Caps are a currency in Fallout Shelter that you will constantly use to build and upgrade new rooms, buy weapons, and much more. During the game, you'll often run out of Caps, especially when you're repairing everything after a raid or expanding your shelter. To prevent you from getting into unpleasant situations with a lack of currency and to keep your settlers happy, we'll show you a few methods of how to get Caps in Fallout Shelter.

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How to Earn Caps in Fallout Shelter

Fallout Shelter Rush

Caps are the main currency in the game and can be used for almost anything you want to buy, upgrade, or repair. During the game, you may have noticed that there are many ways to earn Caps, but not all of them are effective at accumulating a decent amount. Moreover, sometimes it is difficult to accumulate a lot of Caps due to unplanned expenses, such as repairing a shelter after an attack by raiders or mutants. So, if you have a goal and are serious about accumulating Caps, here are some methods you can use.

Resource Room Production

Every time you collect resources from a production room (like water treatment or power generation), you'll receive a small amount of Caps. The amount isn't significant, but it adds up over time, especially with high-level production rooms.

Rushing Production Rooms

Rushing a production room allows you to collect resources instantly, but it comes with a risk. If successful, you'll receive a bonus amount of Caps on top of the regular resource collection. However, a failed rush can injure or even kill dwellers and damage the room, so weigh the risk before attempting it.

Fallout Shelter Wasteland

Wasteland Exploration

Sending dwellers or Mr. Handy units out to explore the wasteland is a great way to earn Caps. Dwellers with high Luck have a better chance of finding Caps during their exploration. Mr. Handy, in turn, will collect only currency, not weapons or other resources, as dwellers do.

Looting Raiders

Raider attacks are a nuisance, but they do offer a small reward. Defeating raiders grants you access to their loot, which can include Caps. While not the most efficient method, it's a nice bonus on top of the resources you get for defending your vault.

Fallout Shelter Outfits

Selling Weapons and Outfits

Found a bunch of duplicate weapons or unwanted outfits? Selling them is a quick way to get some Caps. Keep in mind that legendary items will fetch a higher price, but consider if you might need them for crafting before selling.

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Leveling Up Dwellers

Every time a dweller levels up, you'll receive a bonus of Caps equal to their new level.

Fallout Shelter Objectives

Completing Objectives

Objectives offer various rewards, including Caps. Completing these objectives is a good way to earn Caps alongside other resources or Lunchboxes (which can also contain Caps).

Lunchboxes and Starter Packs

Lunchboxes are a gamble, but they can contain Caps in various amounts (100, 500, or 3,000). Even if you've reached the maximum Cap limit of 999,999, Caps from Lunchboxes will still be added.

The Mysterious Stranger

The Mysterious Stranger is a rare visitor who can appear in your vault. If you manage to find and interact with him, he'll disappear and leave behind some Caps as a reward.

Bottle & Cappy

Bottle & Cappy are a wandering merchant duo who may visit your vault. If you catch them dancing in your vault, you might receive a small amount of Caps as a reward.

Daily Report

The Daily Report offers a small amount of Caps as a reward for logging in and checking on your vault. It's a small bonus, but it adds up over time for consistent players.

Fallout Shelter

Android , iOS , PC , PS4 , Switch , Xbox One
June 14, 2015
Bethesda Game Studios , Behaviour Interactive
Bethesda Softworks