The Marvel Cinematic Universe fans will look forward to seeing its interpretation of TheFantastic Four in 2024, but Kevin Feige has already promised the reboot won't be revisiting the origin story of Marvel's First Family.

The Fantastic Four has gotten two cinematic interpretations since the 21st century began, neither of which was well-received. Because fans have seen their backstories put on the big screen twice before, it appears that the Marvel Cinematic Universe will not be following that plotline in their interpretation of The Fantastic Four.

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Kevin Feige confirmed during Comic-Con 2022 that because fans are more than familiar with the four superheroes' origin stories, either from the comics or from the movies, they won't be touching the Fantastic Four's backstory for the upcoming film. “A lot of people know this origin story. A lot of people know the basics," Feige said to The Hollywood Reporter. Since fans are more likely than not to have seen what happened to them, Feige asked a pretty valid question on the matter regarding what would happen if they did their origin story again. "How do we take that and bring something that they’ve never seen before?” This is a fair question because if fans want to know how they got their superpowers, all they'd have to do is watch one of the previous Fantastic Four films to know how it was done. Plus, Marvel Studios has already done plenty of origin stories with the rationale being that there hadn't already been a cinematic depiction of said events in the past.

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Marvel Studios has done this with some of their past heroes with great success. Instead of doing Spider-Man's origin story, they integrated him into the cinematic universe with him already having his powers. The reason was that Sony had already done his origin story cinematically twice in the past. In fact, The Amazing Spider-Man had only come out four years prior to Spider-Man's first MCU appearance in Captain America: Civil War, so that was still fresh on everyone's mind. What would be the point of doing it all again when very little time had passed? More importantly, by doing this, they could focus on developing Tom Holland's Spider-Man instead of taking the time to introduce him.

Since that worked before, why not go that same route with The Fantastic Four? Also, keep in mind that the previous iterations of them were not critically acclaimed, so perhaps Marvel Studios' best route is not so much to improve on what didn't work in the past. Instead, their best route might just be to venture into different areas never explored with the Fantastic Four. Their archenemy, Dr. Doom, is among Marvel's most well-repped villains, so they will probably integrate him in the MCU's future, but that doesn't necessarily mean they have to do that right away. In fact, maybe they can take a few liberties as they did with Spider-Man.

Even though they haven't announced a new movie for them yet, fans should wonder if they will go a similar route with the X-Men. It's only been three years since fans last saw an X-Men movie - again, not one that was well-received - so Marvel Studios has to decide if it's worth starting from scratch again or if they should already integrate previously established characters from that franchise. What could factor into their decision is how they portray The Fantastic Four in their next cinematic outing.

Fantastic Four is scheduled to release in theaters on November 8, 2024.

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Source: The Hollywood Reporter