Obsidian Entertainment is a studio that is definitely inclined towards providing the best role-playing experience possible to players, and one need only look at their library to understand why this is the case. One can certainly label Fallout: New Vegas as the title which finally put these developers on the map as some of the greatest modern Western role-playing developers around, and their momentum has never stopped ever since.

RELATED: Fallout New Vegas VS Fallout 4: Which Game Is Better?

One need only look at their latest release — The Outer Worlds — to understand why this is the case. It's a brilliant role-playing title that continues to cement Obsidian Entertainment's rise as one of the best and most reliable developers around, which is why most people can't wait to play Avowed — a title that will seemingly reinvigorate the act of role-playing in a high fantasy world once again. However, as is the case with most excellent titles, both The Outer Worlds and Fallout: New Vegas have been pitted against each other several times when it comes to choosing the definitive role-playing experience. Fans bring up the following five points each for both titles when it comes to announcing the superiority of their favorite Obsidian Entertainment title.

10 FALLOUT NEW VEGAS: The Fallout World Is Never Boring To Explore

Goodsprings in Fallout New Vegas

The world of Fallout is easily one of its biggest strengths. Whether from a top-down or a first-person perspective, it must be said that Fallout's world is always a wonderful treat to explore regardless.

This holds true for Fallout: New Vegas, with exploration being one of the biggest strengths of this title.

9 THE OUTER WORLDS: The Sci-Fi Environments Of The Outer Worlds Are Truly Breathtaking

Battle Mechanics

The Outer Worlds doesn't falter when it comes to its environments as well, with each planet being an absolute blast to explore.

Regardless of the trajectory a person takes towards their journey, it goes without saying that the visuals that accompany a player's personal story will be quite breathtaking indeed.

8 FALLOUT NEW VEGAS: The Modding Community Is Extremely Active For This Title

Fallout New Vegas Asurahs Reanimation Pack Mod Cropped, Weapons mod

One thing about Fallout: New Vegas that absolutely needs to be mentioned is the fact that the modding community for this game is still active to this day.

RELATED: Fallout: New Vegas – 10 Mods That Make It Feel Like A Brand New Game

This means that players can augment their experience of an admittedly buggy and somewhat unfinished title with a number of mods. While this might be time-consuming, the end result more than makes up for it.

7 THE OUTER WORLDS: The Soundtrack Of This Game Is Truly Brilliant

Spacer's Choice Moon Man

The Outer Worlds has been lauded for a number of reasons, with the soundtrack being praised across the board for instilling a sense of wonder, epic-ness, and adventure throughout the player's story.

Music can really make or break the feelings that a game tries to elicit, so it's good that The Outer Worlds excels in this particular department.

6 FALLOUT NEW VEGAS: The Characters In This Title Are Memorable For All The Right Reasons

fallout new vegas opening benny

Fallout: New Vegas has become a classic for numerous reasons, and the fact that each and every character in this game is memorable in some way or the other definitely adds to the overall charm of this title.

The Mojave Desert is one of the most interactive worlds in a Fallout title, and pretty much every corner will have some person or the other with a wacky story of their own, which is bound to keep fans entertained for quite some time.

5 THE OUTER WORLDS: The Voice Acting Is Excellent Throughout

Clip from The Outer Worlds

The story of The Outer Worlds is quite impressive, but the entire foundation for this tale would've collapsed had the voice acting been anything but great.

Thankfully, Obsidian Entertainment realized how important voices are to improve the immersion of a game, and pulled no punches when it came to securing the best voice direction possible for their role-playing masterpiece.

4 FALLOUT NEW VEGAS: The Sheer Number Of Ways To Tackle A Mission Is Simply Outstanding

Fallout New Vegas Father Elijah Intercom

Most games that have multiple stats generally tend to lean on combat as the optimal way to defuse a given situation, which is a cop-out that most gamers generally don't tend to appreciate.

This is what makes Fallout: New Vegas such a brilliant title — no matter what build your character might have, there will always be a way to tackle situations in the way you want to handle them. This makes the entire experience quite enjoyable and personal, which is one of the major reasons why people absolutely adore this title.

3 THE OUTER WORLDS: The Combat Of This Game Is Quite Enjoyable

Peril On Gorgon Fight

While the combat of The Outer Worlds is generally considered by many to be the weakest part of the overall package, there's no denying that the title is still a ton of fun regardless.

RELATED: Outer Worlds: The 10 Most Powerful Perks, Ranked

From a surprisingly in-depth melee combat system to slow-motion gunplay — the combat in the game might not be groundbreaking, but one can't deny that it's still a blast to play through regardless.

2 FALLOUT NEW VEGAS: The Role-Playing In This Title Is Second To None

Fallout New Vegas cover

One of the biggest reasons why everyone absolutely adores Fallout: New Vegas is because it perfectly encapsulates what role-playing in a video game is all about.

The player can pretty much picture whatever character they want in the back of their mind, and they'll be able to play as that character throughout the entire game without being forced down a pre-ordained path that the game has set for them

1 THE OUTER WORLDS: The New DLC Makes This Game All The More Enjoyable

If the base game of The Outer Worlds wasn't enough to satiate your appetite, then look no further than the DLC that was recently released.

Peril on Gorgon might not blow anyone's minds, but people who enjoyed The Outer Worlds would definitely get a ton of entertainment from this particular title.

NEXT: 10 Games Like The Outer Worlds You Need To Play