The Fallout franchise contains one of the largest and most interesting interpretations of a post-nuclear United States in video game media. It has just about everything, ranging from mutant beasts, government corruption, and a healthy sprinkling of aliens. Its adaption into a TV show is all the more exciting because of this, as there are many avenues of storytelling the show can take.

Fallout's expansive lore and number of factions also leaves plenty of room for intrigue to be had. Considering the possibly spoiled setting of the Fallout TV show, it can bring back factions and characters fans have not seen in over a decade. The Fallout TV show has the potential to beat out other video game adaptations in a way not seen before.

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Fallout Potential For a Great TV Show

fallout please stand by

One of the things that makes Fallout perfect for a TV adaptation is that it is a franchise made out of many stories. This could be the average passing side quest, or the history of a unique faction such as the Brotherhood of Steel. TV adaptions like Halo and The Last of Us are smaller in scope because they focus on a linear story being told, unlike most Fallout games. While there are still many things the Fallout TV show can learn from previous adaptations, it still has plenty of its own material to work with. The franchise's history of intermingling factions and cities with their own interests can create interesting dynamics between both groups and characters featured in the show.

These callbacks don't need to be just the names of groups either. Various leaked photos from the Fallout set have shown that the creators are more than capable of ensuring that their interpretation of the games feels like Fallout. This includes the reveal that a Super-Duper Mart, a classic location players have raided for food and supplies, is in the TV series. While these little references do not initially feel like much, they add up to create the noticeable distinction that the game focuses on a United States of America from a different timeline. It is something familiar but oddly different, which always has been a formula that has interested fans of the franchise.

According to some possibly leaked photos from the set, New California Republic flags were also spotted. This would mean that the setting of Fallout show could likely be in the west rather than the east, despite the show being filmed in New York. This is important because the two sides of the country have always had distinctly different lore, and the west side of the United States not been seen since Fallout: New Vegas, which was released over a decade ago. The Fallout series could make a return to the west, giving fans an update on what has happened to famous groups such as the NCR, Khans, and even Caesar's Legion. A conflict between these familiar factions could even be the central plot of the show.

The potential doesn't just come from the stories being told, but the stories that could also be expanded upon. Much of the love for the Fallout franchise is learning about the factions established in previous games and what they have been up to. The NCR's original founders could be found in Fallout 1, and the story of their legacy has continued all the way into Fallout: New Vegas. The Fallout TV show can further expand on what happened after the events of Fallout: New Vegas, while also exploring new avenues for storytelling, such as exploring one of Fallout's many unseen vaults. The show can go beyond being a re-telling of previous events, as it can tell a new story that goes on to help shape future games.

The Fallout TV show has the potential to expand not only itself, but on the franchise as a whole. It can shape up to be a TV series that beats out other famous video game adaptations by embracing its own history. Not only that, but it'll be more than awe-inspiring to see a live-action adaptation of Fallout's power armor.

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Source: Reddit