The Fallout series is known for allowing its players to create a character of their own as they traverse the post-apocalyptic wasteland. They’re free to build on that character’s strengths, beliefs, and overall personality. That said, there are a few pre-established aspects of each title’s protagonist, and these differ across the franchise.

In discussing each Fallout protagonist, it’s important to consider their established background as well as what they set out to do in the game. The canon endings (or what is most likely the canon ending) of the games’ main quests will also be mentioned. This will provide a general view of each player character and how they differ.

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The Vault Dweller of Fallout

fallout 1 radscorpions cave vault dweller

The Vault Dweller was an inhabitant of Vault 13, a Fallout control vault located in South California. Sometime in 2161, the vault’s water purification chip would malfunction, prompting the overseer to send the player out to find a replacement chip. Thus, the Vault Dweller set out into the outside world for the first time, and with only the location of Vault 15 to guide them.

There are many ways for the player to acquire a water chip. As soon as they do and return to Vault 13, they’ll be sent out again to deal with the growing super mutant threat in the area. In the game’s most likely canon ending, the Vault Dweller successfully deals with the super mutants and once again returns to Vault 13. However, the Fallout overseer will exile them from the vault, fearing that the other vault inhabitants might try to emulate the player and leave.

The Vault Dweller’s story is a sad one — a story where loyalty to one’s vault ultimately leads to betrayal. However, the Vault Dweller survives their exile, eventually founding and becoming the elder of a village called Arroyo. This then becomes the first setting of Fallout 2.

The Chosen One of Fallout 2

Arm Wrestling Francis From Fallout 2

The Chosen One was the grandchild of the original Fallout Vault Dweller. As they grew up in Arroyo, they were trained to eventually become the tribe’s champion. Thus, when the settlement began to decline, the player was sent out to find a Garden of Eden Creation Kit (or a G.E.C.K.) — one of the most useful items in Fallout — which would revitalize Arroyo.

After acquiring a G.E.C.K., however, the Chosen One finds out that the Enclave of Fallout had abducted the people of Arroyo and intended to develop a dangerous virus that would wipe out the entire human race. The player must then journey to Navarro and save the tribe, killing the members of the Enclave in the process. After the Enclave was defeated, the Chosen One went on to rebuild their tribe — now, New Arroyo — and become its leader.

The Chosen One is generally regarded as the most powerful Fallout protagonist, as they’re canonically able to defeat Special Agent Frank Horrigan. Horrigan is an agent of the Enclave’s Secret Service and also happens to be a cybernetically-enhanced super mutant. He is one of the few Fallout antagonists to have maxed out SPECIAL stats.

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The Lone Wanderer of Fallout 3

The Lone Wanderer walking with Dogmeat

The Lone Wanderer of Fallout 3 is more similar to the Vault Dweller of Fallout rather than the Chosen One. This is because they were raised in Vault 101 their whole life. They only leave around the age of 19 after their father, James, goes missing. Upon finding their father, the Lone Wanderer assists him in getting Project Purity — an undertaking that sought to provide the Capital Wasteland with clean water — up and running.

Though James eventually dies due to the Enclave’s meddling, the Lone Wanderer goes on to establish Project Purity in Fallout 3, among other things. In the base game, they’re hinted to have died during the final confrontation, but this was quickly changed once the expansion packs were released.

Overall, the Lone Wanderer is arguably the weakest among the Fallout protagonists. While they arguably start on par with the Vault Dweller of Fallout, their achievements in the base game don’t come close to the Vault Dweller’s, who managed to wipe out a super mutant threat. Moreover, when compared to the Chosen One and the following Fallout protagonists, they have the least physical training and survivability.

The Courier of Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout New Orleans Courier Bayou

The Courier of Fallout: New Vegas was a messenger hired by the Mojave Express. They were tasked with delivering a platinum chip to the New Vegas Strip. However, they were intercepted and thought to be killed by a man named Benny. They live through the ordeal and then pursue Benny to retrieve the platinum chip. Along the way, the Courier is caught in between the conflict of three major factions. The player’s decisions then affect how the game ends.

The Courier is an interesting Fallout protagonist, as they have a backstory that is only revealed incrementally through snatches of dialogue with other NPCs. Some lines reveal how well-traveled the Courier is — definitely more so than the other protagonists. Another interesting piece of dialogue occurs when a male Courier speaks to the Lonesome Drifter. Learning that the Lonesome Drifter is from Montana, the Courier can ask if they happen to be 17, implying that they might have impregnated a woman from Montana.

All that said, Fallout: New Vegas’ Courier is one of the stronger protagonists. For one, they’ve lived their whole life in the wasteland, making them more equipped for survival. Additionally, they work as a messenger, which is a highly dangerous occupation given the state of the post-apocalyptic world. Though they might not be stronger than the Chosen One, they’d definitely best all the other protagonists.

The Sole Survivor of Fallout 4

The Sole Survivor & Dogmeat

The Sole Survivor of Fallout 4 is an interesting case, as both the male and female variants have distinct backstories. Nate is a war veteran and Nora is a lawyer. Upon waking up from cryostasis in Vault 111, either of them can journey out to find their son, Shaun. This inevitably leads them to the mysterious Institute before choosing to either join or destroy it.

Nate, without a doubt, would be one of the stronger Fallout protagonists. His military training makes him much more capable than the Vault Dweller, the Lone Wanderer, and perhaps even the Courier. Although, what Nate has in combat training, the Courier makes up for in survival skills. Nate is still a vault inhabitant, and lacks experience in traversing the wasteland. Nora, on the other hand, might not hold up as well. Given her legal background, she likely doesn’t have a lot of expertise in combat, making her on par with the Lone Wanderer.

All in all, the Chosen One is, without a doubt, the strongest Fallout protagonist. They’re then followed by the Courier and Nate, who are neck-in-neck. After them is the Vault Dweller, followed by Nora and the Lone Wanderer of Fallout.

Fallout 4 is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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