
  • Unpleasant discoveries await players in the Fallout wasteland, from failed experiments to mutated creatures.
  • Some characters, like Harold the tree mutant, offer a unique and surprising twist in the game's narrative.
  • Beware of the disturbing Centaurs and the tragic stories hidden within seemingly innocent locations like the Suffolk County Charter School.

Fallout is a video game franchise that is set in a version of our future where the world has succumbed to a great nuclear war, and so the open world that players explore is a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Each new entry tasks players with surviving this unforgiving wasteland, even though the location of each new game changes.

Fallout: 7 Most Disturbing Characters, Ranked

The world of Fallout is a strange and twisted one, and it's suitably full of strange and twisted characters.

While these action RPGs are a lot of fun to play, not everything players will come across in these games is pretty. The wasteland is full of mutated creatures and wicked people who are willing to do horrific things to survive. As such, there are plenty of unpleasant things that players are likely to come across in Fallout.

1 Vault 22

A Noble Experiment That Turned South

Fallout New Vegas Vault 22 Entrance Sign The Plants Kill
Fallout: New Vegas

PS3 , Xbox 360 , PC
October 19, 2010
  • Found In Fallout: New Vegas
  • Location: Mojave Region

The large sign that stands outside Vault 22 in Fallout: New Vegas should be enough to indicate that nothing pleasant resides within those walls. Though Vault-Tec is known for conducting inhumane experiments on their vault dwellers, players will quickly find that the scientists working in Vault 22 initially had noble intentions of creating plant life that could grow and sustain itself.

10 Most Bizarre Vaults In Fallout History

The bunkers in Fallout known as vaults are a huge part of the franchise, and there are several strange and bizarre vaults players will come across.

Sadly, these scientists found that their goal of solving world hunger would soon turn against them, as the radiation from the bombs dropped during The Great War would cause these plants to evolve and mutate into a sentient parasite. Over the years, the vault dwellers and scientists within Vault 22 would eventually become a group of ghastly creatures known as Spore Carriers. For players to escape the vault, they will have to kill these horrible enemies and watch as a once noble project ends in misery.

2 Harold

A Sentient Tree

fallout 3 harold as a tree

  • FalloutFallout 2
    Developer(s)InterplayBlack Isle Studios
  • Found In Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout 3
  • Located: Fallout: Old Town, Fallout 2: Gecko: Fallout 3: Oasis

Harold is a rare survivor of the FEV experiments carried out by The Master, and he is found in the first three Fallout games. Instead of becoming a super mutant like other people who underwent the same experiments, Harold became a mutated creature that resembles a tree.

Harold has a kind-hearted nature, and even spent time as mayor of Gecko in Fallout 2. Unfortunately, he can be quite a surprise for new players of Fallout 3 as he is an odd-looking encounter. Plus, the quest that players can engage in during this last game, called "Burning Harold," allows them to brutally murder this mutant in one of the most unpleasant acts in the series so far.

3 Swann

No One Wants To Fight A Giant Super Mutant

Fallout 4 Swan
Fallout 4

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
November 10, 2015
RPG , Action
  • Found In Fallout 4
  • Located: Swann's Pond Boston Common

Anyone who has played a Fallout game knows how difficult it is to fight a super mutant. These extra strong and durable mutants are the result of the FEV experiments that were first carried out by The Master in the first Fallout game. Since then, the franchise has experimented with bringing in new forms of super mutants, one of which is the extra-large super mutant behemoth known as Swann in Fallout 4.

Fallout: 8 Worst Factions That Have Done The Most Harm

The world of Fallout is full of powerful factions - most of them bad. However, some are much worse than others.

Many players would assume that the creature is named as such because he is normally found submerged in a pond on Boston Common. However, players will later discover that this mutant was once an institute scientist named Edgar Swann, who was fired from the organization after unknowingly being subjected to FEV radiation. Now, this huge monster is ready to shock players by springing out and attacking them if they stray too close. This behemoth can even one-shot kill any player who is not prepared to deal with him.

4 Kid In A Fridge

Help The Child Who Has Been Trapped For 200 Hundred Years

Billy from Fallout 4 getting out from inside the fridge he's been hiding in
  • Found in Fallout 4
  • Located: University Point

The child inside the fridge is a quick and simple quest, one that many players will not find too disturbing if they play it heroically. When traveling in the south part of University Point, players will hear someone calling out from the inside of a locked fridge. Shoot the door open, and players will find a child who claims to have been hiding inside since the bombs dropped.

The quest is simple enough, as players will be asked to take Billy home to his house in Quincy. Sadly, there are always people in the wasteland looking to do evil for a bit of profit. On the way to the child's house, players will be approached by a Gunner who offers to buy the child from them. What this random NPC wants with a child in the wasteland is anyone's guess, but it is surely too unpleasant to think about.

5 Centaurs

Animals And Humans Forced To Evolve Against Their Will Into Abominations

Centaur in New Vegas
Fallout 3

PS3 , Xbox 360 , PC
October 28, 2008
Bethesda Game Studios
Action RPG
  • Found In Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Fallout 4
  • Located In East Coast USA

With so many mutated creatures occupying the wasteland of the Fallout games, it isn't uncommon for players to encounter a jump scare in the open world. Feral Ghouls are oddly silent until they attack players from behind, and Mirelurks are quick when moving across the water. However, the creatures that are likely to frighten players the most are the disturbing forms of the Centaurs that populate the world. Players meet Bethesda's rendition of this abomination in Fallout 3.

Though slow-moving, these almost humanoid creatures are so unsightly that they are enough to startle anyone with just their appearance. Even their backstory is unpleasant, as these creatures are the result of a forced evolution experiment that tried to make animals and humans into perfect weapons. Just knowing that they are out there in the open world is enough to give anyone nightmares.

6 Suffolk County Charter School

An Unfortunate End For A Group Of Children

Feral Ghoul Fallout 76
Image by GameZXC
  • Found In Fallout 4
  • Location: Suffolk County

The Suffolk County Charter School in Fallout 4 seems like any other interior location in the Fallout series. Players will enter to find loads of pink feral ghouls, and instinctively start attacking them. The pink coloration is odd, but it gets more frightening when players find out why these ghouls are pink.

Upon exploring the school further, players will learn that it was once part of a government initiative called the Nutritional Alternative Paste Program. This Vault-Tec experiment gave the children at the school a new paste to eat and confiscated any other forms of food. Unfortunately, this paste was all that was left to eat after the bombs fell, and so any survivors were left as ghouls who eventually turned pink from the paste. As a result, many of the ghouls that players have killed in this building were likely former pupils at the school who survived the war. A truly unpleasant revelation.

6 Fallout Games With The Best Endings, Ranked

The Fallout games all have something to offer, but these examples arguably possess the best endings.