In the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout, creatures run freely in its devastation. While many humans try to hold on to what little good they have and create settlements and cities that cling on to previously civilized life, some places in the Fallout series are doomed from the get-go, and its down to the player to rid them of danger, whether they be violent Raiders, or dreaded Deathclaws.

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The unclear wasteland in Fallout is a harsh and unforgiving place, unwelcoming to any player wanting to freely traverse its landscapes. Those looking to proceed into new territories should do so with caution, as danger can lie where it is least expected.

10 Old Olney (Fallout 3)

Old olney location

Far in the northwest clutches of the map lies Old Olney, a seemingly derelict town that players can explore and loot. From afar, it looks like any other regular town, but once players are close enough to perceive any threats, they will find Old Olney harbors some horrific Deathclaw locals.

While the streets are relatively empty, players shouldn’t head around each corner too nonchalantly, as lurking Deathclaws will make quick work of players wearing even the toughest armor, and don’t expect to run away from them either. Beneath the town sits the Old Olney sewer, where the Deathclaws have further extended their habitat. Deeper into the sewers lies Olney Powerworks, where players must obtain a Tesla Coil for the Shock Value quest.

9 The Glowing Sea (Fallout 4)

A crashed plane in the Glowing Sea

The Glowing Sea welcomes a wide array of deadly fauna, from slightly tamer enemies such as Ghouls and Radscorpions to formidable and ferocious Deathclaws. The intense radiation building, and endless threats, make the Glowing Sea one of the most unique areas on the entire Fallout 4 map, and the location choice in the far reaches of the southwest is telling enough of its extreme danger.

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Players looking to traverse the Glowing Sea should do so with heavy preparation. Consider bringing power armor and plenty of rad-aways and stimpaks, as well as a hard-hitting, reliable weapon with lots of ammo. Only then will it be possible to stand toe to toe with a Deathclaw or two, or maybe an entire nest.

8 Mariposa Military Base (Fallout 1)Mariposa Military Base

Manned by an army of Super Mutants, Mariposa Military Base makes for one of the toughest areas in the Fallout series, partly due to the power of the Super Mutant opposition that the player is put up against. With the base being operated under the guidance of The Master, the original Fallout's primary antagonist, players must stop The Master from using the FEV virus to continue transforming humans into Super Mutants and wreak even more havoc on the wasteland.

Whether the player experiences difficulty with Mariposas force fields or the sheer number of Super Mutants that can easily be overwhelming, Mariposa remains a considerable challenge even 26 years after the game's initial release. To make the experience less miserable, consider heading to Mariposa after at least reaching level 12, and bring a good weapon with some reliable power armor.

7 Deathclaw Sanctuary (Fallout 3)

Deathclaw sanctuary location

The Deathclaw sanctuary lies in the northwestern corner of the map in Fallout 3 and is the home of many dangerous Deathclaws. On the surface, players would typically expect to find one or two Deathclaws wandering the entrance and outskirts, but further danger awaits in the sanctuary itself, let's just hope the player doesn't have a phobia of Deathclaws.

Deeper inside the Deathclaw domain lies an abundance of highly desirable loot. This comes in the form of the devastating Gatling Laser named Vengeance, as well as the Endurance Bobblehead. There is also a unique variant of the ripper weapon named Jack found here, which is only obtainable after the completion of the 'Waters of Life' quest line. Players should make their way through the sanctuary with caution, or risk becoming another corpse for the Deathclaws to feast upon.

6 Deathclaw Promontory (Fallout New Vegas)

Deathclaw Promontory Location

The Deathclaw Promontory is one of the densest Deathclaw locations in all of Fallout: New Vegas and the Mojave Wasteland does not shy away from its thriving Deathclaw populations. Sitting directly east from Lucky Jim Mine and across the river, the Promontory is not as easily accessible as one might imagine, and for good reason.

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Across the territory of the promontory are dozens of Deathclaws, which can vary from standard Adults to their younger offspring. At high enough levels players can even encounter their even deadlier variants, Mother, and Alpha Deathclaws. To make eliminating a population that can exceed 30 seem worthwhile, players should be aware of the dead prospectors that possess both the T-51B Power Armor and the Remnants Power Armor, as well as two rifles, all of which provide great protection and offense against future foes.

5 Sierra Madre (Fallout New Vegas)Sierra madre location

Knocked unconscious by poisonous gas and then waking in a strange location, Sierra Madre, the location of the Dead Money DLC in Fallout: New Vegas, immediately sets an atmosphere that tells of a place rife with desolation and decay, and the gloomy, red color palette supports this idea greatly.

Wandering the villa of Sierra Madre as players follow the orders of Father Elijah can feel eerily creepy at many moments. The Ghost People, as well as the frequent toxic clouds of poison and an abundance of bear traps, can make traversal difficult, but following Elijah's orders has its benefits. In the DLC's final quest, players get the opportunity to loot the Sierra Madre vault for its incredibly expensive gold bars. Players can use a glitch to take home all 37 of them, which have an extremely high value of 10547 caps each.

4 Quarry Junction (Fallout New Vegas)

Quarry Junction location

Players will hear ample enough warning of the danger that lies in Quarry Junction from very early on in Fallout: New Vegas. Located north of Sloan, Quarry Junction has been overtaken by a large group of Deathclaws of multiple variants, and the place can feel like a death trap for unsuspecting players looking to explore in early levels.

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Using the environment to their advantage, players can utilize the ramps and varying rock formations to blast away at the unsuspecting creatures. It would be wise to consider returning to Quarry Junction later on in a playthrough, with a powerful weapon like the Anti-Material Rifle for devastating damage.

3 Cranberry Bog (Fallout 76)

Cranberry Bog Location

The Cranberry Bog sits in the southeastern stretches of Appalachia's map in Fallout 76, and the area is home to a wide array of enemies that can come together to make a difficult time for any player.

The location is heavily populous with Scorchbeasts which are some of the hardest enemies in the game. Players should also be wary of Scorched, who can roam in small groups and take down the player if not sufficiently prepared. Killing Scorchbeasts can provide a steady source of high-level weaponry, providing players have the might to take them down.

2 Crashed Vertibird (Fallout New Vegas)

Crashed Vertibird location

With Robobrains, Mister Gutsies, Securitrons, and Sentry Bots on high alert at the wreckage of the vertibird, getting close enough to salvage the remnants of loot left in the wake of its destruction is no simple task. The intense firepower that the small robot army can propel at the player can be overwhelming, even obscuring the player's vision as lasers are shot from every direction.

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Players looking to take on the robots head-first should bring plenty of EMP grenades, or a weapon best suited for taking out robotic enemies. At the foot of the vertibird, players can find the Tesla Cannon, a pretty powerful weapon should it be obtained fairly early in the game.

1 Capitol Building Bunkers & Surrounding Areas (Fallout 3)

Capitol building bunkers location

Home to many of the strongest super mutants roaming the Capital Wasteland, the Capitol Bunkers and surrounding areas are no joke, and there is a reason the people of the Underworld keep to themselves. With a wide variety of super mutants making the bunkers home, players can expect to find Super Mutant Masters and even Super Mutant Overlords if players are at a high enough level.

The Super Mutants are armed with a diverse arsenal, ranging from Miniguns and Missile Launchers to Super Sledges and Sledgehammers. Players able to deal with the threat can put their newfound weaponry to the test, or sell it on for more caps. In the Capitol Building itself, lies one of the most formidable enemies in the game, a Super Mutant Behemoth. There are only five of them in the game, so approach with caution when deciding to take its head for a trophy.

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