoretically, the Exterminador should only be used in case of emergencies.

Central to the build is how each weapon in the loadout contributes to a particular situation. The Desert Eagle with Sniper Scope is a miniature sniper capable of taking out enemies at a distance. Meanwhile, the SSGP-58 and SPAS-12 should be able to take care of most armed opponents across all ranges. Lastly, the Zeusito is ideal for fighting Far Cry 6 vehicles, especially tanks and other armaments that can prove a hassle for players to deal with.

4 Sneaky Run And Gun

Emphasizes Hit-And-Run Plays

Sneaky Run And Gun

Primary 1

(LMG) High-Caliber Beats

Primary 2


Primary 3

(Sniper) SVD




Marksman, Rioter, Dark Tech

Thanks to the open-world nature of Far Cry 6 gameplay, fans of the game can enjoy a myriad of ways in which Dani Rojas can engage their foes. While some players prefer a strictly stealthy or viciously reckless approach, Sneaky Run And Gun tries to attempt both. When building this loadout, players need a combination of Marksman, Rioter, and Dark Tech gear, prioritizing steadier aim (Marksman’s Gloves), less movement noise (Dark Tech Pants), and boosted defenses in worst-case scenarios (Rioter Boots).

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When it comes to weapon choice, Sneaky Run And Gun needs players to be able to take down as many enemies from afar as possible with the chances of winging it when discovered. This is what makes both the SVD and Autocrat perfect for picking enemies off from afar while having the option to retreat to the High-Caliber Beats and AS VAL for some heavy-duty action to eliminate witnesses.

3 Sabotaging Poison

Poisons Can Kill Enemies Quickly

Sabotaging Poison

Primary 1

(Resolver) La Varita

Primary 2

(Sniper) Eastern Front

Primary 3

(Bows) El Capirote





The Sabotaging Poison loadout capitalizes on the opportunity to trigger poisons in Far Cry 6 gameplay as often as possible, ensuring enemies are taken care of by damage over time aside from sheer DPS. Key to this loadout is getting weapons equipped with Poison Rounds (Mods) as often as possible, with the rest improving overall aim and stability.

In turn, much of the kit in Sabotaging Poison relies on precision to take out enemies as efficiently as possible. Both Eastern Front and El Capirote excel as long-ranged weapons, with Triador’s enemy detection special ability making it much easier to select and pick off targets. Moreover, using La Varita during the Supremo’s activation will add wall-piercing to the Resolver’s one-hit KO perk.

2 Outright Assault

Heavy Fire Focus To Eliminate Enemies Quickly

Outright Assault

Primary 1


Primary 2

(Sniper) SVD

Primary 3


Sometimes, players of Far Cry 6 just want Dani Rojas to sow as much discord as possible with chaotic firefights. This is possible with Outright Assault, which encourages sheer firepower with flexibility towards Gear and Supremo choice. At its core, Outright Assault wants players to secure as much damage in an encounter as possible so enemies don’t have the wiggle room to call for reinforcements.

To do this, they need to take care of their perceived biggest threats with the SVD, making sure to eliminate any other witness that can call for backup. That way, they can plot locations with the most foes to take care of first with the PPSH-41 before switching to the AS VAL, so faraway foes don’t have the chance of getting up close.

1 John Wick

Kill Enemies With Style

John Wick

Primary 1

(Rifles) AR-C

Primary 2

(Shotgun) KSG

Primary 3

(Bow) Compound Bow


1911 (No Suppressor)




Prisoner, Marksman, Rioter

At its core, John Wick allows players to take down almost any kind of threat with the right defenses with a bit of wiggle room for stylish gun-fu. The latter is courtesy of the Prisoner’s Scarf that allows takedowns on enemies in front of players, with Marksman items improving handling while Rioter items improve melee defense.

Similar to the eponymous character, weapons of the John Wick build facilitate a tool for any occasion. The Compound Bow should be able to take care of enemies from afar, with the AR-C’s decent handling being able to eliminate backup before they close in. If they become too close for comfort, the KSG should blast them away to safety, with the 1911 being a last resort. Even if enemies bring in the pain via vehicles, the Exterminador can theoretically dish out major damage before they pose a threat to players.

far cry 6 cover
Far Cry 6

October 6, 2021
Action , FPS