
  • Caesar's Legion is a despicable faction with almost no redeeming qualities in the Fallout universe.
  • Crucifixions, multiple attempts at taking Hoover Dam, and the Nipton Massacre highlight their evil nature.
  • Women in Caesar's Legion were treated as property, and the fate of Boone's wife showcases the faction's cruelty.

It's no secret that Caesar's Legion is an awful faction. Throughout Fallout: New Vegas, the Courier hears all about the vile things done by Caesar's Legion. From kidnap to torture, there isn't much that this evil faction hasn't done. That said, there are some terrible things that stick out more than others.

Fallout: New Vegas - 9 Worst Perks That Must Be Avoided

These perks are better off being dismissed entirely when scouring the Nevada deserts.

Caesar's Legion is a rare faction in the Fallout universe because they are one of a small number of factions with almost zero redeeming qualities. While no faction in the Fallout universe is free from sin, Caesar's Legion is among the worst of the worst in the entire series.

5 Crucifixions

A Truly Awful Fate For Innocent People

Crucifixion in Fallout New Vegas

One of Caesar's Legion's preferred methods of killing was through crucifixion. Not only is it a grotesque method of execution, but it also sends a message to anyone who happens across a corpse hanging from a cross.

Carsar's Legion didn't reserve crucifixions for its worst enemies; the faction crucified as many people as possible for little to no reason at all. Unfortunately, nobody seemed strong enough to take on the might that was Caesar's Legion.

Crucifying anyone who did anything that went against Caesar's beliefs kept people within the Legion very loyal to Caesar, solely out of fear.

4 Multiple Attempts At Taking Hoover Dam

He Who Controls Water, Controls Life

Hoover Dam in Fallout New Vegas

The first Battle of Hoover Dam took place in 2277. The battle saw The NCR (New California Republic) face off against Caesar's Legion. While the battle was won by the NCR forces, this didn't deter Caesar's Legion from trying again in 2282.

6 Ways To Become Overpowered In Fallout: New Vegas

Dominate the Capital Wasteland with these methods of becoming OP.

Without spoiling things, the player's decision-making throughout Fallout: New Vegas heavily influences what happens during the second battle of Hoover Dam. The reason why Caesar's Legion attempting to take Hoover Dam was such an evil thing to do comes down to water. Hoover Dam was responsible for providing people all over the Mojave Wasteland with clean drinking water. If Caesar's Legion was victorious, the faction would have wiped out many lives by taking away the drinking water of countless civilians.

3 The Nipton Massacre

From Thriving Town To Sea Of The Dead

Oliver Swanick Winning The Lottery in Fallout New Vegas

Nipton was once a thriving town in the Mojave Wasteland. It is a place that the Courier stumbles across pretty early on. Upon reaching Nipton, the Courier is greeted by a very happy man, Oliver Swanick, shouting about how he won the 'Lottery.' The Courier finds out pretty quickly that this type of lottery isn't something that anyone would willingly want to take part in.

Out of the whole town, Oliver Swanick was the only person who was allowed to leave unharmed. Everyone else faced a brutal end thanks to Caesar's Legion. Since it was a town filled with innocent civilians, they weren't well-armed and didn't stand a chance against the brutality of Caesar's Legion.

2 Caesar's Treatment Of Women

Horrendous Misogyny

Caesar and Lanius in Fallout New Vegas

Being a woman in Caesar's Legion meant being a slave. In Caesar's Legion, a woman was seen as property rather than a human being. They were expected to perform duties such as cooking, taking care of children, and completing a variety of non-combative tasks.

Should a woman refuse to bow to the will of Caesar's Legion, then she would suffer a horrible fate. As a whole, Caesar didn't have a lot of regard for human life, and would execute women who wouldn't do as commanded without hesitation.

Women were also given as rewards to Caesar's most loyal subjects. As a whole, a woman's life in Caesar's Legion was whatever Caesar wanted it to be, which was most likely a nightmare.

1 The Fate Of Boone's Wife

The Truth Behind A Companion

mojave player sniping

Fallout:New Vegas has lots of companions that the player can have accompanying them on their journey through the Mojave Wasteland. Out of all the possible companions, Boone has always been a fan favorite.

Fallout: New Vegas Companion Tier List

Companions in Fallout: New Vegas offer players many different perks and services, including help in combat, and some are more useful than others.

Prior to meeting the Courier, Boone spent his days in Novac. In the beginning, very little is known about Boone, but as time goes on, he begins to trust the Courier, and the player finds out the horrible ordeal that Boone has had to face. This side quest is one of the most captivating ones in the whole game.

Boone's hatred for Caesar's Legion runs very deep. Caesar's Legion is responsible for the death of his wife, Carla, and her unborn child. She was sold to Caesar's Legion by Jeanie May Crawford, the owner of the Novac Dino Dee-lite Motel. Boone tracked down Carla but saw that there was no way he could save her. He made the painful decision to set up his sniper and shoot her from a distance. At least that way, she wouldn't have to suffer at the hands of Caesar's Legion.

This story is one of the most harrowing stories in Fallout: New Vegas. The player really feels the hatred that Boone displays for Caesar's Legion, and eventualyl wants revenge as badly as he does.

fallout new vegas
Fallout: New Vegas

PS3 , Xbox 360 , PC
October 19, 2010