Collector's editions are certainly commonplace now-a-days and Fallout: New Vegas will not be the exception. Lucky for us I say, because it looks like Bethesda put some effort into what will be included.

  • 7 casino chips based on the various casinos you frequent in the New Vegas wasteland.
  • A "Lucky 38 Platinum Chip" which is apparently a very important item this Fallout.
  • A deck of cards to mimic the look and feel of the wasteland casinos, as well as it depicts some of the characters you'll run into on your adventure though New Vegas. If you weren't already aware you can "Use the cards to play poker [or] blackjack..." However, interestingly enough there's also "...Caravan, an original card game that was created by Obsidian especially for New Vegas!"
  • A hardcover graphic novel titled "All Roads," which was written by Chris Avellone, the creative director over at Obsidian. No word on who the artist is, no doubt a concept artist working on the project will take that privilege.
  • Finally, the obligatory making-of DVD.

A neat package all for $79.99 of your hard earned dollars. That's actually not too bad considering what you get, and as a big fan of Fallout I'll be one of the suckers who gets all these bells and whistles. How about you?

Fallout: New Vegas will make a nuclear wasteland of your time this fall for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

[Update: The first 3,000 customers to buy the Collector's Edition will receive free overnight shipping. Source: Bethesda]

Source: Joystiq