Creating new movie theories can be a lot of fun for the viewers. Not only does this activity allow them to use their imagination, but it also helps them engage even more with the movie's story than if they were just passively watching it.

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While some movie theories don't make much sense in the context of what the audience knows about the characters, the world they inhabit, and the story in general, that doesn't mean they aren't a lot of fun. Some of the fan theories that appeared online enrich the movie's story or make it more interesting, so it's intriguing for the readers to imagine what would happen if the fan theory was true, no matter how far-fetched some of them are!

5 The James Bond Series: James Bond Is A Time Lord


One of the more unusual theories suggests that the reason why James Bond changed faces over the years is that he's a Time Lord from the Doctor Who universe. As such, anytime he gets injured and is about to die, he just regenerates into a different form and assumes a new face. That also means James Bond isn't most likely his real name but just a human name he uses, just like the Doctor called himself John Smith.

Both the Doctor and James Bond have a similar lifestyle - they repeatedly fight to save the world or people from destruction by a crazed villain. What's more, both of them seem to have an affinity for the United Kingdom. If James Bond was indeed a Time Lord, it would also explain why he's willing to take on such dangerous missions - because he knows he won't die even if things go seriously wrong.

4 Grease (1978): Sandy Died Right At The Beginning

Olivia Newton John Travolta Grease

Romantic comedies often require a strong suspension of disbelief from the viewers because their characters act the way people don't normally do in real life. Grease contains some unusual moments, most notably the ending in which Sandy and Danny leave in a flying car. A popular fan theory explains the fantasy-like elements in the movie by introducing the notion that Sandy had actually died in the beginning of the movie.

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She was drowning and unlike in the song Summer Nights, Danny didn't actually save her. As such, the rest of the plot and her budding romance with Danny is all a figment of the imagination of her dying brain and by the time they fly away in the car, Sandy's soul is ready to go to Heaven. If the viewers decide to watch Grease with this theory in mind, it suddenly becomes a much darker and more chilling movie.

3 Titanic (1997): Jack Dawson Is A Time Traveler

characters from titanic

Titanic is one of the most successful and popular movies of all time. As such, it's no surprise the fans created many theories about it over the years. For example, one theory states that Jack never existed and that Rose just imagined him to be able to escape her unhappy life. But an even more interesting theory suggests that Leonardo DiCaprio's Jack Dawson is a time traveler. The authors of the theory pointed out there are several discrepancies about Jack that could be explained by the fact he comes from the future. More specifically, they believe Jack was sent back in time in order to save Rose's life.

A popular argument is that there are no historical records about Jack. Also, Jack makes several references to places that didn't yet exist in 1912. He also knows that Rose won't die on the ship and correctly predicts the actual way she died - that is if Rose dies at the end of the movie and doesn't just go to sleep, as some fans believe. Finally, the fans who like this theory are convinced that it's not a coincidence the Titanic's director, James Cameron, directed two movies about time travel - Terminator (1984) and Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991). Some even believe that Rose from Titanic is the ancestor of Sarah Connor from the Terminator series!

2 The Harry Potter Series: The Dursleys Were Mean To Harry Because He Was A Horcrux

Harry and the Dursley family in Harry Potter

When young Harry Potter was growing up with his only surviving relatives, the Dursley family, they treated him horribly. A theory suggests the Dursleys acted that way not because they were such bad people but because a part of Voldemort's soul was inside Harry, and it poisoned the Dursleys' minds against him and had a negative impact on them since they lived in proximity to Harry.

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While it's true that the Horcruxes (such as the locket) could have such an effect, the Dursleys weren't so kind to other people as well. What's more, other people, such as Hermione, or the Weasley family, didn't seem to have this problem. Maybe they were alright because they didn't live with Harry for so long, but while the theory does make for an interesting reading of the Dursleys' behavior in the movies, it doesn't appear very likely.

1 Inception (2010): Cobb's Real Totem Isn't The Spinning Top


Christopher Nolan's Inception is one of the movies with the most speculated endings. When Leonardo DiCaprio's Don Cobb goes to see his children, he spins the totem, the spinning top, before speaking with his children. The final scene never reveals if the spinning top stopped spinning (which would mean that the meeting is real) or it just kept on spinning (so it's all a dream).

However, a fan theory claims that the spinning top isn't Cobb's totem - instead, his wedding ring is, since he only wears it in the dream sequences in the movie and not in real life. And since he doesn't have the wedding ring on in the final scene, it would also prove that Cobb got to see his children after all, and it wasn't just a dream. This would provide Inception with the clear ending so many people asked for and would also symbolize Cobb is ready to move on after the loss of his wife and is ready to start a new life with his children.

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