In Fallout Shelter, there are many threats that your Vault will face as you strive towards progression generating resources to keep your Dwellers alive and well.

One of these threats comes in the form of a hulking monstrosity called a Deathclaw. The monster that will attack your Vault and show up during certain quests. As these creatures will also provide XP to your Dwellers when defeated, knowing how to take them down efficiently can come in handy.

Fallout Shelter: How to Merge Rooms

By merging rooms into double or triple rooms in Fallout Shelter, you can increase the number of Dwellers assigned to each space.

How to Beat Deathclaws in Fallout Shelter

Deathclaws in Fallout Shelter

In Fallout Shelter, your Vault will start receiving occasional Deathclaw attacks once you reach 60 Dwellers and above, or 35 Dwellers and above if you happen to be playing in survival mode. Aside from regular Deathclaws, there are also Alpha Deathcalws and Enclave Deathclaws, which are more powerful variants of the monster that only appear during quests.

The first step to defeating Deathclaws is to ensure that as many of your Dwellers as possible have weapons and armor equipped at all times (especially if you are sending them out on quests that may have Deathclaws) or out to explore the Wasteland for a long period. This will enable your Dwellers to dish out more damage and survive the incoming attacks, defeating the Deathclaws.

As you never know when Deathclaws may attack, it's a good idea to keep a healthy supply of Stimpaks stashed up at all times. This way, you will be able to regenerate the HP that your Dwellers lose during the Deathclaw attack, enabling them to survive and emerge victorious. As a last resort, if you are struggling against Deathclaw attacks and need to stop them altogether, then you can achieve this by removing Dwellers from your vault until you have under 60 Dwellers if on standard mode, or under 35 Dwellers if you're playing Survival mode.

Lastly, it's important to note that Deathclaw attacks tend to happen more frequently after the doors to your Vault have recently been opened, such as when you send Dwellers out to explore the Wasteland. In addition to this, there is a possibility that if you are using a Radio Studio to broadcast signals to the Wasteland, you may also attract Deathclaw attacks to the Vault. If you want to try and avoid Deathclaw attacks for a while, then toggling the Radio Studio's signal switch to Vault may help.

Fallout Shelter

Android , iOS , PC , PS4 , Switch , Xbox One
June 14, 2015
Bethesda Softworks