Over a decade after it's release, Fallout: New Vegas remains one of the franchise's most popular games. Due to the popularity of the successful Fallout TV show, players are visiting the Mojave Wasteland once again.

Many of the gameplay mechanics will be familiar to fans of the series, with it even having a hardcore mode with hunger and thirst management that players of Fallout 76 will be used to. Chems and alcohol can be consumed by your player character, which has the unfortunate drawback of gaining addictions. Here are the ways you can cure the courier of addictions in Fallout: New Vegas.

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Addictions in Fallout: New Vegas Explained


In every game in the Fallout franchise your character can consume alcohol and chems, which give you temporary buffs like more strength or damage resistance. If the courier uses too many of these consumables, however, there is a chance they will become addicted.

Every individual chem and alcoholic beverage has a unique addiction tied to it, all of which will inflict debuffs on your character. You can check the effects menu in the status tab on your Pip-Boy to see what side effects you've picked up. You can consume more of the specific alcohol/chem you're addicted to and temporarily remove the withdrawal effects until they run out.

How To Cure Addiction in Fallout: New Vegas

Visit a Wasteland Doctor


The most obvious way to kick your habits is by visiting one of the many doctors in the Mojave Wasteland. Visit one and tell them about the addiction, then pay a fee in caps and all addictions will be removed. There are a few medical professionals you can visit:

  • Doc Mitchell in Goodsprings is the easiest to find.
  • Ada Strauss is a wandering doctor in Novac.
  • Julie Farkas resides in the Old Mormon Fort outside New Vegas.
  • The Sink Auto Doc in Old World Blues also cures addictions for free.

Take a Fixer


A Fixer is a consumable item that can be found and bought in the Mojave. The description says that they only temporarily remove addiction, but this is false, as they will completely remove addictions and give the courier nausea effects for a short time. Keep an eye out for them when exploring the Mojave Wasteland, but there are a few known locations for this item:

  • Two can be found in Vault 21's guest rooms.
  • Dr. Ada Strauss in Novac will sometimes sell them.
  • Complete the High Times quest for Julie Farkas and you can acquire one dose of Fixer every 24 hours.

Acquire the Logan's Loophole Trait


Logan's Loophole is a special trait you can select as you create your character. This trait will make sure you never get addicted to chems/alcohol and their effects last twice as long. It also caps you at level 30 instead of 50, drastically reducing your perks and skills.

fallout new vegas
Fallout: New Vegas

PS3 , Xbox 360 , PC
October 19, 2010
M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Use of Drugs