Video game narratives have become complex structures with branching paths, with mostly linear narratives requiring something extra to really stand out in a market where player freedom is sought out more often than not. As a result, many games end up integrating bad endings in their video games to punish players for being evil, missing out on key tasks, ignoring the bulk of the game's content, and everything else along the same lines.

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More often than not, getting a bad ending is one of the most unsatisfying things that players can experience, especially if they've spent a ton of hours in these titles. That being said, the following bad endings are still pretty memorable in their own right...even if the reasons for the same may not be positive all the time.

10 Everyone Dies – Heavy Rain

Ethan dead and found by Shawn in Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain is a complex narrative game where a player's choices can lead to wildly different outcomes. The entire game revolves around the Origami Killer and how people are desperately trying to hunt him down.

If players fail to uncover Shelby as the Origami Killer and every other character dies, then the serial killer gets away scot-free with his crimes. There's still some resolution if Lauren is saved since she shoots him down, but it's nowhere near as satisfying a moment as it should be.

9 The High Chaos Ending – Dishonored

Dishonored Dunwall High Chaos Save Emily Ending

Dishonored is a great immersive sim title, but the game discourages killing and encourages players to spare as many people as possible. This is a shame, since killing enemies in Dishonored is way more fun and creative than simply knocking them out.

Players who decide to prioritize fun will reach the High Chaos ending, where the entire city of Dunwall is overrun by the plague and Emily's chances of survival are pretty slim. It's an ending many people remember simply because of how badly it screwed them over after all the hours they put into the game.

8 Killing Taro Namatame – Persona 4

Bad Ending in Persona 4

There are many times when Persona 4 tries to coax players into getting a bad ending. One such moment that most players must have experienced at least once is when Taro Namatame is believed to be the serial killer that is haunting Inaba.

RELATED: Persona: Every Bad Ending In The Franchise (& How To Trigger Them)

Failing to protect him and killing him off will lead to a horrible ending where Nanako dies and fog never leaves Inaba. It's a dreary end to what is a great adventure, and players were glad that the game prompted them to save before this critical decision.​​​​​​​

7 Maya Is Never Found – Phoenix Wright: Justice For All

The bad endings in Ace Attorney Justice For All

There are a fair few Phoenix Wright games that have bad endings if the player doesn't finish a case properly. Justice for All has the most notorious bad ending of the lot, in no small part due to an unfortunate typo that has been embedded in the halls of video game pop culture ever since.

If the player fails to provide the proper evidence in the final cross-examination of the game, then Maya is never rescued and Phoenix stops being a lawyer. This moment could've been pretty sad...had it not been for a hilarious typo that completely ruined the somber mood of the game.

6 The Rise Of Chara – Undertale

Chara Dialogue Undertale

Undertale is one of the greatest indie titles ever made, with the game's unique runs being pretty memorable indeed. Players who want to turn this chirpy and engaging RPG into a difficult and horrifying affair should definitely check out the Genocide Run.

Players need to kill pretty much everything in the game to see this run to completion. It's not a happy route in the slightest, with the disturbed Chara appearing at the end and haunting the player's future "happy" playthroughs.

5 Omori Jumping To His Death – Omori

Sunny falling to his death in Omori's bad ending

Speaking of great indie titles, another game that comes to mind is Omori. This cheerful JRPG hides a dark secret and explores mature themes in a smart and sophisticated manner.

After figuring out the true mystery that was haunting Sunny, players can either help him fight back against Omori or succumb to this persona. The latter leads to a bad ending where Sunny (controlled by Omori) goes to the roof of the hospital and jumps to his death, accompanied by one of the most jarring and unforgettable tracks in the game that plays while Sunny slowly plummets to the ground.

4 The Death Of Everyone In The Crew – Mass Effect 2

The Suicide Mission in Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2's Suicide Mission has become the stuff of legends due to its high stakes. For the most part, players shouldn't really lose any member of the crew unless they're diligent...but a few mistakes can still be made by players rushing through the game or making poor decisions at the end.

If players lose too many members of the crew by the end, then Shepard will end up dying as well! It's a shocking event that further proves why Mass Effect 2 is considered by many to be the best game in the series.

3 Dying To Lavos In The Final Battle – Chrono Trigger

Lavos in Chrono Trigger

The confrontation against Lavos is built up throughout Chrono Trigger. While players can fight him whenever they want, there's only one battle at the end that is considered to be the canon path.

RELATED: Games With Bad Endings That Were Made Canon By Sequels

If the party perishes against Lavos in this final confrontation, then a bleak image of Earth being destroyed is shown. This is accompanied by a haunting sentence that states that the future refused to change, piling on to the despair of this bad ending.

2 Ending Up With Citra – Far Cry 3

Killing or sparing Liza in Far Cry 3

Far Cry 3 is the game that propelled this series to new heights. The game was a ton of fun to play through, with its antagonists being quite riveting in their own right.

If players choose to kill their girlfriend and side with Citra, then they'll embark upon a pretty steamy bad ending. After Citra bears Jason's child, she promptly kills off the latter before ruling over the island with all her might.

1 A Tragic Suicide – Cyberpunk 2077

The suicide ending in Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is a game that has turned its image around since its doomed release. The game is now a ton of fun to play through and pretty stable, allowing players to experience this amazing story for themselves.

One of the endings in Cyberpunk 2077 involves V giving up his life and not putting anyone else in danger, a decision which is discussed pretty maturely by him and Johnny. It's a poignant ending that is made even more emotional by the messages of V's friends during the credits.

MORE: Cyberpunk 2077: All Endings Explained