
  • Far Cry 6 has been praised for its narrative style and the performance of Giancarlo Esposito as the antagonist.
  • The game offers a wide variety of weapons for players to use, but they must have the best gear equipped to survive enemy attacks.
  • Different gear pieces in the game offer unique benefits, such as increased swim speed, armor piercing defense, and improved movement speed while crouched.

In the almost two years since the release of Ubisoft's Far Cry 6, the game has earned itself tons of praise. Many feel that this latest entry in the series has turned the franchise in the right direction. The game earned Giancarlo Esposito a nomination for Best Performance at the 2021 Game Awards for his portrayal of antagonist Anton Castillo, but more importantly, turned the narrative style of the series in a direction that most fans approved of.

15 Secrets Many Still Haven't Found In Far Cry 6

Like many open-world games of its scope, Far Cry 6 has no shortage of Easter eggs to dig up. Here are a few references you might have missed.

In the end, however, the most important thing for any Far Cry game is how it feels to shoot some bad guys, and Far Cry 6 is no different. The game is loaded with all sorts of weapons players can use to test the limits of Ubisoft's destruction playground. However, when those enemies shoot back, players must have the best gear equipped to survive the onslaught, or those fancy guns won't mean much.

Updated January 29th, 2024, by Evan Regan: There's a lot of gear in Far Cry 6, all of it unique, all of it with a special trait that makes it valuable. The fact is that, no matter which gear combos players are working with, there's a good chance they'll be having a good time. That's the whole thing about Far Cry; it's designed for bombastic fun. However, some gear pieces are more versatile than others, and as such, a few more entries have been added to this list to help players put together the best character build for their playstyle.

13 Angler's Sandals

Improves Swim Speed

Swimming faster is never a bad thing

Unlocked by building and upgrading the Fishing Hut Camp Facility, this gear's effect is one of those common traits in video games that is completely useless right up until the moment it becomes invaluable. The Angler's Sandals grant a noticeable increase to Dani's swimming speed, and will, as such, only be effective when she's in water.

While on land, players will forget they're even wearing these. That'll remain the case right up until they encounter a quest that requires some diving, or they end up getting blasted out of their boat and have enemies swarming them on all sides. In these situations, being able to move through the water more quickly will suddenly become really handy.

12 Rioter Helmet

Improves Armor Piercing Defense

The Rioter Set - including the Rioter Helmet - protects from armor-piercing damage

Available to be purchased from Juan's Arms Dealers, the Rioter Helmet is a part of the Armor Piercing set. It boasts some strong defense - as does the whole set - but the primary benefit to this helmet is its resistance to armor-piercing rounds.

Many of the soldados players will face in the game will utilize armor-piercing rounds; particularly in the late game. Any gear that doesn't protect against that type of ammo will leave the player susceptible to increased damage. That alone makes this helmet one of the more valuable pieces of headgear in the game.

11 Dark Tech Boots

Improves Movement Speed While Crouched

Can't see what you can't catch

Sold by Juan's Arms Dealers or the Bandidos Barracks, the Dark Tech Boots are an essential addition to any stealth build. The increased movement speed players get while crouched can make sneaking through enemy ranks a breeze.

It's important to note however, that while these boots increase movement speed, they have no effect on movement noise. While they may speed up the stealth process, it might be smart to employ one of the other gear pieces on this list to ensure that improved movement is supported by reducing Dani's movement noise as well.

10 Fuego Mitts

When On Fire, Flames Are Automatically Put Out

The Fuego Mitts prevent Dani from ever catching on fire

Players will receive this piece of wrist gear automatically in the early part of the campaign. Julio will give this item to Dani during the "Fire and Fury" mission when players are tasked with burning down tobacco fields. However, the Fuego Mitts will remain valuable until the credits roll.

The most crucial aspect of the Fuego Mitts is that they will prevent players from the "On Fire" status which must be extinguished manually. These gloves won't do much to withstand a full-frontal blast from a flamethrower, but to be fair, not much will.

9 Parkour Shorts

Increases Movement Speed After Sliding

Don't forget your lucky parkour shorts

There are loads of benefits to the entire Parkour Set, including increases to Maximum Stamina and Stamina regeneration, but the Parkour Shorts are special for a different reason. They give players a huge speed boost right as they come out of a slide.

While these shorts won't be for everyone, players who are using a run-and-gun build, maybe with an SMG in hand, will find that these shorts make their playstyle a lot more fun immediately. That extra speed boost makes it easy to close ground on enemies before they can react. Drop into a slide, shoot them down, then pop up and keep running. It's a blast.

8 Prisoner's Shirt

Acquire Additional Gasolina, Metal, And Medicine

Gather twice the resources with the Prisoner's Shirt

If players find themselves in an area with a lot of loot to pick up, they would do well to throw on the Prisoner's Shirt even just for the collection process. This piece of chest gear will increase the amount of metal, medicine, and gasolina that players scavenge when they have it equipped.

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With Far Cry 6 now available on Steam, players have plenty of opportunity to customize the game through mods.

The Prisoner's Shirt takes very little effort to acquire. Players simply need to upgrade the Bandidos Barracks to level 3, and then they can just walk up and buy the shirt for some Yaran Pesos they've earned. It's as easy as that.

7 Scrounger Jeans

Improves The Repair Tool

The Scrounger Jeans will passively repair vehicles

Another item that can be acquired fairly early in the game, the Scrounger's Jeans are a piece of leg gear that can be purchased from Juan's Arms Dealers right from the get-go. While these aren't a "make or break" piece of gear, they make success much easier to achieve in certain contexts.

The Scrounger Jeans have a fairly basic ability: they will automatically repair damaged vehicles while players are sitting in them. Some players may not use many vehicles, or simply abandon them once they break down. However, some missions lock players into a vehicle, and for those instances, there is no better piece of gear to be wearing.

6 Oluwa's Heart

Redouces Movement Noise

This chest gear improves Dani's stealth abilities

There aren't many feelings in Far Cry 6 that beat stealthily clearing through an entire enemy outpost undetected. For that, players should look into the chest gear Oluwa's Heart. This gear will significantly reduce their movement noise, thus amplifying their stealth abilities by making them harder to detect.

The only downside here is Oluwa's Heart can be hard to come by. It can be found in Libertad Crates, which are scattered throughout the game world. Their contents are randomized though, so players are at the mercy of RNG when looking for this item. Alternatively, players can track down Oluwa's Cave and can find this gear in one of the three chests near the cave's altar. That said, once found, it will prove well worth the trouble.

5 Impact Vest

Improves Blast And Soft-Target Defense

Help limit blast damage with the Impact Vest

There is lots of gear that will increase Dani's defense against one particular kind of damage, such as fire, poison, etc. However, there are few damage types as punishing as blast damage, and that means there are few pieces of chest gear more valuable than the Impact Vest.

This gear comes exactly as advertised: it reduces damage from explosives. That includes grenades, tripwires, tank shots, and everything in between. It's also very easy to acquire. Players can purchase it from Juan's Arms Dealers whenever they can afford it.

4 Marksman's Goggles

Headshot Kills Refund The Round

The Marksman's Goggles refund ammo that nets a headshot kill

This piece of head gear is ideal for players who are using sniper rifles, but pistols, semi-auto rifles, and more can all still benefit from it. The Marksman's Goggles will refund every bullet fired that results in a headshot kill

The benefits of this perk are obvious, but they are especially noticeable for sniper rifles, which do not carry a ton of ammo to work with. The Marksman's Goggles will almost completely alleviate that issue. They can be purchased at Juan's Arms Dealers and at the Bandidos Barracks, or can be found (with some luck) in Libertad Crates.

3 Revolutionary Pants

Begin Regenerating Health Sooner After Taking Damage

The entire Revolutionary Set reduces the cooldown between damage and health regeneration

This piece of leg gear cannot be obtained until after the credits roll, so it's as late-game of an item as players will find on this list. The Revolutionary Pants are acquired as part of the Leader Gear Set, which players unlock after completing Far Cry 6's final mission, "The Battle of Esperanza."

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What makes these pants - and the entire Leader Set - so good is that they reduce the cooldown between when players take damage and when their health will begin to regenerate. At its default, that cooldown lasts for 10 seconds, but with the Revolutionary Pants equipped, it is reduced to 5 seconds. Those extra 5 seconds can make a huge difference when the bullets are flying.

2 Oku's Deliverance

Improves Weapons Damage To Enemies Below Dani

These pants increase Dani's damage when shooting enemies from high ground

This piece of leg gear comes with a perk that, on paper, players might dismiss as being too contextual. However, once equipped, they'll realize just how often that context arises. These pants grant Dani a damage bonus when shooting enemies from above. While that may seem specific to snipers, it's all too common for players to find themselves on a rooftop or balcony raining fire down on enemies below.

Oku's Deliverance Triada Relic Treasure Hunt and is found in a hidden fort just off the main road in the northeastern part of Cruz del Salvador. It's a bit of a process to work through the fort, and players should make sure to explore all the ledges in the well where Oku's Relic is located, or they can miss this gear piece entirely.

1 Street Surgeon Helmet

Improves Defense After Healing

The Street Surgeon Helmet increases Dani's defense after healing

The standard gameplay loop in Far Cry 6 is simple: players start shooting at enemies and the enemies start shooting back, eventually, Dani takes some damage, heals, and then gets back to shooting. The Street Surgeon Helmet swings this loop heavily in Dani's favor.

Essentially, this headgear makes it so that, after healing, players are immediately more resistant to damage. It may seem minor, but being on the defensive for too long can be a death sentence. The Street Surgeon Helmet gives players a much larger window to turn the tables on their enemies. It can be purchased easily from Juan's Arms Dealer.