Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore is not an immediate sequel like the first movie to the second. The film takes place ten years later, in 1937, with Dumbledore once again trying to get Newt to assemble a group of wizards to go after Grindelwald. This time he is participating instead of sending leather gloves to point Newt in the right direction.

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There is a callback to that joke in Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore. On the other side, Grindelwald is trying to run for office. He wants the people, the wizarding people mind you, to back his attempt to rid the world of muggles. Does he succeed? That won't be spoiled here. However, this Harry Potter spinoff will be spoiled below to highlight some of the funniest and most profound quotes in the film.

8 “I Hope You Didn’t Spend All Day Coming Up With That”

Eulalie in Fantastic Beasts The Secrets of Dumbledore

That line was said by Eulalie to her cousins trying to pretend to accost her outside of Jacob’s bakery. Eulalie had an elaborate scheme to lure Jacob out so that he would rescue her. It was then that she would reveal her plan.

Why she couldn’t just walk into Jacob’s bakery and say something instead is beyond anyone’s guess. She’s not a vampire that needs to be invited into a place of residence. This is a Muggle bakery. Logic notes aside, the quote and scene are fun.

7 “It’s Working On Me Right Now”

Jacob in Fantastic Beasts The Secrets of Dumbledore

Eulalie’s bakery plot didn’t make a lot of sense but neither did Dumbledore’s elaborate plan. It was so confusing that Jacob says this line on the train when everyone is gathered. This is way before Newt goes into any of the more confusing plot points of Dumbledore’s plan including giving Jacob a wand.

Dumbledore must be able to see into the future and knew Jacob would try to assassinate Grindelwald. He must have also known Jacob would come out unscathed or Dumbledore is just a very reckless gambler.

6 “Who Wouldn’t Like Our Chances”

Theseus in Fantastic Beasts The Secrets of Dumbledore

This line is said by Newt’s brother, Theseus, also during the train conversation. He’s pointing out that the plan, as confusing as it is, also lacks numbers. Theseus is an Auror so he is qualified for the job even though he gets jailed pretty quickly.

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Eulalie is an accomplished professor of charm spells in the American branch. Newt, while a bit eccentric, knows his way around a wand as well even though it sometimes looks like he is going through life haphazardly like Mr. Bean. Yusuf is also accomplished although he doesn’t get to do much. Jacob and Bunty are it. So, that’s five good wizards and a Muggle vs an entire army of dark wizards. That’s why Theseus’ sarcastic line Is so hilarious.

5 “Apologies For Calling You A Stupid Sod”

Aberforth in Fantastic Beasts The Secrets of Dumbledore

Aberforth says this to Minerva on accident. Dumbledore and Aberforth are having a deep conversation with each other about Credence when a knock on the tavern door disturbs them. Aberforth assumes it's a drunk patron trying to get in.

However, it was a young Minerva, who was also briefly seen in The Crimes of Grindelwald, trying to deliver a message to Dumbledore. It’s too bad she hasn’t had a bigger role yet in this new movie series.

4 “He’ll Be The One That Looks Like Your Brother”

The German jailer in Fantastic Beasts The Secrets of Dumbledore

The jailer in the German prison says to Newt. He is not sure where to go to look for Theseus which is why the jailer says this to Newt. It’s a funny line, but not helpful in the slightest. Thankfully, this nob gets what’s coming to him in the end.

This is a spoiler-filled discussion but there is no need to ruin that surprise in this highlight. Everyone loves to see a nasty villain get in the end be it in a movie, video game, or whatever.

3 “That’s What Matters, Trying”

Newt in Fantastic Beasts The Secrets of Dumbledore

Newt is a bit manic. He seems like he doesn’t care for people, which is kind of true. He’s more of a monster man than anything else which is sweet in its own way. He starts to change his mind starting in the first movie when he meets his Muggle friend, Jacob.

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He even makes up with his brother in the second film. In this ten-year gap, he has seemingly learned to be more profound too with quotes like this. He reminds Dumbledore toward the end that trying is everything.

2 “For The Record, No One Ever Died Playing Three-card Monte”

Jacob in Fantastic Beasts The Secrets of Dumbledore

This is another great line from Jacob in The Secrets of Dumbledore. He says this to the titular wizard himself as Jacob is confused by the whole switching suitcase idea. Dumbledore is equally confused by the concept of Three-card Monte.

It’s one of the more odd aspects of this universe. Wizards not knowing simple card games and living like they are still stuck in the Middle-ages is quite astounding. Dumbledore never played some cards with Muggles before?

1 “Our War With The Muggles Begins Today”

Grindelwald in Fantastic Beasts The Secrets of Dumbledore

Everyone should know this line as it was in almost every trailer for The Secrets of Dumbledore. Grindelwald says this toward the end of the film to his congregation after he wins the election. The election, of course, that he rigs with the help of his cursed Qilin.

Thankfully, Credence stands up for himself and reveals the whole plot to be a fake. Even though his plan is foiled, this quote is still haunting as Grindelwald almost made it to the top in a somewhat legitimate fashion to kill the Muggles.

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