The Fallout series has players fight against many different factions. Players have the option to join a few of these factions, but they might feel a little guilty after doing so. Throughout the game, certain characters in each faction will reveal just how much of a villain they truly are.

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Some of these antagonists might be simple enough to take out, while others will have entire armies behind them. It should also be noted that these villains can come from different walks of life, with some being Super Mutants and some being the founder of a faction. Depending on the level of evilness, some players might feel as though they saved the wasteland from a terrible outcome.

17 Tobar

Tobar's headshot as he talks to the player

Tobar is the ferryman in the DLC Point Lookout. He seems innocent enough -- he will ferry the player between the Capital Wasteland and Point Lookout. Tobar has an evil side that is revealed to the player.

It is revealed Tobar took a piece of the Lone Wanderer's brain when they were unconscious. The player confronts Tobar, who becomes hostile and attacks the player. He is killed, putting an end to his plans.

16 Alien Captain

Alien Captain in the cockpit of Mothership Zeta

It would seem that nuclear war is not the only thing earth has to worry about. It is revealed in the Mothership Zeta DLC that there is an alien ship circling the earth. The captain of the ship must be killed at the end of the DLC, putting an end to any plans the aliens might have had.

The ship has been in the earth's orbit for 600 years, meaning the aliens did not pose a significant threat. The mothership has lasers on it, meaning the aliens could have attacked earth a long time ago.

15 Jingwei

Jingwei as he speaks to the player

Jingwei is the main antagonist of the Operation: Anchorage DLC. He is the leader of the Chinese forces in Alaska, trying to take the state from America. Uniquely, Jingwei is one of the only Pre-War antagonists the player will get to fight -- even if it's in a simulation.

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Jingwei is described as fighting with a sense of honor, but with bouts of savagery. While he is attacking another country, Jingwei is just following orders and doing his job as a general.

14 Sibley

Sibley as he is speaking to the player

Sibley is a Brotherhood of Steel Outcast and brings the player to the Anchorage simulation. After the player finishes the simulation, they will be escorted to an armory where they gain access to armor and weapons. Sibley feels as though the player is not worthy, starting a mutiny. He is taken care of, and players are able to take whatever items they want.

13 Robert House

The screen showing Robert House's pre-war appearance

Robert House is the leader of New Vegas after he reawakens. He wishes to keep New Vegas free from being controlled, so he uses the Courier and his army of Securitrons to protect the city. House will wage a war with the NCR and Caesar's Legion, leading to the death of many soldiers. It is acceptable to defend the city, but House's side will lose no human life.

12 Mobius

An ending screen showing Mobius

Dr. Mobius use to be a member of the Think Tank in Old World Blues, leaving the group after a dispute. Mobius hacked his former colleague's brains, making them believe Big MT is the only place in the world. Mobius is also the leader of the Robo-scorpion army, which patrols the Big MT.

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The player can either kill Mobius or reason with him. Reasoning with him will make Mobius give the player Mentats every 24 hours in-game.

11 Morpheus

Morpheus's talking head as he talks to the Vault Dweller

Morpheus is the leader of the Children of the Cathedral in the original Fallout. He can lead the player to The Master, never having to be fought. It would also seem that Morpheus is brainwashed by The Master, never questioning his superiors. He brings people into the group, but sadly seems to be convinced by The Master as well.

10 Elijah

Elijah as he talks to the player

Elijah use to be an elder in the Brotherhood of Steel but deserted the group after the battle at HELIOS One. Elijah became obsessed with finding technology that could beat the NCR. This caused him to travel all over, ending his journey at the Sierra Madre casino.

Players can either choose to kill Elijah in the casino or trap him inside a vault. If trapped, the DLC's ending will say Elijah ended up passing away, with a hologram being created in his place.

9 Stanislaus Braun

Stanislaus Braun in his vault pod and as his character

Stanislaus Braun is the overseer of Vault 112, being stuck in a virtual reality for the last 200 years. Braun takes on the character of a little girl, tormenting his fellow vault dwellers through different programming. While he is tormenting them, they do not remember it and do not permanently die.

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This can change, as Braun can convince the Lone Wanderer to turn on a failsafe that kills all vault residents. Who hasn't turned to violence in games when they are bored, though?

8 Wernher

Wernher waiting to take players to The Pitt

Wernher seems like the good guy in The Pitt DLC, but players can learn a bit more about him. He was once Ishmael's right-hand man, losing his power after trying to stage a coup. It is revealed the whole reason he wants Ishmael's baby isn't to save it, but to get revenge for being defeated.

7 Benny

Benny at the beginning of New Vegas

Benny is responsible for shooting the Courier and leaving them for dead in the Mojave Wasteland. He did this in an attempt to gain control of New Vegas, a goal which ultimately fails. Benny can be confronted in his hotel room at The Tops, only for him to escape.

Players can then find Benny at The Fort, being captured by Caesar's Legion. Players can choose to confront him, with Caesar allowing the player to kill Benny. On the bright side, players can loot his checkered jacket.

6 High Confessor Tektus

High Confessor Tektus sitting on his throne in the Nucleus

Tektus is the leader of the Children of Atom on The Island in the Far Harbor DLC. While he can retain peaceful relations with Arcadia, he has a hatred for the residents of Far Harbor.

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He sends his followers to sabotage the settlement's defenses, even wanting to attack and kill all residents there.

5 Conrad Kellogg

Conrad Kellogg after being confronted by the Sole Survivor

Kellogg is the man responsible for killing the Sole Survivor's spouse and kidnapping Shaun. It is also revealed that Kellogg left the life-support of Vault 111 off, killing all of the other residents. By reliving his memories, it is revealed Kellogg had a tough life up to joining The Institute, probably leading to his evilness.

4 Caesar

Caesar sitting on his throne

Caesar formed Caesar's Legion after uniting tribes under his banner. Taking after the Roman Empire, Caesar brought back crucifixions, women not having rights, and children being trained for combat at a very young age.

It should also be noted that tribes taken over by Caesar's Legion could not keep their local customs, instead having to submit to the Legion. Caesar would also make examples of higher-ranked officials, including his friend Joshua Graham.

3 Legate Lanius

Lanius speaking to the player in his personal tent

Lanius is nicknamed 'The Monster of the East'. Lanius led a campaign to expand the Legion's power, laying waste to tribes in his way. The legate is also said to perform human sacrifices to Mars, most likely using the slave population or prisoners to perform these sacrifices.

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It is also possible for Lanius to become the leader of the Legion, continuing Caesar's wishes for expansion.

2 John Henry Eden

John Henry Eden when he is met for the first time

John Henry Eden is the AI president of the Enclave in Fallout 3. He wishes to use the Lone Wanderer as a way to kill everyone in the Capital Wasteland. Eden will give players a FEV virus to put in Project Purity, which will kill all residents of the wasteland and allow the Enclave to take over. Luckily, Eden is killed when Liberty Prime destroys his base.

1 Master

Master's talking head in the game

Master is the main antagonist of Fallout, being the leader of the Super Mutants. He is a hybrid of several humans, super mutants, and his base's computer network. Master wanted to transform everyone on the west coast into super mutants, starting his own super race of people to end all of humanity's differences. While it sounds nice, his methods definitely weren't.

NEXT: 5 Things Wasteland Does Better Than Fallout (& 5 Fallout Does Better)