One of the best features in the Fallout games, and particularly New Vegas and Fallout 3, is the vast and varied perk system. With perks, the Courier gains powerful new skills for a huge number of combat and non-combat situations – perks can do everything from improving your chance to hit in VATS to unlocking new ways to avoid combat with new dialogue options in certain locations.

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Most players will typically pick the perks that best fit a build they are going for in the long-term, or perks that are universally well-regarded – like Educated or Skilled. Some of the most underrated perks in New Vegas are more useful than a first glance might make them appear, offer hilarious or game-breaking effects, or have downsides that aren't nearly as bad as they are made out to be.

5 The Mysterious Stranger / Miss Fortune

Randomly, A Mysterious Ally Appears In VATS

Fallout New Vegas Underrated Perks Mysterious Stranger Miss Fortune

The Mysterious Stranger and Miss Fortune perks are two sides of the same platinum chip. When this perk is selected, the Courier gains a 10% chance to get help from either the Mysterious Stranger or Miss Fortune when using VATS.

The Mysterious Stranger will unload a full clip of his .44 Magnum in the target, all but certainly killing them. Miss Fortune deals less damage directly but causes random negative effects on the target and nearby area, from crippling limbs to knocking down enemies and even causing explosions with items in your inventory.

Of the two, the Mysterious Stranger is more powerful, but Miss Fortune is more interesting and random. Because of the low proc chance, it's not exactly going to make the Courier overpowered, but it's hilarious and useful when they do decide to show up. Both perks can be taken at the same time, but only one will show up during VATS at a time.

Mysterious Stranger and Miss Fortune Perk Prerequisites

  • Level Requirement: Lvl 10
  • Stat Requirements: LUCK 6
  • Other Prerequisites: N / A

4 Logan's Loophole

Cap Your Max Level In Exchange For Chems

Fallout New Vegas Underrated Perks Logan's Loophole

Logan's Loophole is a perk with an effect that seems like a negative, at first glance. The Courier's level is restricted to a maximum of 30, but all Chems and drugs last twice as long, and the Courier can't become addicted to anything.

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A maximum level of 30 might seem like a major downside, but because the game mostly scales to your level – and almost every perk in the game can be acquired by level 30 – it doesn't actually restrict the player that much. You just need to be more careful with stat and perk choices, as these choices are difficult to reverse without console commands.

Logan's Loophole Perk Prerequisites

  • Level Requirement: No minimum, but you must be less than Lvl 30
  • Stat Requirements: N / A
  • Other Prerequisites: N / A

3 And Stay Back

The Ultimate In Knockdown Technology

Fallout New Vegas Underrated Perks And Stay Back

The And Stay Back perk is one of the most useful perks in Fallout: New Vegas because it affects almost every enemy type in the game. With this perk, the Courier gains a 10% chance to blast targets backward when shooting them with a shotgun.

With fast-firing shotguns, like the Riot Shotgun, players can effectively stun lock almost every enemy in the game. Everything from Legion soldiers to Deathclaws are affected by this, which makes it worth keeping enough space open for a shotgun in your inventory.

And Stay Back Perk Prerequisites

  • Level Requirement: Lvl 10
  • Stat Requirements: Guns skill Lvl 70
  • Other Prerequisites: N / A

2 Terrifying Presence

With The Power Of Speech, Terrify Your Enemies

Fallout New Vegas Underrated Perks Terrifying Presence

The Terrifying Presence perk is one that affects a lot of the game's dialogue and quest outcomes. With this perk, the Courier will cause all nearby enemies to run away in fear when they exit dialogue with certain NPCs.

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The unique Terrifying Presence options are highlighted in the dialogue options with NPCs who have interactions with this outcome-altering perk. This includes a huge variety of situations, including your first meeting with the Legion troops in Nelson, meeting Caesar himself, cornering Benny in his room at the Tops, and more.

Terrifying Presence Perk Prerequisites

  • Level Requirement: Lvl 8
  • Stat Requirements: Speech skill Lvl 70
  • Other Prerequisites: N / A

1 Swift Learner

Speed Up Your Leveling As Early As Possible

Fallout New Vegas Underrated Perks Swift Learner

The Swift Learner perk is one of the best early-game perks in Fallout: New Vegas because of how well it scales. This perk simply increases all of your XP gain by 10%. Though relatively small, over time, this adds up to an enormous amount of XP.

The max level in the full DLC-enabled version of Fallout: New Vegas is Lvl 50. If you take this perk at Lvl 2, by the end of the game, this perk alone will be responsible for more than 10,000 extra XP – the equivalent of several levels. Pick this perk up early and save more useful or powerful perks for later levels, which you will now reach significantly faster.

Swift Learner Perk Prerequisites

  • Level Requirement: Lvl 2
  • Stat Requirements: Intelligence stat of 4
  • Other Prerequisites: N / A