
  • Fallout Shelter is a colony-building game, not an RPG, and offers regular content updates.
  • Efficient vault layout is crucial for maximizing resource production and expansion in-game.
  • Different base layouts - starter, breeding, questing, crafting, training, & mass storage - cater to different gameplay stages.

Fallout Shelter was released in 2015, and is loosely based on the cannon laid out in other Fallout games. However, rather than being an RPG, this is a colony building game. It is available for free on both mobile and desktop, but it does have a cash shop. Fallout Shelter could be termed a live service game, as it received regular content additions automatically.

Fallout Shelter: Best Vault Numbers

While vault numbers don't seemingly affect gameplay in Fallout Shelter, there are a few cool vault numbers that are simply fun to use.

Building an efficient vault is crucial in Fallout Shelter. The available space has to be used in a way that maximizes the production of raw materials. Towards this goal, it is worth working out a basic vault layout that can be extended as the game progresses. Many players enjoy the laid-back vault building speed of this game, and it has become very popular.

6 Starter Base

For The First Hour Of Gameplay

Starter Base In Fallout Shelter


  • Vault Door: 1
  • Elevator: 3
  • Living Quarters: 2
  • Power Generator: 1
  • Water Treatment: 1
  • Diner: 1

There is no real new player tutorial in Fallout Shelter. However, in the first few minutes of gameplay, the player is prompted to build several structures, including living quarters, power generation, water treatment, and food production.

This base layout puts these starting structures in a suitable place ready for expansion. It also adds extra living quarters, as within minutes, a new player will have more new vault dwellers waiting to come in than a single living quarters can handle. This basic starter base layout will be extended in the following entries on this list.

5 Breeding Base

It's Time To Make Babies

Breeding Base In Fallout Shelter


  • Vault Door: 1
  • Elevator: 3
  • Living Quarters: 2
  • Power Generator: 2
  • Water Treatment: 2
  • Diner: 2
  • Storage Room: 1

After the initial flurry of 12 vault dwellers coming to a new player’s vault in Fallout Shelter, it's time to start breeding babies and filling up the vault to capacity with dwellers. This means a need for more food and water, with the knock-on effect of needing more power to add an extra diner and water treatment plant.

Fallout Shelter: 10 Tactics To Help The Vault Colony Survive

Fallout Shelter can really put your skills to the test. Here's a look at some tips and tactics to help your vault colony survive.

This base layout is perfect for the first day of gameplay. The player can drag a male and female vault dweller up into the living quarters, wait for them to mate, and then drag them back to their workstations. If this is repeated a few times, every female in the vault will be pregnant, and the babies that are born will become the workforce for the expanded facilities.

4 Questing Base

Off To The Wasteland

Questing Base In Fallout Shelter


  • Vault Door: 1
  • Elevator: 3
  • Living Quarters: 2
  • Power Generator: 2
  • Water Treatment: 2
  • Diner: 2
  • Storage Room: 1
  • Science Lab: 1
  • Medbay: 1
  • Overseer’s Office: 1

Once a new player to Fallout Shelter has enough vault dwellers, and has all of the facilities in the previous vault layout full of workers, it is time to start thinking about heading out into the wasteland. This includes sending suitably equipped vault dwellers out on quests.

This vault layout adds the overseer’s office to the build, as this is the room that needs to be built in order to send vault dwellers out on quests. It also adds both a medbay and science lab. These are used to generate stim packs and rad remover. Both of these consumables are needed to equip vault dwellers heading into the wasteland to fight creatures. Once again, use the baby production loop to man these new facilities.

3 Crafting Base

Making Good Use Of Wasteland Loot

Crafting Base In Fallout Shelter


  • Vault Door: 1
  • Elevator: 3
  • Living Quarters: 2
  • Power Generator: 3
  • Water Treatment: 2
  • Diner: 2
  • Storage Room: 2
  • Science Lab: 1
  • Medbay: 1
  • Overseer’s Office: 1
  • Radio Station: 1
  • Weapon Workshop: 1

Once a player has spent some time exploring the wasteland and taking some quests, they will have some junk parts, resources, and loot that can be crafted into new items. This vault layout prepares for this by expanding the previous vault layout, adding more storage space and increasing power generation. Crafting is done in the weapon workshop.

Fallout Shelter: 24 Mistakes All Players Make That Ruin Their Experience

Fallout Shelter can be a punishing game. Here's a look at some mistakes that players make which can ruin their experience.

As usual, the player will need to breed vault dwellers to man these new facilities. By this stage of the game the vault will start being attacked by raiders randomly. This means that at least a couple of dwellers will need to be kitted out with armor and a weapon to fight off the raiders.

2 Training Base

Pump Those Stats

Training Base In Fallout Shelter


  • Vault Door: 1
  • Elevator: 3
  • Living Quarters: 3
  • Power Generator: 6
  • Water Treatment: 3
  • Diner: 3
  • Storage Room: 2
  • Science Lab: 1
  • Medbay: 1
  • Overseer’s Office: 1
  • Radio Station: 1
  • Armory: 1
  • Weight Room: 1
  • Athletics Room: 1
  • Classroom: 1
  • Fitness Room: 1
  • Lounge: 1
  • Weapon Workshop: 1

This is a major upgrade to the previous vault layout. The player will need to have progressed several days to be able to place all of the required rooms, as they need to be unlocked as the vault population rises. This vault layout is all about fine-tuning vault dweller stats, to make them perfect for the role the player requires them to fill.

One of each of the training rooms has been added to this vault layout. These are the weight room, athletics room, classroom, fitness room, and a lounge. Putting a vault dweller to work in the appropriate room will raise their stats. For example, a vault dweller sent to the weight room will increase their strength stat over time.

1 Mass Storage Base

For All The Loot

Storage Base In Fallout Shelter


  • Vault Door: 1
  • Elevator: 3
  • Living Quarters: 3
  • Power Generator: 6
  • Water Treatment: 3
  • Diner: 3
  • Storage Room: 5
  • Science Lab: 1
  • Medbay: 1
  • Overseer’s Office: 1
  • Radio Station: 1
  • Armory: 1
  • Weight Room: 1
  • Athletics Room: 1
  • Classroom: 1
  • Fitness Room: 1
  • Lounge: 1
  • Weapon Workshop: 1

With this vault layout, the player is preparing for later game stages. It takes the layout from the previous entry and adds much more storage space. Once there are enough mid-to max-level vault dwellers available, the player can start sending parties or multiple single vault dwellers out on quests and wasteland exploration, generating lots of loot.

Fallout Shelter: 6 Best Outfits For Exploring The Wasteland

Outfits in Fallout Shelter can be crafted or earned through quests, with each giving a dweller stat boosts that will help them survive the wasteland.

This vault layout is a good basic template that can be used to make the best use of as little space as possible, so that plenty of room is left for the end-game structures and to fine tune the vault to fit the player’s style.

Fallout Shelter

Android , iOS , PC , PS4 , Switch , Xbox One
June 14, 2015
Bethesda Game Studios , Behaviour Interactive