The Fallout franchise is well known for its quirky quests and its unusual cast of characters, featuring super mutants, robots, humans and even ghouls. Fallout: New Vegas has a number of interesting and unusual quests for players to sink their teeth into, each one usually with a range of outcomes — good and bad — and effects on the Mojave Wasteland.

Come Fly With Me is an early-game quest that players can pick up in Novac, a small settlement encountered early on during the main quest-line. Come Fly With Me features a major choice at the end which radically alters the outcome of the quest: whether to sabotage the launch or not, as well as whether to help or hinder the nightkin.

Fallout New Vegas: 10 Choices That Will Effect Which Ending You Get

Fallout games excel in choice-driven narratives. The fourth entry is no exception, leading to many different outcomes for the wasteland in the end.

Pick up the Quest in Novac

Novac in Fallout New Vegas

Players can get Come Fly With Me can be picked up in Novac or at the Repconn site itself, although most players will probably encounter the quest first in Novac. An easy way to pick up the quest is by visiting Manny Vargas in the giant dinosaur at Novac, and speaking to him about the main quest. He will offer the player a task, Come Fly With Me, in exchange for information.

Head to Repconn HQ

Repconn Location Pipboy

Repconn HQ is just a short walk away from Novac. Players can discover the location by speaking to No-bark Noonan, but it's also just a short trip to the west. Walk along the road and there will be feral ghouls. At the site, deal with the ghouls outside and then head into the building.

Make Contact With the Ghouls

Intercom entrance

Inside the Repconn facility, a greeting will play from a nearby intercom, directing the player to meet with someone upstairs. Head in the direction indicated by the compass, but be aware of roaming feral ghouls — some of them are quite sneaky.

Stairwell to ghouls

The corridors open out into a large space containing a stairwell. A handful of feral ghouls are present. Climb the stairs and speak with Jason Bright, who will ask you to clear the basement level of 'demons.' These are actually super mutant nightkin.

Banish the 'Demons'

Basement Entrance

The basement level can be quite tricky to handle, especially for a completely peaceful resolution, as some of the nightkin will be hostile. The super mutant leader, Davison, offers the player an opportunity to help him find a shipment of Stealth Boys for him and his super mutants. Finding the Stealth Boys will cause Davison and his nightkin to leave the facility and disappear from the game.


But the interactions surrounding Davison and the nightkin can be a little buggy. Fortunately, Davison and the other nightkin can be killed without affecting the outcome of the quest, so there's no need to worry if they do become hostile.

Whatever the decision, head to the end of the corridor that Davison indicated. Inside the large room, there's a ghoul, Harland. Speak with Harland and accept his quest to find his friend.


Head back through the basement towards the opposite end and find the jail. The jailer needs to be killed to access the room containing Harlan's friend, but can usually be killed without causing Davison to become hostile. Loot the key from its corpse.

Nightkin jailer

Return to Harlan and give him the news. He'll leave the room, allowing access to a terminal upstairs with a message about the Stealth Boys. Return to Davison and tell him the news. He should leave, taking the nightkin with him. In some cases, he will become hostile, even if only the jailer has been killed, but whether or not he's killed won't affect the outcome of the quest.

Ghoul Prisoner

Return to Jason Bright

Speak with Jason Bright

Telling Jason the news about the nightkin prompts him to move to the basement level of the facility, telling the player to meet him there. Once inside, it becomes clear that Jason and his followers intend to use the facility's rockets to travel to another planet, but need some additional assistance.

Find the Components

Chris Haversam

Speak with Chris Haversam about the necessary components for the rocket. These will be easy to find. The thrust controllers can be purchased from Gibson Scrap Yard for 500 caps, or less if you can pass two speech checks.

Old Lady Gibson

The easiest way to find the isotope is by speaking with the proprietor of the Dino-bite gift shop in Novac and passing a 40 Science check. For 14 caps, the key to the storeroom can then be purchased and the rocket souvenirs taken as part of the quest. Alternatively, isotope is available just north of the Clark Field location on a corpse.

Cliff Briscoe

Talk to Chris

Convince Chris

Return to Chris and speak with him. Probe Chris about his past, and try to convince him that he isn't a ghoul. This requires a Speech check, but if convinced, Chris will accept the truth and go to live in Novac. Then return the components to him.

Watch the Launch


After delivering the components, Jason Bright will give a speech and then direct the player to view the launch from the viewing platform. Go back up through the Repconn facility to the viewing site, and then examine the console to the right of the entryway. With Science 55, the course of the rockets can be altered to be more accurate and efficient.

Alter the Launch

After watching the launch, the quest will be completed, and the player will gain a large amount of fame with the Novac faction.

fallout new vegas
Fallout: New Vegas

PS3 , Xbox 360 , PC