
  • Fallout: New Vegas is loved for its incredible writing and endless replayability, with tough moral choices that question players' morals.
  • Players can choose whether Veronica stays with the Brotherhood of Steel or leaves to carve her own legacy in the Mojave.
  • Decisions like saving the farm or helping the Vault dwellers in "Hard Luck Blues" and dealing with Anderson in "The White Wash" have no morally right or wrong option, showcasing the tight and engaging writing of the game.

Many people consider Fallout: New Vegas to be the best game in the series, and rightfully so. The title is filled to the brim with some truly incredible writing that fans simply can't get enough of, with the game being endlessly replayable to this day because of the many ways that paths diverge in this one-of-a-kind RPG.

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New Vegas features many tough choices that players have to make throughout the game, which can be hard to decide because of the title's impeccable writing. There are so many ways that the morals of a player are questioned in this game that it's truly mind-boggling at times, going a long way in proving why so many people love this title.

6 Whether Veronica Should Stay In Or Leave The Brotherhood Of Steel

Veronica in Fallout New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas is blessed with a truckload of interesting companions who have their unique questlines for players to follow. One such follower is Veronica, whom players can encounter while traveling the Mojave. She's a member of the Brotherhood of Steel with a lot of sass who slowly gets disillusioned by the acts of this faction as the player continues to travel with her.

By the end of her questline, players can choose to either convince her to stay in the Brotherhood of Steel and help them regain their former glory or get out of the sinking ship and carve her legacy in the Mojave. Both options are viable in their own right, especially since this faction is nowhere near as demonic or totalitarian as some of its other iterations... although they still aren't the shining beacons of justice that they portray themselves to be.

5 Save The Farm Or Help The Vault Dwellers Survive "In Hard Luck Blues"

Vault 34 in Fallout New Vegas

The NCR Sharecropper Farms have a few interesting questlines of their own, with one leading players into Vault 34 in a bid to get rid of the radiation that has been plaguing their farms and ruining their produce. When players reach the reactor, the choice seems rather simple... until players find out that some Vault dwellers are still alive and will perish if the reactor is disabled, leading to them dying a slow and agonizing death.

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This development makes for a rather turbulent end to the quest as players wonder what they can do in this situation. They can either help the farms grow more bountiful produce to feed more people or keep the reactor alive to prevent the deaths of these Vault dwellers. Both decisions have their pros and cons, and players who decide to prioritize the survival of these humans will appear in the Aerotech Office Park and thank the Courier for their selfless act.

4 How to Deal With Anderson In "The White Wash"

Anderson in Fallout New Vegas

"The White Wash" seems like a fairly run-of-the-mill quest, with players being tasked with figuring out where Corporal White disappeared. This leads to a long and wild goose chase that ends with the player figuring out that one of the Followers of the Apocalypse, Anderson, was stealing water to help Westside grow crops without running out of this valuable resource.

Corporal White figured out about this theft and was permanently silenced by Anderson to keep his theft going. After players figure out the truth, they have the choice to either reveal Anderson's crimes, keep his secret intact, or convince the man to turn himself in. There's no morally right or wrong option here, showing just how tight and engaging the writing of New Vegas really is.

3 Where To Send Power With HELIOS One

HELIOS One in Fallout New Vegas

A solar power plant that has remained dormant for the longest time, the Courier is told that this structure still has enough power to supply one of the areas of the Mojave. It takes a while, but players who eventually reach the mainframe can decide which part of the desert gets this extra power supply.

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The choices include McCarran and the Strip, Fremont and Westside, ARCHIMEDES II, or the power can be spread out to target all regions at once. This choice is mainly reliant on the player's allegiances, which means that there's no right answer here.

2 Letting House Live Or Die

Mr. House (Fallout New Vegas)

Mr. House is one of the most fascinating characters in New Vegas, appearing as a corporate overlord who wants to keep New Vegas as a capitalist utopia under his control. Players have to pursue his quests for quite some time if they want to get to the heart of the game's main conflict while maintaining a balancing act between the NCR and Caesar's Legion.

After a point, players can either follow House's demands... or go against him to either support the other factions or take everything for themselves. This leads to a tense confrontation with his army of robots, following which the player can go so far as to kill his husk of a body that has been pushed far beyond its biological capacities. There's no denying that killing a person is inherently wrong, but there's always the risk of Mr. House trying to take over New Vegas once again if he's left alive.

1 Deciding The Fate Of New Vegas

Fallout New Vegas Ceaser's Legion Ending

Near the end of the game, players have the choice to side with Mr. House, the NCR, or Caesar's Legion. All three parties have their share of advantages, but they're far from the perfect solution for New Vegas' future. Of course, there's also a fourth option available, where players coordinate with Yes Man to take over New Vegas for themselves.

There's no right solution here, even the one where the Courier is the one running things at the end of the day. Absolute power can corrupt anyone, with Mr. House being a great example of this. The open-ended nature of what is essentially the final decision in New Vegas makes it clear that this game understands the tenets of a role-playing game.

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