
  • A gamer recreated Fallout: New Vegas' Goodsprings in Far Cry 5, giving fans a glimpse of what a modern remaster could look like.
  • The custom level features a snowy winter setting, deviating from the original game's warm desert environment.
  • The YouTuber behind the project has received compliments for their impressive recreations, including Skyrim's Dawnstar in Far Cry 5.

A gamer has recreated Fallout: New Vegas' starting area of Goodsprings in Far Cry 5, albeit with one visible alteration. Photos and a video walkthrough of the stunning replica town were shared online, giving people a glimpse of what a modern remaster of one of the most beloved Fallout games would look like.

Fallout: New Vegas, which was released back in 2010, is considered by some to be the best title in Bethesda Game Studios' established series of post-apocalyptic RPGs. Made by California-based developer Obsidian Entertainment, Fallout: New Vegas won the hearts of many with the compelling world it presented to players. Part of that world devastated by nuclear weapons is Goodsprings, a town in the Mojave Wasteland that acts as the starting point and tutorial area for Fallout: New Vegas.

Fallout New Vegas: The 24 Best Graphics Mods You Need To Install

Fallout New Vegas may look aged compared to the rest of the series but fans are bringing it into the modern age with these beautiful visual mods.

YouTuber Mojo Swoptops has reimagined Goodsprings using the Far Cry 5 level editor, giving the settlement a next-generation visual uplift all while maintaining its quaint, desolate vibe. Screenshots and a video of the custom level shared online showed that it differed from the original in one aspect: the weather. This iteration of Goodsprings experiences a snowy winter instead of facing the harsh heat of the Mojave Wasteland as Mojo Swoptops thought it would look interesting. Mojo Swoptops already has a previous recreation of Fallout: New Vegas' Goodsprings in Far Cry 5, but that earlier work retained the town's warm setting.

A post of Mojo Swoptops' snowy Goodsprings on the Fallout subreddit received many compliments, with several community members calling the custom map beautiful. The YouTuber has also created other impressive projects in the past, including a recreation of Skyrim's Dawnstar in Far Cry 5, so the high quality of their most recent work should be no surprise.

Far Cry 6 never received a map editor and arcade mode, unlike its predecessor, because Ubisoft claimed it focused on the newer title's campaign. This seemingly did not help the 2021 release as it performed worse compared to Far Cry 5 in terms of sales and was still criticized for its lackluster story. No details on the next mainline game, dubbed by many as Far Cry 7, have been official unveiled. However, the unannounced project will reportedly contain elements of Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 5, both of which featured map editors.

While dated, Fallout: New Vegas and other older titles in the franchise like Fallout 3 offer custom creation tools, enabling dedicated modding communities for the games to flourish. There are a lot of other games with incredible level editors, including Valve's sandbox experience Garry's Mod, as well as Epic Games' Battle Royale star Fortnite.