
  • Fallout: New Vegas 2 has the potential to be a must-play title for fans due to the success of the original and the opportunity to explore a beloved wasteland.
  • Returning to the Mojave wasteland would offer the chance to see the aftermath of the NCR and Legion conflict and the potential changes in settlements and factions.
  • Bringing back memorable characters from Fallout: New Vegas would be a treat for players, and having strong lead characters would be crucial for a successful sequel.

If Fallout: New Vegas 2 doesn't get made, then it will be a serious missed opportunity for the franchise. After the original New Vegas turned out to be a classic, better than Fallout 3 in the eyes of many, Fallout: New Vegas 2 would be a can't-miss title for several fans. It would have a high bar to clear, especially after the original managed to make such an impressive new wasteland to explore in the form of the Mojave. Fallout: New Vegas 2 seems like an excellent move for the series, as long as it matches the original.

When it comes to roleplaying in the Fallout games, Fallout: New Vegas had a lot to offer. While the player's backstory was partially written for them, being a courier who got shot during a delivery, it still left a lot of leeway for roleplaying. The game had plenty of excitement to find in every corner of the wasteland. There was the main conflict between the NCR and Legion, as well as Mr. House's plotting in the background. However, players could spend their spare time helping ghouls fix rockets, saving Goodsprings from Powder Gangers, or embarking on any number of side quests suiting their character's motivations. With so many memorable moments in the Mojave wasteland already, a return is long overdue.

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Fallout: New Vegas Has Plenty of Potential Material for a Sequel

The Town Of Novac From Fallout New Vegas

Whether it involves revisiting Fallout: New Vegas' starter town Goodsprings, or returning to the bright lights of New Vegas itself, there is a lot of potential to be found in a return to the Mojave. The most obvious would be seeing how the aftermath of the war between the NCR and Legion affected the region. Old settlements could still be surviving, or be wiped away, and new communities could have risen in their place. Likewise, the existence of factions like the Great Khans or the Boomers could be vastly different following the events of Fallout: New Vegas, leading to a Mojave that could look vastly different.

Another reason to return would be to see the companions of Fallout: New Vegas once more. It would be great to see characters like Arcade and Boone again to see what they've done since the end of New Vegas. Players could see if Veronica was still with the Brotherhood, or had successfully left for the Followers, or even found Christine. Of course, depending on how much time had passed since New Vegas, some characters may not still be around for the sequel. However, it would be a treat to see old companions again, or better yet, have them tag along for a second adventure.

The story of Fallout: New Vegas 2 would need strong lead characters to carry it. It would be hard to top Fallout: New Vegas' Mr. House, after all. In fact, the return of Mr. House could be an interesting idea for a sequel, as players could see how the Mojave would be different with more influence from him. Considering how many cunning characters orbit New Vegas, it wouldn't be a surprise to see someone else vying for the top spot, either. In fact, having New Vegas itself be the site of the sequel's finale could be a good choice, as it's sure to be the most coveted place in the Mojave wasteland.

Fallout: New Vegas 2 is a worthy idea for the next sequel, especially since the first New Vegas left some areas unexplored. The Mojave wasteland introduced players to so many iconic characters and locations, most notably the titular New Vegas, that it would be a shame not to revisit them. There is a reason why the idea of the second New Vegas is proposed so often, and that's because there's still more potential for another story to be told. If Fallout: New Vegas 2 never gets made, then a lot of opportunities in the Mojave wasteland will go unfulfilled.

Fallout: New Vegas is available now for PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.

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