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There are some movie quotes that are so famous that even when people haven't watched the film, they know these lines by heart. The 1942 film Casablanca is known by the line "We'll always have Paris" and movie fans remember when Holly Golightly says “If I could find a real life place to make me feel like Tiffany's, then I'd buy some furniture and give the cat a name" in the beloved 1961 Audrey Hepburn film Breakfast At Tiffany's.

There are many horror movie quotes that people remember as well, and even if someone dislikes scary films and doesn't make watching them a habit, they likely recognize the haunting and horrifying dialogue that some classic characters say.

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That Classic Line From Jaws (1975)

"You're gonna need a bigger boat."

Chief Brody with the shark behind him in Jaws

While Jaws is about more than the killer shark at the heart of the story, and even people who dislike scary films definitely are familiar with Brody (Roy Scheider) saying his "bigger boat" line.

This quote is so flawless since it really says it all: the main characters are being threatened by the shark and staying in the boat is the only hope of maybe getting away from it. While not everyone has seen the 1975 film, everyone is aware of how famous Steven Spielberg's horror/thriller is and the cultural significance that it has. Brody really takes charge of the situation.

Hannibal Lector's Terrifying Final Line In The Silence Of The Lambs (1991)

"I do wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner."

Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins) - Hannibal

It definitely makes sense that people who hate horror movies wouldn't be interested in watching The Silence Of The Lambs. Of course, the fact that Hannibal Lector is a cannibal is pretty freaky to think about. But those who haven't seen this 1991 film know when Anthony Hopkins ends the film by saying that he's about to eat someone.

This line is so scary since it might sound like Hannibal is saying that he's invited a pal over to enjoy a nice meal, but everyone knows that isn't what he means at all. It's almost too awful thinking about what's going to happen next.

Stu Macher Is Freaked Out In Scream (1996)

"My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me!"

Matthew Lillard as Stu in Scream

In many ways, Matthew Lillard's character Stu Macher is the best Ghostface in Scream, and this line is one of the most well-known from the 1996 film. It's fair to say that even non-horror fans know the big moment when Stu and Billy Loomis (Skeet Ulrich) are said to be the killers and Stu realizes that he's in over his head.

This quote is so meaningful since Stu went along with his friend and didn't seem to think about the consequences and reality of his actions. Now, Stu can tell that he might not survive this showdown with Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell), and he's terrified and upset. This is a stark contrast to the way that most slasher villains act.

Julie James Yells In I Know What You DId Last Summer (1997)

"He's just out there, and he's watching and waiting! What are you waiting for, huh?"

Barry (Ryan Phillippe), Julie (Jennifer Love Hewitt) and Helen (Sarah Michelle Gellar) in I Know What You Did Last Summer

Jennifer Love Hewitt's I Know What You Did Last Summer scene is so famous that it's a memorable slasher quote but also one of the most famous from any horror film. Even if someone has never seen this '90s movie, they likely have heard about the cheesy moment when Julie James stands in the street and screams for the killer to come and get her already.

While it's definitely easy to poke fun of this quote, as Julie sounds a bit over-the-top, it's a horrifying moment in a film that doesn't always feel all that scary. Julie is completely fed up and trying her best to be brave, which has been tough considering how much fear she has been experiencing running from Ben Willis.

Cole Sears Is Scared In The Sixth Sense (1999)

"I see dead people."

Haley Joel Osment as Cole lying in bed under blankets in The Sixth Sense

The Sixth Sense is an important movie and even if someone hasn't ever seen it, they of course know the most famous line: when Cole Sears (Haley Joel Osment) tells Dr. Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis), "I see dead people." People associate a few things with this film, from Cole's classic quote to Mischa Barton's scene as young Kyra Collins throwing up because her mom has poisoned her.

Cole's words are so sad, powerful, and moving because he's being straightforward and honest about how ghosts haunt him, no matter what he does or where he goes. It's tough imagining this sweet kid having to carry this heavy burden around, and this quote explains what the movie is about: a child who is in tune with the supernatural world.

NEXT: 5 Memorable '80s Horror Movie Quotes