At the moment, nothing is known what's in store for Fallout 5. But with Fallout 76 in the mix, fans may be able to get some idea of what it might look like through Fallout 76's features. The game might even see popular content found in Fallout 76 making a reappearance, such as cryptids.

Cryptids are a hugely popular aspect of Fallout 76, bringing a layer of mystery and intrigue to the game. Most of all, they give the game the potential to be a horrifying experience, something the Fallout games have always reveled in doing in certain parts. Fallout 5 should bring back cryptids in its own way, spicing things up like no other mainline installment has.

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The Potential For Cryptids in Fallout 5


The term "cryptid" in Fallout 76 includes a broad range of species. Some of these can be animals that have mutated uniquely, such as the Mothman. Others can be quite literally aliens, such as the infamous Flatwoods Monster. Another interesting case is that of Fallout 76's mangled wendigo, a mutated version of a human who strikes fear into players with its visage alone. Each of them adds something to the game, whether it be through lore or through the experience of finding one of these mythical creatures. They are a multi-faceted addition that are inarguably some of the most unique and memorable creatures found throughout the franchise.

Each of them brings something new in terms of in-game lore. For example, the Flatwoods Monster shows that the aliens found in Fallout 3 have been sending down individuals to explore the world. The Mothman has inspired its own cult, which the player can find throughout the world. Fallout 76's world benefits from their existence in that they add more storytelling to the game. This is not only from an in-game perspective, but a real world one as well. Many of the backstories for the cryptids have often included hints of their real urban legend counterparts.

Fallout 5 can do so much more with this concept, creating something truly unique. Cryptids would greatly encourage players to explore Fallout 5's world. What's more, to reward players for seeking cryptids out, Bethesda could design weapons found or made using these cryptids. A similar concept already exists in the form of deathclaw gauntlets. Scripted events such as Fallout 4's Museum of Witchcraft could become abundant as Bethesda explores what it can do to make these creatures scarier than ever.

It can even be said that the Fallout franchise has had precedent for including cryptids well before Fallout 76. One of the earliest examples can be found in Fallout 2, where the player can find a ghost by the name of Anna Winslow and help her find peace through a side quest. Aliens themselves are cryptids, and have appeared all the way back in the first Fallout game. Fallout has always had cryptids, but Fallout 76 is where the franchise chose to begin fleshing them out the most. In terms of the mainline series, Fallout 5 should shoot for the moon and go all the way with its iteration of cryptids.

Wherever Fallout 5 takes place, cryptids have the potential to bring modern folklore and culture to life into the Fallout universe. With all the time Bethesda has on its hands before it starts working on Fallout 5, hopefully it considers bringing this Fallout 76 feature to the mainline series.

Fallout 5 has been confirmed by Bethesda Game Studios but is not yet in active development.

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