Bethesda's Fallout spin-off, Fallout Shelter, follows the story of a Vault that is designed by players. Players are given the opportunity to design their Vault and fill it with whoever they want and truly simulate the Fallout experience.

The game also features the ability to send Vault Dwellers out into the Wasteland that is the world. In the Wasteland, Vault Dwellers may find tons of different items to bring back and help the Vault survive and thrive. Here's how to send them into the Wasteland.

Fallout Shelter: Mistakes All Players Make That Ruin Their Experience

Fallout Shelter can be a punishing game. Here's a look at some mistakes that players make which can ruin their experience.

The Wasteland in Fallout, Explained

Fallout Shelter - In-Game Wasteland Deacription

The Wasteland is the outside world in Fallout Shelter where Vault Dwellers can explore and find items. Since Vault-Tec's Vaults are where the Vault Dwellers stayed during the nuclear fallout of the world, the Wasteland is everywhere where the fallout happened. The area features some iconic locations from the franchise, and is littered with different creatures (such as the ones seen in the Fallout TV show) and hazards that Vault Dwellers need to be careful of.

While the Wasteland is dangerous, it is essential that Vault Dwellers go into it every once so often. While a Vault Dweller is exploring the Wasteland, they may come across some valuable items that they can bring home. These items can include CAPS, junk (which can be used to craft items), outfits and weapons, and they can even sometimes run into pets or other survivors that can come back to the Vault with them. The items they receive are completely random; however, the longer they are in the Wasteland, the better the items are that they will find.

Fallout Shelter: Tactics To Help The Vault Colony Survive

Fallout Shelter can really put your skills to the test. Here's a look at some tips and tactics to help your vault colony survive.

How To Send Vault Dwellers To The Wasteland

Fallout Shelter - Picking Up A Vault Dweller

Sending Vault Dwellers into the Wasteland is an extremely easy process for players. In order to do so, players just need to drag the Vault Dweller into the Wasteland. From there, players can select the "explore" option, which will send the Vault Dweller into the area to explore and hopefully bring back some valuable items.

While sending Vault Dwellers into the Wasteland is important, they need to be prepared for the occasion. They need to be equipped with outfits and weapons that are strong enough to help them survive for a period of time. If they have a pet, they can also have more help in the Wasteland, especially if that pet has special features that allow it to boost Wasteland finds. Finally, they need to have some Stimpaks and RadAway, which will be crucial to ensure that they are able to survive. Once they are ready to go, they can be sent out.

Tips For Sending Vault Dwellers Into The Wasteland

Fallout Shelter - A Vault Dweller Exploring The Wasteland

Here are a few tips and tricks to get players started in the Wasteland. While there are certainly a lot of things to consider, these will hit the major aspects of Wasteland exploring.

  1. Make sure they have the best weapon and outfit available to them, so they can have the best survival odds.
  2. Consider giving them a pet that will help them while they are exploring. Some pets will come with different stat boosts or bonuses that make them great for exploring the Wasteland.
  3. Check on them every so often; they shouldn't be left in the Wasteland for too long by themselves. They will need to be sent back to the Vault eventually. (However, they will automatically come back if they gather too many items.)
  4. Revive them if they die, especially if they're a Vault Dweller that is important to the Vault. Thankfully, CAPS can bring Vault Dwellers back from the dead.
  5. Send out the higher level ones first, since they can get the farthest (and the farther they go, the better the items they will bring back).
  6. Consider the stats of each Vault Dweller before sending them out. Each stat offers something different to them, and having the best stats for exploring will give them the best odds. For example, Endurance can eradicate the need for sending RadAway if the Vault Dweller has a stat of 11 or higher.
Fallout Shelter

Android , iOS , PC , PS4 , Switch , Xbox One
June 14, 2015
Bethesda Game Studios , Behaviour Interactive