
  • Fallout: New Vegas has a wide variety of explosive weapons, including rocket launchers, grenade rifles, and grenade launchers.
  • The Thump-Thump grenade rifle in the game is superior to others, with faster and further bomb lobbing capabilities and larger explosions.
  • The Holy Frag Grenade and Esther missile launcher are unique weapons with special features and increased damage, but are limited in quantity and expensive.

Fallout: New Vegas dramatically increased the number of weapons in the game, and that includes the respective add-ons (which are bundled with the Game Of The Year edition). Befitting for a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by nuclear war, there is no shortage of bombs and other explosive weaponry as well.

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What’s great is that there are so many amazing explosive weapons in Fallout: New Vegas, from missile-spewing rocket launchers to bomb-spewing, fully automatic artillery. And, in typical fashion, a Monty Python reference to uncover for all those who love themselves the chance to get their hands on a holy sort of weapon. All of these picks are a real blast to use (pun intended)!

1 Thump-Thump

Location: Nellis Array, in the Generator Room

2 Fallout New Vegas - Best Explosive Weapons - Thump-Thump

  • This unique single-shot grenade rifle lobs bombs faster, and further, and produces larger explosions.
  • Base Damage: 2 (+100 from explosion)

It’s always worth traversing the death trap barrage of the Boomers in order to access their goods, one reason being the unique grenade launcher Thump-Thump. Besides a pair of skeletons in the Nellis Array generator room, it has all sorts of bonuses that make it superior to the others in many ways.

This bad boy comes fitted with an extended barrel, weighs half as much, is 25% more hardy, can fire grenades at twice the velocity, and even has a 30% increase in attack speed. To top things off, it produces larger explosions, so it’s near-perfect enough against packs of foes. Even though it doesn’t deliver more damage than its normal counterpart, at least it can dish out punishment much quicker.

3 Holy Frag Grenade

Location: Camp Searchlight (must have ‘Wild Wasteland’ perk)

4 Fallout New Vegas - Best Explosive Weapons - Holy Frag Grenade-1

  • An Easter Egg weapon, these Holy Frag Grenades produce mini-nuke explosions.
  • Base Damage: 1 (+800 from explosion)

An obvious nod to the Holy Hand Grenades from Monty Python and the Holy Grail (funnily enough, even Fallout 2 had these grenades as part of an Easter egg too), these can be found in the church of Camp Searchlight, but only with the ‘Wild Wasteland’ perk.

There are only three in the game, so they are irreplaceable. Nonetheless, the explosions are significantly larger and more damaging. After all, they’re very much like mini-nuke grenades! These should only be used in rare circumstances, as they can easily damage the player, a companion, or any nearby NPCs. Then again, maybe it’s better off as a humorous decoration in the Lucky 38’s suite.

5 Esther

Location: Sold by Vendotron at the Gun Runners’ Vendor (must have Gun Runners’ Arsenal DLC)

6 Fallout New Vegas - Best Explosive Weapons - Esther

  • A modified Fat Man, Esther comes with many helpful bells and whistles.
  • Base Damage: 475 (+600 from explosion)

Thought the Fat Man was perfect as it is? Meet his big sister, Esther. Available only via the Gun Runners’ Arsenal DLC from the titular weapons manufacturer’s robotic salesman, this variant has a special look to it that seems to weigh it down even more.

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While performance mods are fantastic, some of the most exciting mods are those that overhaul Fallout: New Vegas entirely and make it feel new.

Outside its excessive weight, it lasts longer, is immune to jamming, uses up fewer points in V.A.T.S., can use the mini-nuke ammo variants, and deals 75 more damage upon direct hit of a projectile. Even better, when equipped, it offers 25% resistance to radiation and +10 to Damage Threshold to mitigate self-damage and radiation poisoning to some extent when too close to a blast. And, yes, it’s very expensive.

7 Grenade Launcher

Location: Nellis Air Force Base, Vault 34, and carried by White Legs followers in the Honest Hearts DLC

8 Fallout New Vegas - Best Explosive Weapons - Grenade Launcher

  • A standard model is uncommon, though very effective in its own right thanks to its clip size and semi-automatic capabilities.
  • Base Damage: 30 (+100 from explosion)

Finding a standard Grenade Launcher is a little tricky, as they’re thrown about the entirety of the map in rare quantities. The easiest way to find one is to play the Honest Hearts DLC, as the White Legs tribalists come with high-level weaponry from the get-go.

As for the weapon itself, it’s nothing to scoff at. It fires hefty 40mm grenade shells, and holds up to four at once. Its pump-action capabilities give it a quicker rate of fire, but a slower reload time, than a grenade rifle. Its projectiles don’t fly far, and the larger explosions can cause damage to a careless user, though this can still utterly batter foes.

9 25mm Grenade APW

Location: Sold by Vendotron at the Gun Runners’ vendor, alongside other merchants (must have Gun Runners’ Arsenal DLC)

10 Fallout New Vegas - Best Explosive Weapons - 25mm Grenade APW

  • Mods can upgrade this unique semi-automatic weapon into something even deadlier.
  • Base Damage: 2 (+50 from explosion)

Don’t be fooled by its lesser explosion damage compared to the other weapons. This grenade launcher is semi-automatic, packing up to six bombs via a barrel for quicker reloads. Its accuracy and rate of fire are all decent, making it a stellar all-rounder sort of weapon.

Even better is the fact that it can be modded with attachments to increase its ammo capacity, range, and firing rate. Packing other sorts of grenade types into this weapon is a deliciously fiendish idea for any encounter, all the while lasting a considerable amount of time before it completely breaks.

11 Annabelle

Location: Black Mountain, Wielded by a Nightkin in a Tower

12 Fallout New Vegas - Best Explosive Weapons - Annabelle

  • This missile launcher is much easier to wield and aim with.
  • Base Damage: 150 (+200 from explosion)

Annabelle is a great weapon to get one’s hands on. This missile launcher is modified with a guidance system to reduce spread and requires fewer Action Points for V.A.T.S., too, so it’s a lot easier to aim with. Since it’s lighter and has a lower Strength requirement to use it optimally, these factors also make it much easier to use in combat, which makes replays a lot of fun.

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That being said, it also has the luxury of dealing more damage upon initial impact compared to its standard models by 25 additional points. To call it a hard-hitter would be an understatement. For those with low Strength, this is a much more befitting alternative.

13 Mercy

Location: Dead Wind Cavern

14 Fallout New Vegas - Best Explosive Weapons - Mercy

  • This unique grenade machine gun can carpet bomb areas for maximum damage.
  • Base Damage: 5 (+100 from explosion)

The grenade machine gun was swell enough, yet its super-variant, Mercy, is godlike. It’s a tough weapon to carry in Hardcore Mode, as its reliance on 40mm grenade shells instead of 25mm ones adds a lot of extra weight to a player’s inventory. However, there are a lot of upsides to using it.

While it has a smaller clip size, unlike its brethren, it delivers damage upon impact and its explosions are twice as damaging. Even better is its x13 critical chance multiplier. Combined with its fully-automatic capabilities, it’s enough to make any victim cry before being turned into a gooey, sticky pulp.

15 Red Glare

Location: Marked Men Camp (Lonesome Road DLC required) and Canyon Wreckage (after completing the DLCFallout New Vegas - Best Explosive Weapons - Red Glare

  • A modifiable rocket launcher from the Lonesome Road DLC, it spits mini-missiles.
  • Base Damage: 20 (+40 from explosion)

The Divide is home to a signature rocket launcher, and that is the Red Glare. Launching a barrage of missiles in rapid succession is one hectic way of winning fights, and ammo is fairly common when exploring the Lonesome Road add-on.

A trio of attachments extends the zoom, its rate of fire, and the velocity of each projectile. It’s essential to get all of these to unlock this weapon’s true potential. Well, it’s great as it is, but even better with these slapped on. It’ll rake in well over 40,000 caps if sold, too!

fallout new vegas
Fallout: New Vegas

PS3 , Xbox 360 , PC
October 19, 2010