
  • Fallout Shelter focuses on colony building and questing, requiring players to equip vault dwellers with suitable gear for success.
  • Outfits like Eulogy Jones' Suit and Confessor Cromwell's Rags are good early game options with balanced stats for questing.
  • Lucy's Vault Suit and Detective Outfit are great questing outfits, with unique bonuses for different quest types.

Fallout Shelter debuted in 2015, drawing loose inspiration from the lore established in other Fallout games. Unlike its RPG predecessors, this game focuses on colony building. The game is designed to be a casual title, and is accessible for free on both mobile and desktop platforms.

Fallout Shelter: Best Armor, Ranked

Armor has always been important in the Fallout franchise, and Fallout Shelter is no different in that regard. Here are the best ones available.

Questing is one of the main gameplay loops in Fallout Shelter, alongside sending vault dwellers out to fight wasteland creatures and gather loot. Equipping vault dwellers with suitable gear is crucial for successfully completing quests, and this includes making sure they are wearing the right outfit.

7 Eulogy Jones' Suit

Good Enough Early Game Stats

Eulogy Jones Suit For Questing In Fallout Shelter

Stat Bonuses

Crafting Requirements

Perception: 2

Tri-fold Flag: 5

Charisma: 2

Teddy Bear: 4

Intelligence: 2

Luck: 2

Good outfits for quests in Fallout Shelter will have balanced stats, as, unless the player knows exactly what will be encountered during the quest, it is important to make sure every eventuality is catered for. The Eulogy Jones' Suit is a good example of an outfit with flat stats, all of which are useful for quests. For example, luck helps with looting more junk and caps.

Fallout Shelter: Best Weapons, Ranked

Even in Fallout Shelter, players will have to fight against the many threats of the wasteland. Here are the best weapons for Bethesda's vault sim.

The outfit is based on the suit worn by Eulogy Jones in Fallout 3, and any player lucky enough to get the Eulogy Jones legendary vault dweller in Fallout Shelter will receive this outfit as their default equipment. It can also be pulled from lunchboxes. Sure, it isn’t an end game outfit, but it is usable until the player has something better available to them.

6 Confessor Cromwell's Rags

Decent Stats For Questing And Easy To Craft

Confessor Cromwells Rags For Questing In Fallout Shelter

Stat Bonuses

Crafting Requirements

Perception: 2

Tri-fold Flag: 5

Endurance: 2

Brahmin Hide: 4

Intelligence: 1

Luck: 2

With its low crafting costs and beneficial range of stat bonuses, the Confessor Cromwell's Rags outfit is a good choice for equipping vault dwellers who are being sent on a quest. There are much better outfits, but none of these other options will be available until a later game stage when the player can craft them.

This outfit can also be pulled from lunchboxes, but any player who is lucky enough to get the legendary vault dweller Confessor Cromwell will get this outfit at the same time, as it is his default outfit.

5 Scribe Rothchild's Robe

Low Crafting Requirements With Balanced Stats

Scribe Rothchilds Robe For Questing In Fallout Shelter

Stat Bonuses

Crafting Requirements

Perception: 2

Yao Guai Hide:5

Endurance: 1

Teddy Bear: 4

Charisma: 2

Intelligence: 2

This is the standard outfit that the legendary vault dweller Scribe Rothchild comes equipped with, and this is one of the ways to get this outfit. It is also quite cheap to craft, or can be earned as a lunchbox reward.

Much like the other outfits mentioned above, Scribe Rothchild's Robe is quite easy to obtain, which is probably quite obvious from the fairly low stat bonuses. However, the flat bonuses cover multiple stats, which is ideal in early game questing. More advanced outfits that will be covered in the following sections are better though, but much harder to obtain.

4 Lucy's Vault Suit

The First Of The Better Questing Outfits

Lucys Vault Suit For Questing In Fallout Shelter

Stat Bonuses

Crafting Requirements

Perception: 3

Wonderglue: 4

Endurance: 2

Military Circuit Board: 3

Luck: 3

Tri-fold Flag: 3

Lucy's Vault Suit should be instantly recognizable to players of Fallout Shelter who have seen the Fallout TV show. And just as Lucy is on her own quest, players using this outfit for their vault dwellers will be equipped for any eventuality on a quest.

Fallout Shelter: Tactics To Help The Vault Colony Survive

Fallout Shelter can really put your skills to the test. Here's a look at some tips and tactics to help your vault colony survive.

With decent boosts to perception, endurance and luck, three important stats for questing, Lucy's Vault Suit is probably the easiest outfit to acquire for quests without needing to complete one or more multi-stage series of quests. Indeed, the top three questing outfits on this list are all quest rewards, which is something of a chicken-and-egg situation. Pereception, endurance and luck suit detective style quests, as with no combat bonuses it is not well suited to quests that have more than a couple of combat encounters.

3 Detective Outfit

Quest Reward Only Outfit Perfect For Questing

Detective Outfit For Questing In Fallout Shelter

Stat Bonuses

Crafting Requirements

Perception: 4


Endurance: 4

Intelligence: 4

Luck: 4

The Detective Outfit is a unique legendary outfit that is given as a quest reward for completing the "The Bigsby Brown Case" quest in Fallout Shelter. It is one of the top outfits in the game, and is extremely useful for outfitting vault dwellers before sending them out into the wasteland on quests.

Although this outfit doesn’t take the top slot, it should be said that the top three entries on this list are pretty much interchangeable. One benefit of the Detective Outfit is that it is easier to acquire than the last two entries on this list. With a perception, luck and intelligence bonus, this is arguably the best questing outfit for encounters that require finding hidden items or detection.

2 Famine's Vestment

Intelligence Bonus Good For Detective Quests

Famines Vestment For Questing In Fallout Shelter

Stat Bonuses

Crafting Requirements

Strength: 4


Endurance: 4

Intelligence: 4

Luck: 4

Famine's Vestment swaps the agility bonus found on Death’s Jacket for an intelligence bonus, making it more suitable for quests that require detection or uncovering hiden secrets. Both are excellent options. However, they are both quest rewards for completing the entire "Horsemen of the Post-Apocalypse" quest series, meaning the player can only get one of them.

Fallout Shelter: Mistakes All Players Make That Ruin Their Experience

Fallout Shelter can be a punishing game. Here's a look at some mistakes that players make which can ruin their experience.

With its great stat bonuses, all of which are useful for questing in Fallout Shelter, any vault dweller equipped with Famine's Vestment is going to be ready to tackle any encounter, be that combat, conversation or detection.

1 Death's Jacket

Agility Bonus Good For Combat Quests

Deaths Jacket For Questing In Fallout Shelter

Stat Bonuses

Crafting Requirements

Perception: 4


Endurance: 4

Agility: 4

Luck: 4

Death's Jacket is another of the unique outfits that is given as a quest reward for completing the entire "Horsemen of the Post-Apocalypse" quest series. Any of the outfits that are given to the player at the end of this quest are excellent for questing. It will help with combat, survivability and looting caps, junk, and resources.

Death's Jacket takes top spot on this list for swapping the intelligence bonus for an agility bonus, making it slightly better for combat. However, both Death's Jacket and Famine's Vestment from the previous entry could take top position, as they are both almost perfect for questing in Fallout Shelter. Especially if combined with a legendary pet suitable for questing as well.

Fallout Shelter

Android , iOS , PC , PS4 , Switch , Xbox One
June 14, 2015
Bethesda Game Studios , Behaviour Interactive