Fallout: New Vegas has remained a fan favorite in the franchise for over a decade, especially after the entire series received renewed interest after the success of the Fallout TV show. The Mojave Wasteland is a large world to explore filled with cool characters and casinos. You can recruit companions to aid you in your vengeful journey to the bright lights of New Vegas.

Boone is probably the first human companion you will meet on your adventure. He is an ex-NCR sharpshooter with a troubled past, who players can gain the Spotter perk from by traveling with him. This perk marks enemies with a red outline when aiming down your sights. You must complete the "One for My Baby" quest to recruit him.

Fallout: New Vegas Fan Recreates Quarry Junction in Far Cry 5

This recreation of the memorable Fallout: New Vegas Quarry Junction shows how far players can go with with Far Cry 5's Arcade Editor.

Where To Find Boone in Fallout: New Vegas

Boone is located in the small town of Novac. The main quest "They Went That-a-Way" will guide you here in search of the man who shot you in the head. This will be one of many stops before you finally reach New Vegas.

The town is built around an old motel and a large dinosaur-shaped gift shop. Boone is the sniper who takes watch at night in the mouth of the dinosaur. Enter through the back door of the gift shop and up the stairs to speak to him. He will ask you to help him investigate his wife's kidnapping as you're an outsider. He gives you his NCR First Recon Beret as a way to indicate the perpetrator.

How To Investigate Novac

The quest has the optional objective of asking the citizens of Novac about Boone's wife. Most of them will paint a picture of a woman used to luxury in New Vegas unhappy with the quaint little town. Speak to the town's conspiracy theorist No-bark behind the motel, and he will point you towards the motel lobby.

There isn't anything in the lobby except for Jeannie May and a safe on the floor. You can wait for nighttime and crack the safe after Jeannie May leaves for her house. You can also pickpocket the safe key off of her and open it that way as well. However you go about opening the safe, make sure to get and read the Bill of Sale out of it. It reveals the culprit and the context of the situation.

Bring the Suspect to Boone

Once it has been determined that Jeannie May is the culprit, players will need to speak to her at night and tell her to come with you to the front of the dinosaur. Walk out with her and put on the NCR Beret.

Show the Bill of Sale to Boone after the deed is done, which will complete the quest. After the investigation is completed, you can ask him to join up with you to kill more of Caesar's Legion and he will.